[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

While true, i think its a step in the direction of; “change, or risk fizzling out because nobody associates with you.”

A reason why they have lasted so long is while we’re all here in this thread shaking our heads and tutting, nothing has been done about it, they still turn up to events and being invited etc. we should take a stand together and stop doing that.

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Most people outside RP servers think that RP = Goldshire


Not sure why some people treat him as if he’s some AD Anti-Christ. It’s not like he approaches and harasses any female player or character within speaking distance for erotic encounters or anything (unlike someone else we can probably name…).


Pretty simple.

Person A once had a bad interaction with the PCU
Person B also had a bad interaction with the PCU
Both Person A and Person B join some community that isn’t at all aware about the PCU, discover their common dislike, and start spinning grander and grander tales, slowly painting that entire community’s view of PCU in their own perspective.

And that’s where (cry)babies come from.

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What would you consider “making an effort?”

He do actually whisper female characters from time to time to encourage them to join the guild even though they have said no.

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It’s a simple equation that works in society all of the time.

sex + minors + news media = profit.

Yes but you overestimate how much media cares about some random nerd playing wow

As stated before there was a Motherboard article on Goldshire. The topic included nonconsensual sex as well as minors. It was published in 2017.

Given the popularity of Blizzard, and how big sex crimes are right now in media, along with the scare tactics that are being used to make people wary of games…

I dunno, with enough people on board, I think you’ve really got potential for a poopstorm there.

I don’t know what Motherboard is but I don’t think a mothers first priority upon finding their child ERPing, or being pressured into such, would be to make a blog or forum post about it. Nope, I’d be right onto the police, Blizzard, news media, would ban them from the game/etc.

What should also be done by the parents is just to explain this stuff to their kids.

More often than not it’s the negligence or the ignorance of your genitors upon these subjects that leads to situations like this.

Oh I completely agree with this statement. I think parents should do more to monitor their minors on the internet.

It still does nothing about the underlying issues though.

Also, i like to add (to parrot others in this thread) that if you’re approached by somebody and they start whispering you inappropriate things (especially of a sexual nature), then report them immediately.


The part where you misunderstand the word “motherboard” aside: you are describing a parent taking action. How is this an effort the people of AD can pursue?

Set up a forum or board to begin with, exchange details of various goings on, collect evidence, present it en mass to various news outlets, police forces, Blizzard, monitoring commissions that investigate this type of thing - there’s obviously a story here somewhere. If people are being victimised, there’s a story.

Reach out to potential victims, their parents, etc, try and get all of the ammunition you can to make an impact.

I’m really not that bothered, but it is a bit tiresome to see all of the constant posturing and white knighting when nobody is actually committed to the task of doing anything worthwhile about the situation.

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I really don’t understand the situation with BR.

Unironically, as many of the posters here have said, the encounters I have had with BR during campaigs and cross RP have all been extremely positive. I very fondly remember RPing with Shonn’s lot on my Zandalari troll, Hokima, during the Twilight Highland events and also during Krasarang wilds (I wonder if he still has the letter opener dagger he gave Shonn as a gift!), as well as with a few members during the Redridge Campaign.

But this…this just seems really counter-productive. Why insist on ERP within the guild? Is it such an integral part of Shonn as a character? Or is it, as many suspect, a much more hedonistic, OOC stemming pleasure?

You and your guildies seem like decent & OK enough folk, why tarnish such insistingly?

Also, having said this, I am not condoning any of the underage stuff that has supposedly happened- As others have said, it is not only morally reprehensible but illegal as well in some countries, and more importantly, even if you choose to ERP by fading to black (with a consenting adult), why even mention it in the guild rules and find a more appropriate platform to do it on?


Not liking a person doesn’t seem like a big deal to me, regardless of who that might be and why that is. When you refine that into something akin to a hate culture though, yeah, it’s starting to become a bit worrying.

What does PCU mean and why was one of my posts removed, but the gnome’s only hidden?
Is that automatic or does someone have a massive beef with me and mass reported it?