[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

I rest my case, then,

Perhaps Blizzard ought to describe it better next time then how the process of fleshcrafting, genocide and so forth works, in every minute, minuscule detail.

You have managed to accurately pinpoint the exact opposite of the point.

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I mean I don’t care either. I’d rather it didn’t happen in the game and would be happy if it moved to more appropriate platforms, but if I don’t see it, not much I can/will do. You’re putting words in my mouth when I never said them.

But you’re trying to make this point in a thread that’s for a guild where the GM is known to pursue female players/characters for ERP, has ERP enshrined as the most integral part of his guild’s concept, so I think the circumstances are just the slightest bit different.

As for Naxxramas, spooky background sounds and explanation that nasty stuff happened =/= going into extreme detail about how the women and children were killed and stitched together. There’s the difference and that’s what you’re ignoring to suit your own argument.

The Christian bit aside, correct.

I don’t mind disagreeing, but some basic reading comprehension is always appreciated.


Having an in-game representation of various grotesque scenes does not give the right to a player to type any explicit grotesque texts in the in-game channels. Garrosh saying his famous line to Sylvannas does not allow players to use strong language in their day-to-day roleplay in-game because it is said so in CoC.

It is Blizzard’s game and they are free to decide what is allowed and what isn’t for the players.

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After my while of roleplaying in Stormwind, I dare say roleplayers don’t particularly follow that rule.

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I don’t know boys, the older novels sure had some off scenes with some particular sexism and even alluding to rape in a particular case :eyes: That, and, how does one explain Argus’ monstrosities which are definitely rather well-described in how children were murdered for vile purposes? That’s rhetoric, by the way, I’ll answer.

Graphics. That’s why WoW is so overly cartoony, because they can continue portraying whatever violent act could/should fall under the 16+ label. But by not meeting the visual criteria, they keep it 12+ (I was interested since ‘but violence’ is an argument I’ve used, so have discussed & looked about).

In my opinion, that’s actually bad—from Blizzard’s part, entirely. They’re trying to retain a bigger audience ($$$) by expanding who can and can’t play the game, but war & moral issues aren’t really a kiddie thing.

And I’m sorry, I’ll entirely ignore forum politics & justice law enforcement over a video game because let’s be real: do you think Jaina/Sylvanas/Azshara Warbringers were created for a kid? Do you think the novels and whatever complexity they have left in modern day is good reading material for a kid? They don’t contain what’s illegal by (inter)national laws sure, but the audience is rather clear. WoW isn’t being picked up by 12 y/olds anymore, they think games like these are dumb (source: I taught a few years back).

PS: and before forum politics nitpick, no I’m not saying ERP/aggressively descriptive violence is ok for just RPing out on the street


Doesn’t stop people from reporting that equally as they report ERP. Another thing is that no one bothers doing that.

how long until WoW will portray some loli awfulness cuz ‘it’s fine cuz it’s so cartoonish’ :thinking:

I mainly think that those aren’t in the actual game, so the relevance eludes me.

I think that’s meant to say ‘not saying’, if I’m reading you right.

You arrived at that thought concerningly quickly.

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carps. editing…

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Can I take you for a stroll to Lion’s Pride? :eyes:

because the topic was literally cartoonish sexual content and violence and the dude already eliminated violence, don’t be a deviant xo

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Big if true

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I’m just saying man there’s a few more stops before you arrive at loli, damn nelves.

(to be clear I’m just messing with you, not accussing you of anything)

I am concerned, because I find it plausible. Sexual suggestion is entirely ok for PG12 . . .


we have to think of the worst outcome possible so we can prevent it, and go from there…

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When you realise you’ve posted 47 times in a Bayerleyn thread (48 now). Tehya, do I have a problem??

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A number of people on AD have an odd fascination with WW2 Germany and I can’t help but get the feeling they romanticise it quite a bit whenever I see glimpses of it.


Well, not necessarily a fascination since it’s all good, trendy and cool to meme about it “ironically” these days. You know, as a joke that is less so the more it’s repeated and further down the rabbit hole we go…

The peculiar nature of the lord bayerlein’s name has been pointed out a while prior to such behaviour rising to prominence. On the whole, I find that the usual outrage over the usual exploits and disingenuity of all parties to fuel discussion functions as an impressively effective distraction from such difficult questions.

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