[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

Statements I heard so many times they make me yawn.

Try to be innovating for once.

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I dunno. Watching Tirion Fordring burn to death is always found somewhat…


Yes but it wasn’t particularly graphic.

The thing with WoW’s violence, even at it’s most gruesome, is it’s always toned down. When characters are impaled, we see no blood. When a character burns, they’re just ‘on fire’ then collapse. You don’t see guts or extreme gore, maybe a bit of blood at worst. Personally for RP, I don’t think it NEEDS to go any further than that.


Not in WoW, no.

People like their grimdark edginess and Game of Thrones style poop mixed with Band of Brothers-esque warfare.

It’s not like there are appropriate mediums for this type of role-play elsewhere on the inte- ohwait


But they’re in Boralus, too. NPC ones that is.


I found that pretty cathartic myself. Heck darned kill-stealer.


You often have people telling you they’d rather ERP with Shonn than play a pandaren??

I’m glad I’m not the only one who shares this sentiment!

To be brutally honest, the accusations made in this thread go beyond roleplay inappropriate to the platform: they describe serial sexual harassment of young women.

Maybe you don’t believe that, but what people are decrying here is a shade worse than breaking PEGI rating.


They’ve been going on for years.

Completely absolves the Guild Master then. Very legal and very cool, thank you Mion.



To be totally clear, I’m referring to the accusations made by those who say they have been victimised. I appreciate that you may be wary of accepting them without substantial evidence, but we should understand the severity of what they are saying.


The accusations go as far back as when Shonn was still on Moonglade. Pretty sure that was the original reason why he left for Argent Dawn anyway until he became known for the exact same behaviour here and has maintained it for as long as the Retinue has existed.


Uh. I think you’re taking me entirely out of context?

I’m merely saying that this has been going on for years, and there’s a lot to backtrack through. It should amaze people that nothing has been done about it yet despite all of this huha.

Telaryn: You have allowed this dark desire to twist your mind, until now… until now you’ve become the very thing you swore to destroy.

Shonn: Don’t lecture me, blood elf! I see through the lies of Argent Dawn. I do not fear Moonglade as you do. I have brought peace, females, ERP, and security to my new server.

Telaryn: Your new server?

Shonn: Don’t make me /ignore you.

Telaryn: Shonn, my allegiance is to Argent Dawn, to good roleplay!

Shonn: If you’re not in my harem, then you’re on my ignore list.

Telaryn: Only a ERP hound deals in harems. I will do what I must.

Shonn: You will try.


Sadly as we’re on a video game forum and have no means to extend anything beyond here or the game, all that can really be done is criticize them until they improve, and for people to make it clear that they won’t associate with someone who associates with Shonn (for example don’t invite them to community events)

I think both should be done, but honestly we can’t really do more than that.

That’s why spamming this thread with drama is fully valid; it’s signal boosting some of the frankly disgusting stuff Shonn gets up to so that the server doesn’t forget / somehow think he’s normal.


And his allies in arms.
:egg: x :japanese_ogre:

Not specifically Shonn. Could be anyone.

Tbh if people cared enough, this is the internet and there’s plenty that could be done. A lot of players don’t use the forums or pay much heed to drama of this kind because it seems very artificial what with the sheer amount of trolling. I have known a fair few people to take an active interest in Shonn and the Retinue simply based on the drama this thread generates. If anything, it’s feeding the fire.