[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

It was a spontanious initiative taken by me, and Skabb roleplayed the Night Elf prisoner being burned. Considering I’m not very fond of gore myself, all of it was quite tame. I think the worst part of it all was something along the lines of hair catching fire and flesh melting in an emote, without a lot of detail to it. That, and screaming. The focus wasn’t really on the act of burning by itself and especially not on the gore of it, but more on the effects on it on my character’s development and how the crowd would react to it.

Redpill is that both torture (gore) rp and erp are weird and shouldn’t be allowed.


To some, there is no difference. And not in regard to the severity of the offense. That’s part of why it keeps happening, I’m sure.

Yeah that’s cool. Often times in campaigns when things like this happens, it’s done for shock value which really trivializes the point of committing the crime in the first place - a fact that I’ve been very critical about in regards to the Alliance War Campaign in BFA. It’s not very interesting writing to engage in.

That it’s not done for the sake of cheap shock and the lack of over excessive gore makes the situation better and after all the things I’ve heard about Apawi, I’m interested to know where this storyline leads :eyes:


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


Check the website, my friend, they literally have art of Shonn grabbing three asses.


The only thing you could call implied is consent


This thread has nothing to do with Ghostbusters.

Who you gonna call?

Well not Ghostbusters better call Lichypoo instead.

You know what, I’m going to try one more time, but this is the last resume I can whip up for you, I would like to join your guild, I already have the green outfit, I’m 95 years old… I think, I am a veteran Healer and here is my New New resume:


PLEASE get back to me soon

  • Nar’zagh.
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It’s just a bit tiresome that for years we’ve had a repeat of these threads with Kenina playing the role of livid housewife with a frying pan, unjustly defending Shonn while he shrugs his shoulders and insists keeping the rule a part of the guild. He should be the one defending himself. The Bayerleyns have been around for a long time, but I don’t understand why some people dare to look the other way. This kind of system shouldn’t be in place, yet it is, and it’s a shame because it tarnishes an otherwise reputable RP guild.


It’s sad that a guild that could be great refuses to change, but there is also the problem that the guilds rep is now stained with the past and people would still harass them, you could argue that they are changed But the Meteor men beg to differ judging by the hole in the satellite picture, the Ice we skate is getting pretty thin, the waters getting warm so you might as well swim, My world’s on fire, how about yours? That’s the way I like it and I never get bored. Hey now, you’re an all-star, get your game on, go play, Hey now, you’re a rock star, get the show on, get paid. All that glitters is gold, Only shooting stars break the mold.


If I recall correctly wasn’t there some incident with a nelf guild in the Wailing Caverns you were associated with? And you gladly got onto the public bandwagon of crucifying them.

All things considered it seems a little too much on the nose.

I’m pretty sure the OP doesn’t need protecting or assurances from people, he’s ran the same operation for close to what? Ten years? There are ways of maintaining a guild that long, he’s found one way of them.

There’s barely a handful of guilds that have managed to stay in business this long - and they generally evolve into a shape that neither storm nor siege will bring them down. They stop being guilds and become a mindset, dedicated to a single individual or ideal.

Whether or not you agree with the way said guild has came to its position is irrelevant, and Blizzard shows little care for individuals who know how to mask their activities (imagined or actual), especially those who are likely highly paying customers.

Which is why we have to start policing oneself as a community, and I mean genuinely. Not hammering on someone because they’re a natural rival for e-attention but also our friends and associates who frequently degrade into questionable behaviour but get a free pass at it.

It’s that or we’re collectively a figurative snake biting our own tail. Which gets no one anywhere.


The 12+ argument seems hilarious. No one seemed phased or bothered when the Horde ended up burning a Kaldorei alive during the war on all fronts and then left her scorched corpse/ashes on display before an Orc Shaman took it down and scattered the ashes.

But as soon as someone does /moan. It’s “think of the young people, you monster!”

No accounting for tastes in humour I guess.

Local Egg attempts to justify being a nonce.


Note to self: do NOT make inappropriate comments about the queen of the naga or you WILL be punished for it.


Disclaimer: I wasn’t referring to any event in any campaign in my post about burning elves - I wasn’t actually aware that had happened (I knew something about a public execution but no specifics).

@Dwarfalt, your forum redemption after a self-serving apology thread is a little difficult to take seriously, when you swing from one extreme of condescending, pretentious behaviour straight into the next.

Criticising people for exactly what you did for years so quickly after begging forgiveness makes it seem very superficial and suggests a complete lack of self-awareness.


Tbf every time someone says something nice about Loras it’s out of the left field for him

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I read that…

Glad you’re happier, just work on the self-awareness bit.