[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

You’ll find some shops/stores will be more caring than others. Although if they don’t care, they’re still breaking the law. I was buying some Gin on the weekend and I still get asked for ID. I am 23 :frowning:

Better safe than sorry though.

We do. The Media Council rates games/movies for child consumption. IIRC the classifications are 7, 11 and 15. There’s no media that requires 18+ by law in Denmark, and children can always attend/consume media at their parents’ discretion regardless of law.

Thank you Ixirar, very cool

np in ten chars

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Inb4 Shonn seeks a written approval from younglings parents to join the guild.


So this is what happens when a BR thread has no post cap.

Imagine being a talented writer, DM and a competent enough leader to keep a guild active and interested for several years… Only to have all your efforts and your reputation undermined by a strange, objectifying guild rule.

… This’ such a brain-teaser. I don’t understand how his guild hasn’t dropped him yet, after all these years.

You have to wonder if this’ predatory. If Shonn’s interest in keeping his guild alive isn’t for constructive role-play, but to support this fetish of his. To ensure the framework for his nasty habit is always there.

… Because if that isn’t the case, and the “you’re obligated” rule is simply a way of constructing role-play that fits his guild’s theme, then surely by now he’d realize that it’s doing more harm than good. He’d realize (being this competent GM which we know he is) that he’d be making life a LOT easier for his guild members if he simply abandoned this practice; a practice which only benefits him.

Shonn, if you’re reading this, what you’re doing is selfish. I’m not going to comment on any of the pre-18 or ToS-stuff, even though I don’t agree with it, but what I am going to judge you for is manipulating multiple role-players to put up with your bulls*** by encouraging them to hobby in your sleazy shadow.

No one should have to role-play in the kind of environment that you are putting them through. The integrity of your guild members should not have to be questioned and doubted because of a rule that seemingly only you are hung-up on.

That’s my two cents. I’ve been here for years and never commented on a Bayerleyn Thread, but: youtube .com/watch?v=2k0SmqbBIpQ


Pretty much. If he removed the rule and any mention of it from the website, it wouldn’t stop the master’s harem tending to him. He’s still going to get his “fun”, because we know how loyal they are to him.

This tempts me into making a Virgin Goldshire ERPer VS Chad Shonn Bayerlern Harem Master because both are after the same thing but the methods differ.


Wouldn’t the Goldshire people be the chad though? They don’t hide their stuff, they’re just open about it and don’t give a hoot.

True however they certainly don’t put as much effort as Shonn here. I’d almost have a bit of respect for the guy… Were it not for something so… Petty as to satisfy his libido.

Is this thread STILL going? Wow! I’m surprised it hasn’t been taken down yet.

Well, we have been discussing a core tenet of the guild, enshrined for almost a decade. I’d say we’ve been very good at staying on topic - it just so happens that the topic at hand is incredibly unpleasant to consider.

Hey! I’m not complaining, it’s an interesting read!

I think you’ll find IC a lot of the people -were- bothered, but even OOC, it was not emoted out in graphic detail, Apawi just did it, it wasn’t lingeringly dwelt over, the only graphic depiction of what happens when you burn someone alive, was written by myself, in my guild thread, with a clear warning before the post stating that it described such. OOC people knew no one was actually being burned alive, IC, some characters, including mine, were -extremely- upset about it. Now if Apawi had went into the same graphic detail, in emotes that I did, about what happens to the victim of such a demise, in the game, as they did it, then yeah, that would be bad, very bad. But they didn’t.

So IC it is a horrific act, and one that ultimately sundered the Horde warbands, but OOC it was not objectionable, because it was not directed at a person. As in a person behind the screen, not a character.

So don’t get hung up on the burning of a prisoner (Says the guy who got massively hung up IC about the burning of a prisoner) Because that’s not the same as ERP with potential minors, it is not the same thing at all.

can we agree that night warrior elves shouldn’t exist outside of darkshore/tyrander’s presence?

they’re not even proper night warriors, tyrande is the only one

This isn’t the pet peeve thread.

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They say any publicity is good publicity. I’m not sure that’s true of this particular thread.

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pandaren aren’t a race with opinions worth having

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Better to be a lover of the master than a pandaren. :panda_face::no_entry_sign: