[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

Did he have a snake tongue? :snake: :tongue:

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Honestly we’re talking about 8 or 9 years ago so he might have. All I remember for concrete was they were really interested in -male- Forsaken.

Mein gott!

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Sounds like a particularly shadowy kind…

It seems like Blizzard should really be taking a more active approach towards preventing ERP in the game tbh. If there was a sh*tstorm about it in the media, role-playing servers could be shut down or they could even remove the custom emote function/etcetera.

I don’t think it’s the responsibility of the community to witch hunt/etc or to seek ‘justice’ on the behalf of potential victims because quite frankly we’re not Batman.

@ The Retinue, I don’t really understand why you, as mature adults, think it’s okay to role-play out smut in the game and advertise, even in the past tense, that you do it or condone it.

It’s a bit weird.

Won’t really change how I role-play though SO.

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I do agree. The great forum drama of years past were very entertaining, but ultimately I don’t think they actually accomplished anything and often villainised people who hadn’t really done anything wrong (I especially regret what happened to players like Mianette).

But as I said previously, posting threads invites discussion; the rules and ERP are part of the guild’s concept, so it’s up for debate and reference. The forums are open and for the purpose of it, after all.


Drama threads are pretty dumb, by all standards. I’m all for [exposing] a player who might be harmful in one way or the other, but as we all know these discussions spiral from ‘hey dude you didn’t lead your guild this way’ to ‘fckin pedo’ kind of ridicule.

It’s during those times that you have to start wondering who’s worse; the ERPer, or the salt spewer.


Exactly, yeah. Looking back on a lot of those drama threads, I’m pretty ashamed of how I behaved at times. Too much time spent laughing at someone’s expense as they were publicly shamed, forgetting or not caring that there was still a person behind it. Especially when they hadn’t done anything wrong.


Just wanna give mad props to all the posters here for keeping me sane during work. This thread has been a journey. Peace.


I second it. 14h shifts are pain


I feel sorry for you man; where do you work that this feels like sanity?

I reiterate what I’ve said in other places;

  1. If people have examples and proof of illegal or ToS breaking things? REPORT THEM TO THE RELEVANT BODIES.
  2. Claiming that X or Y faction/race is some sort of hive of scum/hub of purity is disingenuous arrogant nonsense. Both side have their cretins, in a sad array of multiple flavours.
  3. Some of the white-knighting here is just as repulsive and repetitive as the ‘crimes’ said people are supposedly chasing. Again, SEE POINT 1. If you actually have something important then REPORT IT. Otherwise you are literally just tooting your own horn.

I really wish AD could get over junk like this. It gives the bad rep that RPers have both cross-realm and within gaming as a whole some sort of traction, which it doesn’t need or deserve.


I could use this same rhetoric to ask why you are sitting indoors playing around on some forum, or playing video games at all. Why do anything when you could be doing another thing? Why game when you could work? Why sleep while you could hit the gym? Why go out with friends while you could be sitting at home working on some presentation.

It’s a flawed rhetoric, and usually a sign that its user has nothing of any note to say.

Man, you must be slow on the uptake if you’ve never seen people complain about goldshire. The difference is, no goldshirees are making threads on here to advertise their nastiness. No one would care about Bayerleyn right now if they hadn’t jumped into the spotlight.

Tehya on Acherus recruitment duty

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Local gub’ment. Won’t say more than that but, yeah, this got me through a slow day.


You shouldn’t stop at Goldshire complaints if this is a serious issue. Heck, shouldn’t even go straight to Blizzard. You need to take this higher. Get it mass media attention/etc. Blizzard is a game company, not law enforcement.

Inb4 school shootings due to goldshire erp.

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I would if the effort-to-amusement ratio was good, but the way I see it it’d be far more effort than amusement.

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And THIS is the attitude that hacks me off.

All the white-knights here go for the easy targets. The forum posters, so they can stroke their own egos and their own ‘purity’.

If you lot actually gave that much a damn you’d be in GS reporting and screenshotting and trying to make the place a useable space for normal RP again. THAT would be worthy of actual praise.

But no. Gotta get them forum points in.


Or I dunno. Calling the police. That’d work too.


If it’s really that serious as people are making out, then yes. This.


That actually has been done in the past on Perroy’s streams. Oh what a grand time it was, putting markers on the e*pers and watching some of them fade. Those times are long gone, for some reason.