[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

Privately on WoW chat channels? Yes it is

Privately on discord? No one cares


I don’t really care about ERP as a concept. The only kink I shame is Telaryn’s erotic fixation on quoting Shadows of the Horde.


Kenina would you like a tea and cake. Just going to remind you of a piece of advice you gave me many years ago. “there not worth it.”
Just wish i’d followed that advice much sooner than i did.

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But is it okay if you hunt them down like that?

I mean, they may have done something else i am not aware of, but all of this flame is kinda bad from your side as well.

Report them- but even if Blizzard doesn’t do anything about it, even if it’s against the ToS, i don’t see why they have to be treated like that.

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If it weren’t for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you…


They are way past “may have done” area.

And sure, I agree that flaming is like tossing burning coal, but this all could’ve been evaded in the first place, if Blizzard simply bothered dealing with that. They don’t, hence it is rather up to a community. A truly nature-nurture-ish debate that has been going for ages now.


As far as I’m aware, Lord Bayerleyn doesn’t receive much grief in-game, but posting a forum thread invites discussion or debate; it just so happens, it’s largely negative due to his own decisions and his deeply unsettling fixations regarding his guild and practices.


Seriously Eyiel is Shonn? Okay that sheds some new light on some moments back in the day.

Keep your sex off the game and people will leave you alone?

Seems open and shut tbh.

Dunno why people are only jumping on Shonn though. AD is rife with sex pests, a lot of whom probably are minors.

[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

[Several people are typing]


Okay got it!

No offence meant to either you or Loras btw, or anyone here.

From just seeing the thread, it just struck out to me how everyone attacks him and his guild members, but i’m out of the dance and not on your server, i don’t know him.

So i hope no offence was taken, was just curious.

Those tend to get jumped on too. He is simply the most notorious and the only one to have an official guild rule regarding it.

At the moment he’s the only one posting a thread to invite people into his harem.

Are their any definitive rules about ERP anymore though?

For your own good - let it stay so, you will remain more sane


Why are you sending posts about the issues and even realms that doesnt concern you at all? Im going to get on lets say Silvermoon and moan that there is no faction balance, even though i never played on that realm

i actually laughed at that.


The definitive answer is that it’s against ToS. If you type any sort of sexually explicit message and get reported for it, you can be banned. Blizzard will look into those reports and act accordingly.

That said, if it’s not public and neither party report it, the GM’s wont do anything. They’ve tried policing it before and it didn’t work. As much as people joke about Goldshire it’s a place of containment and if they’re not in Goldshire they’re everywhere else.

If there are no longer rules about ERP in the guild, can’t really see much of an issue anymore. Just stop ERPing in-game? Can’t be worth this backlash.

People have been addressing this for as long as Bayerlyn Retinue/Shonn has been around. But he wont drop it because he likes it too much I assume.