[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

Unless they’re female, in which case the Lord in Green will come have a stern, fade-to-black talk about it with them.


ngl, I wish my work washed my work clothes and my underwear. Instead I have to wash both myself.


Last I remember, this rule was genuinely removed after he recieved backlash for it the first time. Guess he tried to sneak it back in…

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Not tried to sneak anything in and there is no ‘rule’ of sort.
Someone quote the webpage well above and I cannot see how that related to ‘must do this or that’.

Then again - I am used to people here forwarding points out of their fantasy, or trying to defame or inflame posts.

But I cannot help if people read ‘bread’ but understand ‘soup’. That’s their problem, not really mine.

People actually read “women will be asked to sleep with the lord” as “women will be asked to sleep with the lord” in this case.


That’s what he said. If you join his guild he’s gonna stick his bread in your soup

Disclaimer: My opinions are my own and do not in way, shape or form represent what the guild I am part of, nor the people I mingle with, think about this matter.

Who the bloody hell cares what people do in their own guilds? If they wanna ERP, let them ERP. Aslong as they do it in an enclosed environment like the Garrison or a very remote area I really don’t see a point why anyone would care. This whole holier than thou attitude I see from you mouthbreathing neckbeards is absolutely hilarious. We’re playing make believe in a freaking videogame. There’s no one here on the moral high ground. The witch hunt I see pop up every now and then reminds me a lot of the incel communities you read about on Kiwifarms. Get over yourselves.

Shonn, I RP’d with you on a few of my characters in passing and had good talks. I like your character, I like your guild, and you do whatever you wanna do.

Stop the freaking witch hunt already.


I walk in with a jerry can of gasoline.

Man remember that time Shonn told his guild it’s okay to rape elves and defended it because of “historical accuracy”.


I mean they have reason to. I’m almost certain that there was instances of people being removed from your guild because they had relationships not with the Lord or refused one with him. That in itself is kinda lecherous and weird, don’t you think? It really brings to light what sort of fantasy element you’re trying to roleplay here.

What sort of community you want to build…


It’s a reference to the 1300s where laws about sexual assault in most European kingdoms omitted the subject of whether or not their protection extended to elves. It’s worth noting that in some parts of the Iberian peninsula, however, they were rather progressive and had already extended most legal protection afforded to humans to also cover elves by the 1320s.


I remember you telling me its not gay after 15 pints



what the hell

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Oof (in ten characters)


I’m sorry, War Shonns?


What a time to be alive, this is basically an never ending meme at this point, time to change all my characters to male. :thinking:

But then I will be chased by Booty Bay pirates :cold_sweat:

It’s fine. They were elves, not people.


This is 2019 elves are people check your privilege jfc

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If it’s not human, it’s sub-human. Therefore Shonn owns it.


Yeah, and we are in a day and age where even make-believe scenarios are bound by Terms of Use or other rulesets meant to limit the content you can describe or imitate.

Glad we don’t have to push you off that high horse then.

Why should the witch hunts stop when the guild leader in question repeatedly flaunts his ERP and then have his harem and himself vehemently defend it with the fury and heat of a collapsing star? Much like yourself.

I hope there will be other Stockholm-syndrome nutcases showing up like you in this thread now. At least it will hammer home my humble opinion of the Alliance being a lost case apart from Dwarf RP.

