[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

Plus people accepting these rules. Dont you have self-respect?


No! We’re Not using the Genophage again, The Krogan people have suffered enough!


But Shonn is allowed to do so within the guild? Wouldn’t that have the exact issues as the ones about others doing it? But just with that bubble including Shonn? Isn’t that a bit hypocritical?

heh, you’ve got a quad on you

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Gotta be an old member to get away with that, huh?


Doctrine in modern european-law countries states that ignorance of a law excuses no one. You can argue whatever you want, but I think that unless Shonn demands a photo of a document upon the entry to his guild - your argumentation is just extremely flawed.


This is my last reply as we are just repeating stuff. If Shonn spent a large proportion of his time ERPing, then it would be, but, he does lots of DM events, random rp and we have always attended a fair amount of server events too, so I don’t think you could call that bubbling.

I’m ducking out of here now, you draw your own conclusions everyone and do your best to keep it polite.

“Do you feel in control?”

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The issue was members bubbling, not Shonn… Wouldn’t him engaging in said things have the same risks as allowing other members to do so?

You seem like a decent person, Kenina, so I hope for your sake that you eventually realise that rabbit hole you’ve climbed down hasn’t actually taken you to Wonderland.

(maybe the most pretentious line I’ll ever write on the forums lmao …)

I hope the same for all the members of the guild.

so this thread can be summarized as;

people dislike shonn for very valid reasons which he needs to address rather than deflect but ofc the alliance suck as a whole even tho we’ve be decrying it too

Shonn/Kenina/etc I’m sure all realise what they’re doing is wrong, having had it explained to them ad infinitum over the years, but the truth is they either don’t care or ignore it. The bigger shame is Blizzard never seem to have cared, because that’s what’s enabling him. :japanese_goblin:

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True. The GM’s have stated that in previous attempts it never went well so they no longer monitor anything done in private instances/party unless it’s reported.

I suppose someone on the inside could report Shonn for all he’s done but if we simply just report him it’d never be enough. They’re going to ignore it as long as nothing happens to them.

Excuse moi for bumping in.

As i am not part of the RP world, i want to ask something.

Apart from the assumption that maybe Shonn has ERP with underage people, i mean why everyone is so angry at them for ERP’ing or having an ERP themed guild?

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ERP is against the ToS.


additionally, it’s just a hyper-weird thing to do

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ERP doesn’t belong on WoW. If it was being done on an appropriate forum (like F-List) most people wouldn’t really care.


Ok i see that now.
But if they do it privately, i don’t think it’s against anything.

But let’s say i didn’t say anything and i will leave, before i get flamed into oblivion.

Thanks for your answer!

ERP is very bad.