[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

So you acknowledge that it’s a very real possibility that Shonn has ERPed with people who are underage, even if they are able to act convincingly adult, and hasn’t stopped his approach to RP as a result of it?

Don’t you see how alarming and very unpleasant that is? Serious question.


The person that asked for her art to be removed never spoke to me at the time she apparently had this chat with Shonn. I’m saying apparently, because frankly, I don’t trust anyone that says something like that without proof. This is the first I’ve heard of the player removing art from wherever it was, but I’ve removed my toons art as requested and so did Shonn.

I believe in innocent until proven guilty, and if people are telling stories about conversations they have that, I would like to see the proof. And if such things happened, why didn’t they report it when it happened? Opening a ticket is easy enough.

As I said in one of the discords earlier, if Shonn is proved to be what some people are accusing him of and gets banned, or arrested, or whatever, then I’ll happily leave this server and you’ll never hear from or see me again. Until that day comes, I’ll carry on rping in the retinue.

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A 1 post , Guildless Alt? this is about to heat up. get your mascarpone boys, we’re going in Deep Like Shonn with a guild mate.


Maybe his baby juice will make her eyes golden? Since it seems to be light-infused xD

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You’re only here, at all, for Shonn?

That’s p. sad actually.


Well it is a cult after all, what are they supposed to do without their leader?

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It is a real possibility for anyone who erps with someone they don’t really know. Yes, that isn’t a pleasant thought and is why I don’t ERP with anyone else. But possibilities are one thing, actually doing it is another thing. If he was doing so now and it was proved, I wouldn’t be here.

No, I have many friends here, but if I’m going to get hounded off the server, I might as well go of my own free will rather than wait for all the hatemail and threats, don’t you think?

ERP guild is a guild which has institutionalized ERP. It´s a guild where ERP ceases to be a private matter of members but rather is integrated into its rules.

You can be ERP guild even if you participate in other kinds of RP, just like you can be military RP guild even if you participate in non-military RP.


My exact same criticism applies to everyone who ERPs inside WoW. They are subject to the same concerns and genuine disgust.

I don’t really care that you ERP with Shonn. You’re both adults, you do you. But it’s a very real possibility that he has done the same with children, and he doesn’t know/care whether he has.

It’s legitimately concerning.


Thank you, then in that case we were, but haven’t been for some time.

Don´t you have a rule which states that female members are required to have sex with Shonn and the only way to refuse is if said female character doesn´t want to participate in romantic relationships of any kind?
Or did I read your rules incorrectly?


I said Scourge not Forsaken. But then again we do have Vaxir to spice things up around here.

They aren’t even allowed relationships with other members of the Retinue.

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You’re way to woke for us.



The possibility that Shonn has conducted ERP with minors is alarming and as others have stated he may not even know himself, that doubt will never leave him or guild, ever. Especially when you consider Argent Dawn, a server that holds grudges and reputation is easy to sully and near impossible to clean.

That being said you seem happy to stick by him, even if it means he gets away with it. I dont know it makes me scratch my head a bit, guess I believe in guilty until proven innocent just from Shonns own behaviour and his reputation i find it hard to believe him innocent first and foremost. That being said I hope you dont recieve hate mail or threats.

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This Thread went from Bazinga to sad in only one post. Kenina, Dude, we need to get you to meet other people, You shouldn’t be here only for Shonn when there is amazing world out there.

Anyone can have romantic relationships outside of the guild, the reason we don’t have them inside the guild between other characters is we had a lot of trouble with bubble rp and sadly public erp from some new members that resulted in guild kicks. The public thing speaks for itself, the bubble rp is something we don’t like, you can go be with another toon and hardly rp with other guildies or randoms, but then why bother being in a guild at all if you aren’t going to IC be a part of it?

And no, no-one is required to sleep with Shonn, doesn’t mean he might ask later down the line, but they can say no and not get kicked out.

And can they say no while also being in an IC relationship and not get kicked out?
Because that basically says: “You will either have relationship with Shonn or nobody at all”.

None of this changes the fact that your guild has ERP included in its rules, which makes it ERP guild. What makes it even more disgusting is that it´s basically all about your GM wanting ERP, so he made a rule about it.


This is all fcken disgusting lmao. People saying out loud they suck eachother virtually to fullfil their RL fantasies or w/e. This is disturbing, very. Take this thread down, ty

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