[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

Did Shonn organize the launch of this thread as an elaborate diversion to take the heat off the campaign drama threads? :thinking:


I’m down to one like left to give for today, cease and desist!!!

Edit: it’s hourly? Why even bother with the system in the first place

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I doubt it Moody!

My friend can confirm this ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

I think the true crime here is how the other Retinue members are not allowed to shag each other… That’s just plain selfish bro.

Also at least invite the few male members you have to your tent for some ‘massages’… Equality and all that, bro.

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Would impact his fetish if they were sullied by people who weren’t the Lord Shonn Treepanties.

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A Grown man who has E-sex with E-Barbies.

That’s a Bazinga and a half.


Can someone explain the ten characters meme for me? Ta’

Ten characters is required to post.

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Comments need at least ten characters. so if its too short you add “In ten characters” to the end.


I suppose I feel sorry for the potential minors involved. They’re certainly not grown adults who can/cannot handle it.


Funny how the ‘grown man’ isn’t here defending himself though.

Some people do have to attend RL things you know?

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Some people have real life relationships as well and don’t need to resort to ERP :^)


Well how about he goes and has Real life hanky panky instead of having E-sex.

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How about you mind your own business?

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How about Shonn learns to download tinder.
Or maybe Grinder is more his level?


It is our business when he brings his fetish into the server and preys on the members of it.

If you just want to get your rocks off while pretending to be a cult leader, why don’t you just go to RP forums for that exact purpose? No need to sully the RP of the server more than it already is… It is legit embarrassing to see you guys in Cathedral Square.


Oh, I’m sorry you are embarrassed, perhaps you could close your eyes? Seriously, got tell someone who gives a toss about your experiences.

You clearly do since you keep replying.

And using your own thought, if it offends you so much that people dislike your ERP guild concept why don’t you take your own advice? Close your eyes and walk away.