[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

Some people will stay loyal no matter what, and at the very least she state such.
Do I agree with the statement given? Now personally I don’t, but that does not take away that it’s maturely written.

There’s one part I think that even she must realise is inaccurate. He isn’t a stubborn guy, he just values his libido over his morality/guild/roleplay.


I mean I can understand someone getting stubborn in the face of AD forums telling you “you’re wrong, do this”.

AD forums may have the moral high ground, but its motives and methods are far from pedagogical.

I think the problem is entirely psychological


The problem is it’s been allowed to continue for years. Sure every few months/ year another drama thread appeared, but then it disappeared, and everyone just carried on interacting with him/them. There’s no more justification required in some people’s minds beyond “I’ve been here, exactly the same, for 10 years and I’m still going”.

I’m hoping for some change this time around, and the fact that you can now see an entire thread in one long list is probably helping this particular thread carry more weight than usual, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up.


Yeah but authority was not granted to AD forums to “allow” or “disallow” anything.

Not even the return of the king…

Allow is maybe not the best word, I admit. What I mean is - the actions people are taking in this thread (guild/event/campaign blacklisting) could and maybe should have been done a long time ago, but weren’t, and as such justifying the current state of affairs through inaction.

You will suffer me


[disco music intensifies]

Go wait in the car


Treating forums of a MMORPG game as some form of educational centre is by default wrong

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then what the hell are you nibbas doing here if not just /reporting/



powerful post


Express disgust and announce an opinion? Highly against the law, unlike supposed actions of questionable deities in the guild


what in ten characters

Bayerleyn threads make me nostalgic for days of upvotes past. When Telaryn and I had only but recently opened our farm together, setting out into the wide world with nothing but the keyboards on our desks.


They were humbler days. We knew not which crop to plant, with trial and error being our guide.


I was going to say ’ But if you are so disgusted by this guild then why do you still interact with them/let them come to campaigns?" , but seeing as now two guilds have said they won’t facilitate BR anymore, I can only hope they’ll keep standing by those words.

Also what I always found strange is how everyone is always on about the ERP but not the fact that the name Bayerleyn is named after a german tank-commander from WW 2, I mean, Shonn’s AA even has Fritz Bayerleyn ( the german was Fritz Bayerlein) as the man’s father. Granted, it is perhaps not as much of an issue, but I still always found it strange.


#not my Elessar.

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