[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

You may think you’re good at words, but I bet you can’t say:


I cannot, but it’s impressive to manage.

I think that’s pronounced “Delete Welsh”.


Begins to crab dance over Levey’s corpse. :crab: :crab: :crab:


A significant proportion of eloquent contributors recognise the perspicacity of restraining their monologue by refraining from superfluous terminology when accurate and accessible language will suffice.

In other words it’s a forum post about an ERP harem, write to your audience


I acknowledge your guttural invocation of the Black Tongue of Mordor and raise megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért as a response.

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And at other times, the larger point or illustration of a concept cannot be made without dipping into the deeper side of the pool of one’s vocabulary. Especially in English where many words with similar meanings convey greater weight in a different iteration.

I can be very laconic when I need to and as I’ve repeated to death in the peeve threads, I absolutey despise the sesquipedalian loquaciousness meme in RP profiles.


Protagonist : Why do you use so many big words? Are you trying to make me feel stupid?

Kiser Jhaeri : My utilization of complex locution is more a reflection of my own superincumbent mental acuity than an aspersion on your circumscribed lexicon.

Protagonist : Maybe your grandiose vocabulary is a pathetic compensation for an insufficiency in the nether regions of your anatomy.

Kicking it like it’s 2001 :ok_hand:


In all honesty the entirety of this ceaseless debate over what part of one’s vocabulary they should or shouldn’t use for which context feels as though it is, at best, a bit photosynthesis.


Levey it’s clear that you began photosynthesising today.

I’d rather pontificate about the appalling deterioration of linguistic aptitude than spend a single, solitary nanosecond contributing to the speculation on the most distressing query on the subject of the lord bayerlein’s sacred seed.


In that case, a simple «idgaf» would have sufficed.

I absolutely concur.

idm Levey’s speeches, breaks down the monotony sometimes.

… but if you believe that writing complex vs. not might signify the beginning of ‘intellectual degeneracy’ then woah. Dreadbore puts it nicely, really. Conveying some real intellect might just mean understanding your audience and surroundings [too], and being just as adept at eloquence (if that’s what we’re calling it) without as much practice. It’s the old question of smarts vs. intelligence.

I’ll take a good grasp over socialisation compared to raw memorisation of the lexicon anyday

How’s that for a Twitter statement? :bird:


Being able to say more with less is the mark of an effective communicator my dudes.


Me word small, but green man bad.


Never knew about all this other stuff posted in this threat, as u’ve only ever had good random RP with them as a guild and with Shonn…but damn, some of things i’ve learnt from this thread…The more you know.


You know the weird thing is if you removed all traces of ERP and other related stuff this would probably be one of the best guilds on the realm considering how long they’ve been active and going.


What is good RP compared to ERP? What is compelling narrative against the feel of another bastard son in your arms … or the memory of a concubine’s nsfw art? Wind and words. Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for erotic roleplay. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy.


After 12 hours sleep to catch up, several cups of tea and pizza delivery on order, I have come to a decision. I don’t have any feelings one way or the other if you approve of my decision and I won’t be responding to any more posts on this thread, so if you have a serious question then you’ll have to poke me in game.

Later today, I will make a final effort to talk with Shonn about the website, as his friend and as an officer of this guild since June 2010.

This will either have a good outcome and I can gradually work with him to make some positive changes, or it will end badly, nothing will change because he’s the most stubborn person I have ever known and there will be private drama. However, being an oldie, I can have an argument and still remain friends with people usually.

If there are no changes, no, I won’t leave the guild. I’ll carry on rping as I always have. If I get booted out, so be out. I’m spending too much time at my pc anyway.

If changes can be made, they will be made over a period of time depending on how much free time I have to do it, but it won’t be announced on a forum, or in any discord, or FB. If I get the changes made I’m doing it for my guild, not for the forum community.

I still stand by Shonn as a person, a player of WoW. He hasn’t done any of the OOC vile things some of you assume he has done, or a handful of you actually accuse him of because you say “I know somebody who…”

To those of you that have posted other stories here that are not about Shonn, I feel bad that those things happened to you. I hope that sort of harrassment can be something that is handled better by Blizzard soon.

To Agua, I wish I had known about your issue and how you felt about your art sooner, but I am pretty sure there is none left on our site, though I will check again.

To those of you that have been polite to me thank you for that. Especially Loras, bet you never thought I would say that, I know I didn’t!

If the guild carries on and you don’t wish us to join any server campaign you might arrange in the future because you have a poor view of this guild, I would rather you state so now so we know where we stand. I presume Chook is one of those, especially after some comments here and in another place that the player made yesterday.

As I said yesterday, roleplay with me and this guild, don’t roleplay with us, ignore us. Only you can choose which one. Insult us in whispers etc continually, expect a report. If any more of you want us dead, keep it to yourselves, it will save you a ban.

See some of you who know we aren’t bad people around in game.

This post is from me, (Kenina/Karienn/Denessa) without lies, malice to anyone and in total seriousness. I’ll still post on these forums, but not this thread. Derail it until it gets removed, fine by me. I can’t remove it, it isn’t my thread to remove.