[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

Real talk is that ERP is completely fine if 1) it’s on an appropriate forum* and 2) between consenting adults. Unless the master is very thorough in confirming the latter, then there’s pretty legit cause for concern and it’s pretty telling when you cheerily sweep it under the rug.

*WoW is not the appropriate forum. Try F-List.


I’m not offended if people don’t like our rp concept, erp isn’t the concept and isn’t something we require. And no, I won’t be walking away. I like this guild, I like all the players in the guild.

You literally have rules about underwear and that women are required to sleep with it’s leader. Most of your members are females because your leader is a pervert who wants to ERP. Even going as far as to ban relationships between members to ensure HE gets said ERP. It’s sad.

You are an ERP guild, face that fact.


Please, can you define exactly what an ERP guild is?

Erotic Role-playing Guild. Your guild is made for the sole purpose of Shonn getting his willy wet. The rules make that pretty clear, if you really want to get rid of that image and claim you are not an ERP guild, why doesn’t Shonn remove those rules? Why doesn’t he stop trying to force the females of his guild to sleep with him? That would instantly clear the name of your guild.


Where’s Bayerboar of the Defenders of HevRP??


If that was the sole purpose of the guild, why would we bother with going to server events, having guild events and a DM system? Shonn neither IC or OOC forces the females of his guild to sleep with him, not does his other male toon. And no, it wouldn’t clear the name, you are very naive if you think that. You are putting rules in that haven’t existed since many years ago.

An Erotic RP guild to me is one that purely has very basic rp happening and then everyone goes off and does their own private RP, though some guilds I’ve come across that are like this don’t even keep it private, but let’s not go there, that is not what we do.

Why do you have rules dedicated to it then?
Why was it when Shonn, the character, was out of comission an alt of his showed up and now everyone had to ERP with that one?

I guess you term your guild as ERP/RP-Guild then? Doesn’t change anything.
Just because a guild does PvE or PvP content every once in a while doesn’t change the core reason the guild was made.

Shonn has been a known pervert since he was on Moonglade, though it is incredibly creepy to see how this has turned into him being almost a cult leader.


Spit at the face of the pig. It will tell you it’s raining.


Are you having trouble understanding me? No-one has to ERP with Shonn, or his alt, or anyone else.

Are you having trouble answering questions?
And can you honestly say that you have not ERP’ed with him?


Despite the legitimate arguments vs the guild, this is probably a nostalgic throwback to several years ago for most posters. Hopefully people do report the thread and report the player, because beyond the jokes and memes it doesn’t belong on a 12+ age rating game.

Also lol Silvio Bayersconi


Powerful post

I have never denyed erping with him, but it was my choice, no-one made me. To me it is just RP, you are the one hung up on people being forced to do things.

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I am hung up on multiple things, none of which you have answered funnily enough.


Er, what? Feel free to ask again, though you just keep repeating yourself and I have answered you, so now this is just becoming a troll posting session from you.

You haven’t answered me regarding my concerns about what safeguards your GM takes to ensure he’s not engaging in sexual content with underage players

(Ignorance is not innocence)


You are free to scroll up and look unless you actually took your own advice and closed your eyes.

And you have not answered me, instead focusing on ONE specific question and denying it, despite claims of otherwise throughout this topic, though those are all just ‘false’ right? Except one of them did actually have merit and proved their art was on your site, yet you dismissed their claims of other things… But it’s easy to just pretend nothing is wrong right?


Apologies Loras, I will answer you now.

The only way you can be pretty sure the person you are rping with is of a certain age, for anyone, is if you actually know them. I understand that, but I also understand that Shonn doesn’t go around erping with people that he hasn’t got to know well, not since quite some years. That goes for every erper on the server, you can’t trust them saying, “Hey I’m in my twenties” because in reality they could be 12 and trying to see what it’s all about.

But, that is down to Shonn, or anyone that erps to deal with. You have to take responsibility for yourself and your own actions in game, or on forums etc.

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What the fel is going on here?!

I think it’s time to end this unnecesarry drama topic