[A-RP] Bayerleyn Retinue - Green and Gold, Ever Bold!

TBF you are the worst elves xo :kissing_heart:

Given as already stated I do not remember of the whispers and the like - I do remember these artworks came for free from someone I was on good terms with at the time.

In assumption that someone is you - as you claim to be - and seeing your current stance, the 5 artwork in question have been removed from our gallery.
Admittedly, theyā€™re old - the characters that still exist / are in the guild from that time that you made art for have more recent, up to date and paid commissioned work.

Okay sweet now answer the bit about soliciting 16 year olds for ERP.



We were on ā€˜good termsā€™ as I had no idea what kind of guild/person you were. The moment I discovered such details via you inviting me to your guild and informing me what your female guildies were expected to do, I freaked out and removed all traces of the art I made for you from my AA account.

I appreciate you removing them from your website. I feel thatā€™s about as much as I can expect from you.


Thatā€™s like your third mark of shame this thread. Is everything okay buddy? :c


Iā€™m sorry to hear that. I hope you start to feel better soon.

Yeah, we should probably talk about the actual crime that has occured here.

As in not the ā€˜according to the EULA this could be interpreted as a crimeā€™ but the actual crime of soliciting sexual material from a minor.


While I 100% agree itā€™s gross as hell, unless you live in Cyprus, Turkey, Ireland or the Vatican State, 16 is above the age of consent in all European nations, and thus ERP with a 16 year old is not punishable in the court of law in any EU country except for the 4 I just listed.

Yeah. Gross as hell. But not illegal.

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During the War On All Fronts campaign that just ended, I added you as a Battlenet friend, as I did some others, throughout my espionage roleplay in Westguard Keep. In the few brief conversations we had, you came off as an alright guy.

In the last two days, Iā€™ve come to immensely regret ever communicating with someone not far off from an actual criminal. Someone just like you groomed me into an erotic long-distance relationship when I was a child, which evolved from just words into sessions via webcam. I shut out the memory from my mind for years before realizing how wrong it was and how much damage had been done, and now, at almost 21, I still go to a psychiatrist because of it. What you do so carelessly, and then have the gall to lie about doing, ruins lives.

For the sake of underaged children that play this game and develop an interest in roleplaying, please leave this game.


The age of consent in Italy is 14 years, with a close-in-age exception that allows those aged 13 to engage in sexual activity with partners who are under the age of 18, provided that the age gap between them is less than 3 years. The age of consent rises to 16 if one of the participants has some kind of influence on the other (e.g. teacher, tutor, adoptive parent, etc.). Not knowing that the victim is underage is not a legal defense, except when it was unavoidable ignorance.

This is Italian law on the matter [emphasis mine - quoting Wikipedia] - where our resident friendly creeper lives.

Heā€™s teetering on the edge of an actual bona fide sex crime.


ā€œTeetering on the edgeā€ isnā€™t punishable by law, though, unfortunately.

Not defending him at all, here, by the way. No sympathy for the guy. But itā€™s a little over the top, I think, to be popping off about jail time and criminal offense in this thread. If youā€™re convinced heā€™s done something illegal, contact the relevant authorities and let them sort it out.

Even if youā€™re gross, that kind of lynching isnā€™t appropriate.

Iā€™m writing a ticket to Blizzard as we speak as a start. The chances of me as a third party successfully reporting a foreign national to the police who I know only by character name from something that has sadly likely passed its statute of limitations due to it happening many years ago are unfortunately slim.

I am mostly just signal boosting the idea of ā€œThis guy is a horrible pervert and possibly a sex criminal, please donā€™t ever associate with himā€ in the hope that he is no longer in a position to coerce anyone else - particularly any more vulnerable people - into erotic roleplay.


On the contrary

Weā€™re here to secure, contain, protect.


In all honesty, Iā€™m somewhat convinced that this latest ā€˜letā€™s all jump on Shonnā€™ is just an elaborate conspiracy to take attention away from campaign drama. Iā€™ve seen all of this brought up for years. In all honesty, ā€¦whether or not heā€™s a sex pest; this community, and even Blizzard GMs are not trained or equipped to deal with things of this nature.

If it was that big a deal, I think something would have been done by now tbh.


This reply is not aimed at anyone in particular on this forum thread.

What has been said on here is quite calm compared to a certain discord that will remain nameless, though some points were discussed politely, there were others who react in the same way they always have.

If people donā€™t like Shonn, me or the guild because of what they believe is happening here, thatā€™s fine, no-one is forcing them to interact with any of us. If people have a valid cause for a report, then they should go for it and let the GMs deal with it.

If certain people are going to go through the whole ā€œwarning othersā€ about us, then just remember, go too far and I will report you for harrassment. We have been on this realm for nearly 9 years now and so far the worst that has happened is our guild name being changed, for an hour. Pretty sure if Shonn was the kind of person some people think he truly is OOC, then something would have been done by now. Some people are telling him to leave the realm, or the game and me too for associating with him, but until I see him locked up in prison in the real world then Iā€™ll stick around, whether people mind or not. I also refuse to mother our guild members by trying to track them in anyway in private rp. People seem to think I can insist on this, but I can no more police players over this than I can police what they do in RL, behind closed doors. You can disagree all you want, Iā€™ll not change my stance on this, so give up trying to change me, however polite you may be.

My experience of this guild is very long, has been mostly a happy, fun and stress free time, interspersed with periods of drama, usually caused by individuals who donā€™t last long in our company. I havenā€™t had to deal with any negativity in whispers, on the forums or discord for a long time until today, so this latest batch wonā€™t affect me or how I rp.

I trust the players of AD to make up their own minds on whether they find our behaviour at server events, our random rp and so on is good enough. But, even if the whole server decides tomorrow to ignore us completely, we would still be here, internal plotlines and guild campaigns do not rely on outsiders or other guilds after all.

If anyone has any legitimate questions, feel free to poke me in game, or leave a post here, but any trolling or rudeness will just be ignored and reported.


You really need to be careful what you say, slander is not a pretty thing either. I suggest you delete this post before I take things further, legally.

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Yeah, not going to happen. Much like your object of worship that triggers your mother hen instincts every time this thread is pulled up I live in a country where there can be no legal proceedings for taking a dump on a sleazeball for things he has actually done.

Unless you mean that heā€™s Italian, in that case Iā€™ll gladly edit the post. The connection between his and the Italian PMā€™s way of handling women is all too similar. :S


Imagine if these people drove their passions for howling at some horny dude they believe is some Joseph Fritzl, and put it into some real life use. Look around your areas, Iā€™m sure there are some real people that need your help and protection.

Oh thatā€™s right. You donā€™t like going outside, you just want to gang up on someone on the internet and throw disgusting names at them to make yourself feel better.


Hiding behind the country you live in, classy. I know who you are and about your history with Shonn on Moonglade, so your post is no great surprise to me, however what you claim is untrue, already has been stated such by the person who made the claim in the first place. Already been down this path with another WoW-player on this topic. You want to cause trouble, then by all means get apparent victim to make a complaint to their local police and weā€™ll go from there shall we?

Also have spoken with other WoW players who have known you over the years and you are one of the most unpleasant people I have ever had the misfortune to have to communicate with.

You might think you are scary, I think otherwise.

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Thatā€™s a lot of assumptions buddy. I was in fact outside (or, well, at uni, but surely that counts) when I made all the posts I have in this thread