[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

Maybe shonn loves his tankses

He originally went with Guderian (after Guderian Heinz, yet another WW2 German panzer division officer) but that was forcefully namechanged after people reported it back on Moonglade.

Then he went for Tapyrion, but I gues it irked him not to pay homage to some piece of history he seems to admire.

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It’s like a Daily Mail article, “N*zi Nonces in YOUR videogames”.


tbh they’re solid names, at least.

I already avoid them at every interval in-game, as I don’t want to be remotely associated with them. But yes, hopefully others do the same and continue to do so.


Well at least hes being upfront about it and saying he does it, lets not delude ourselves there is ERP going on in private chats/and often in public all over the realm, i’ve lost count of the number of times since I have been playing when I logged on somewhere only to find myself in the middle of some very intimate acts between 2 characters. Not to mention the number of times i’ve come across violent acts being depicted in public channels….and yes if people are going to take the moral high ground on sexual acts in a Pegi 12 game then why are acts of violence not being treated the same way?, by the guidelines set out by Pegi 12 violent acts between human like characters should only be depicted as un realistic (cartoon style) violence and not realistic acts.

So lets be very clear on what people are asking of Blizzard because if you want them to start banning people who ERP then you will also open the whole big can of worms for them to ban people RPing out acts of violence, and before we know it we will be on an RP realm where all we can do is sit around a camp fire and sing happy songs or face the BAN police.


Extreme and grotesque violence is also something I think should be avoided yes. I left a guild after they RPed graphically giving another character a blood eagle because I thought it was in poor taste and too graphic.


and yes if people are going to take the moral high ground on sexual acts in a Pegi 12 game then why are acts of violence not being treated the same way?, by the guidelines set out by Pegi 12 violent acts between human like characters should only be depicted as un realistic (cartoon style) violence and not realistic acts.

I agree. If there were a guild which made graphic depictions of violence part of its fundamental concept and rules, I would also speak out against it.

Takes the wind out of your slippery slope a little bit, I know.


I wonder which guild that was.

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There is also a difference between private ERP and having ERP enshrined as a core tenet of a longstanding and well-known guild.

Easy points for managing to guess who it was, Lukas.


Most of the violence in wow satisfies that rating. So so long as people roleplay out violence at that level, there would be no banning of it (also there’s no direct correlation between banning ERP and violence, because violence is within the rating and subject to discussion as to whether it falls under or over the threshold, the activity described in this thread regarding ERP is clearly in violation of ToS and possibly most countries laws if minors are involved).

I mean, the core of this game is us bashing folks over the head with axes. Nobody is going to ban people role-playing fights or such.

Now if people roleplay out painstakingly described torture or inhumane interrogation, I wouldn’t care if that was banned as its beyond the 12 rating anyway. There are places for people to roleplay out these things, but why they pay for a sub to do it here is beyond me.

With all the war crimes, genocide and other “grotesque” stuff we have in a 12+ game you think a blood eagle is too grotesque?

eh you wot laddie?

edit #2: you also play a death knight


I mean, if the burning of Teldrassil involved detailed descriptions of the flames melting the charred flesh from the bones of the screaming elves as they died in ungodly agony, then yeah I’d probably think that was a bit much too.

There’s a difference between saying “oh x happened” and going into avid specifics about how it happened.

I guess we’ll forget about how the Orcs butchered the Draenei and how it was mentioned countless times how they literally built a road from their bones.

And all the vile stuff that was literally described in Naxxramas but you know that’s perfectly fine in a 12+ game.

Again, saying something happened is different to going into unpleasant detail. Saying characters had sexual intercourse isn’t inappropriate content, but ERPing in WoW is. There is a difference, so I’m not really sure about the point you’re trying to make, or why.


Did your character get clapped if there was no-one around to hear it?

asking for a friend ((shonn))

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Saying characters had sexual intercourse isn’t inappropriate content, but ERPing in WoW is. There is a difference, so I’m not really sure about the point you’re trying to make, or why.

Yet it happened countless times by countless people which can be solid RPers otherwise, in private, it will continue to happen, do I care? I honestly do not.

We have seen proper vile stuff, genocide being described, and the “groteque” things you mentioned are in fact described in VERY unpleasant detail, like you know that one flesh abomination in Naxxramas that was stitched together by women and children, which its screams can be heard throughout Naxxramas?

That’s alright of course but we can’t have erotic stuff in my 12+ christian game.

I’m not trying to pick sides, actually forcing players into situations they don’t want is proper vile as well and should be dealt with, if there are two things happening in private between two consenting players, I honestly don’t give a :poop:

but not in detail

What part of this isn’t getting through to you? Dwarves are supposed to be the och cool healer whacking laddies.


Don’t get me started on opposing War Crimes and what happens to those who do :stuck_out_tongue:

More seriously though, there is a difference. There is a massive difference. You don’t buy -Wow- because you want cybersex, you buy it for what it is. WoW markets itself as a world at war, not a world of bodice ripping fantasy.

People always come out with this tired argument of “Yeah, well, you kill people in game, so whats the difference with a bit of hanky panky?”

The difference is quite plainly and simply laid out in Law. You kill a 12 year olds character in Warcraft, that’s part of the game. You actually send them sexually graphic material that sexualises them as a person, You are committing a criminal offence.

I mean that -is- criminal behaviour. Doesn’t matter if it is pictorial or text based, if you send a child sexual material, then that is a criminal offence.

It really is that simple.

One is legal, one is not. Killing a 12 year old’s character in a BG is not the same as describing in detail what you want to do to them in a sexual nature, and if you think it is, then Oh boy, you’re part of the problem. And a Nonce.


to be fair though, the Warbringers: Sylvanas cinematic was a bit grotesque with how the dying elves were grasping towards the burning tree and such

elegy also went into mild detail in how delaryn’s friends died and so on, so what is too much violence is subjective and debatable. you can also see rather gruesome stuff happening in quests, eg throwing an ogre into a skyship propeller and he explodes into gibs - that’s quite nasty

wow has never shied away from showing violence in arguably more detail than necessary

that being said though, most of the questionable RP when it comes to gore/violence is going too far regardless of what WoW does, i’ve heard quite a few freaky stories from duskwood

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