[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

Be quiet pls


:joy: in 10 chars


Mion has never been invited to the Beyerleyn Retinue despite the enormous amount of effort she has gone through to attract that darling Shonnā€™s gaze!



Why would you want to? Girl, get with a real man like one of those Dwarves, I hear they wreck the healers.



Iā€™ve seen these green christmas tree tabards around before and they seem a decent bunch, as for the ERP part, it doesnā€™t affect my character or my gaming experience in any way shape or form, so I donā€™t bloody care. The people here saying they are doing something ā€œillegalā€, you must really be fun at parties. Nobody does anything ever illegal and we are all Godā€™s own holy angels of perfection and anti-degeneracy.

But in the spirit of the realm, we must apparently continue the witch hunt and constant drama even after the recent campaign ended and its drama is winding down.

Guess we need a next witch to burn now, eh laddi- IS THAT A HEALER I SEE


Fight me you Short :poop:, Iā€™ll Mass Ress the :poop: out of you!

Sorry, pea-brained pre-evolution Elves are not my fetish.


lol in 10 chars

Iā€™ll have you know its Sweet Corn-Brained Pre-evolution Elf.

One interesting way to justify your argument

weird, but ok


yikes in 10 characters


you guys where quite fun to be around up in Northrend, even if we did not interact much.

It doesnā€™t affect me personally either, but guilds like this engender an environment where vulnerable people (particularly women) are coerced into sexual situations they may not be comfortable with, particularly if friends of theirs are going into the guild. I will speak out against any attempt to do this as often they do not have the ability to speak themselves.

This is also not a game where a weird patriarchal sexually-infested harem is appropriate roleplay in the slightest.


The Night Elf RP thats alive and very well would like a word.

And, for all that certain forum posters act repeatedly like they are The Only Ones Who Can Save Us from this or that repugnant thing, how come itā€™s also very common for them to also to be the excrement stirrers and atrocious memelords who are just as bad as those they scream about? Not to mention acting like such things also somehow never happen on Hordesideā€¦? :thinking:

Funnily enough the actual quality Horde RPers are nowhere to be seen amongst such threadsā€¦ probably busy actually in-game and RPing, I guess?


Funnily enough the actual quality Horde RPers are nowhere to be seen amongst such threadsā€¦ probably busy actually in-game and RPing, I guess?

I just finished running an event for myself and 20 other people, tyvm

It was great


I suppose you make a fair point.

But who am I but a simple Dwarf and the laws and rituals of human RP are beyond my feeble-minded comprehension.

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Thanks for the event, dreadbore - and eirdarias too


While Warcraft has/had its bleak spots (less so these days) and there are instances of alluded rape. I genuinely think it had no place in roleplay, very few authors managed to write about it well and one of my favourite fictional series makes me uncomfortable at times.

And I very much doubt a roleplayer can pull it off. Itā€™s completely unnessecary. And yeah Iā€™m a trash rper, one of the worst.


Excuse me, Iā€™m the best Witch Doc on the Horde. No one else is going to kidnap you to force you into a play date with a flightless bird.

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Donā€™t get me wrong, I donā€™t disagree.

Itā€™s the OOC memeing, point-scoring, white-knighting excrement that gets on my wick. Do people have evidence that breaks TOS? REPORT IT. Got screenshots of dubious actions involving clearly identified people? REPORT IT.

This whole factionalised nonsense of Horde-did, Alliance-did is just self serving drama and egotism. Do Alliance have some trashy guilds and players? Yes. Do Horde also have some trashy guilds and players? ALSO yes.
Acting like one or the other is some bastion of purity and infallibility is risible, at best.