[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

Is that a healer tax? Damn, they better not know shadowmending is a thing then, extra taxes aren’t nice! Would hiding the fact one can do that count as tax evasion and get me into jail?

Tax evasion in dwarf town means one thing: death. Ready yourself Coldshade!


Since seeing your guild at the event, I love it dearly, so please feel free to advertise it here as there aren’t enough dwarves on this server!

I was having a nice breakfast and then I read that sentence. Why?

Because the truth must be spoken.

Edit: Besides, who eats breakfast whilst on the forums? It makes your food radioactive.

I wasn’t going to post in this cesspool of a thread, but to hell with it.

Disheartening to see that there are some who stick up for a guy with a known history of preying on young women. Nothing belies change more than an unrepentant attitude, let alone throwing around petty statements like ‘you’re making up X, Y and Z to look cool’. If you’ve changed, at the very least own up to the sh** you’ve done.

Not that I personally believe that to be the case.


You poor, naive Forsaken fool!

Anyway. I hope a lot of the people reading this know that pretty much nearly all of those people who ERP in Goldshire either as their main hobby or on an alt, have probably ERP’d or cybered with a minor at some point. Don’t see any threads being made about that, or any threat of legal action/etc.

It also really disheartens me to say this but after what I’ve witnessed in this community, I don’t think people are above lying or making poop up to create drama. It seems pretty bog standard. That’s not to say you shouldn’t take someone’s claims seriously but eh. It’s the internet.

Shonn is kind of like the Micheal Jackson of Argent Dawn. If there’s a slow news week or you want to take attention away from something else, cough cough, you jump to that one guy who’s had more than one awkward guild rule or two in the past, use him as a scape goat, people forget other drama/etc and for a lot it’s mildly entertaining.

Another one of my thoughts on all of this is that I’ve never asked someone for their age prior to a role-play. Now, in order to have prudent safeguarding methods for young or even ‘child’ role-players, surely you would need to ask about this prior to inviting them to guilds or events that contain what’s quite frankly adult content.

I’m not just talking about erotic emoting/etc. I’m talking about mentions of sex, violence, drug use, etcetera. None of this is considered appropriate for children and yet these are very prevalent themes in the role-playing community on a constant day to day basis. The very same players have access to these forums or discords where we post adult gifs or use extremely violent and harsh language/derogatory terms/etc.

Not taking sides here, folks. Just pointing out the general hypocrisy of this nonsense.

I generally don’t think, ‘you have to serve your lord’s mighty obelisk’ is an appropriate form of role-play for WoW, or a GAME in-general, and would probably suit another setting or environment far better but hey, each to their own.


Not going to change my opinion of Shonn until I’m given some actual proof of this. And the way that is written I’m going to assume you mean OOC.

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Remember that when he briefly started leading the guild on an alt, members had to ERP with that alt instead.

https: //m .imgur. com / YbHIeHg?r


och in 10 characters

I need to stop drinking while reading on these forums.

I need to change my top now, ffs.

Well, you heard him girls, You gottah suck that sausage.

I can’t get that link to work for the life of me.

insert gordon ramsay sosig meme here


You might want to investigate and read those links very carefully, despite the Facebook link not working. That is because Facebook content stops responding after a while afaik.

Edit: auto-correct

I think you have to be in the AD facebook group to see it

i am somewhat saddened adn solmen about teh awnser

Can we not get screenshots instead? Facebook sucks!


using facebook in the year 2018+1


Something unethical about providing screenshots from a closed group on open forums.