[A-RP] Eve of Respite - Elven Cultural Exchange

Eve of Respite

Night Elves, Highborne, High Elves, Blood Elves… the elven race on Azeroth has undergone a long, sorrowful journey to reach their current potential. Unwanted in Silvermoon, the Void Elves seek shelter in the Alliance territories, assisting them militarily. Yet after so many millennia, the elven race encompasses so much more than military might. Magical wonders, patient craftsmanship, art, music and more has been brought from Silvermoon—to an exchange of ideas more extensive than when the art of magic was taught to the humans.

This gathering is about celebrating elven culture. Elves can meet their kinsmen and outsiders can visit to take part in the vast legacy brought to the Alliance by the Void Elves.

Where: Embassy, Stormwind Outskirts

When: April 7th, 20:00 RT

How to participate: this can be as simple as being present and talking to different people, but as an elf you can bring an object of your trade to show off or talk about one of your unique skills. As an established member of the Alliance, you can bring your curiosity, good will and perhaps a few pieces of advice for those whose lives are now dependent on your faction. Each section of the event grounds is a place of exchange, where non-elves are just as encouraged to share their own secrets.

This event is hosted to give characters that might not normally interact a chance to do so in peace. It is a chance to help integrate one of the allied races into the Alliance and to expand your network. If you want to help us by providing something of your own for attendees, or if you have questions/feedback, please contact one of the event organisers: Isirion , Salrathin or Valriana .


I do love the idea of this! Given how driven by culture and tradition blood elves are, this would make for some fine RP, indeed! If I remember to come over, I surely will! (Lord knows I seem to forget every event I plan to go to)

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Both Night, Blood and Void elves collaborating with one another?


did you?

Nightborne look at this bitterly having received no invitation. Also if I could be provided with the list of trait… open minded blood elves in attendance I would dearly appreciate it.

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I am fairly certain Blood Elves were only mentioned to underline the elven variety, this is an Alliance event, after all.

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That is correct!


Added to the calendar! Hope you have a great event!


I’m sure my Highborne Mage will find this event interesting.

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I am also fairly certain last time co-oped event with belfs didn’t work out whatsoever :thinking:

But good luck either way!

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Happy Saturday all,

This event will be taking place next Sunday (7th April) so just bumping the thread up to help with awareness for any who might be interested.

Also, big thanks to Chatty for adding it to her upcoming events thread - great idea for a thread!

And to the AD Talks people, worth checking out!


This event will take place in one hour! Come and learn about the Void Elves, or share your valuable advice with these newcomers to the Alliance.

Freck I totally forgot about this one :frowning:

Thanks for hosting this, it was a great opportunity to meet fellow velves as well as others, and it was great fun with the sudden drinking contest between the Kul tiran and the Dwarf :smile: you never know what will happen when Dwarves are involved :beers:


Kul Tirans are just tall dwarves :DDDDDD

Both drink a lot, have a spiritual branch, fat and round :slight_smile:

But yes indeed! When Dwarves are involved, things change :>

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Many thanks to all who attended this event. Your good cheer made it a success. If you missed it: have no fear! We will most likely host something similar in the future to further Void Elven integration into the Alliance.


Drinks wine in nervous Thalassian

Was good to see other Ren’dorei, even if my interactions were limited. I main Night Elves so not realy accustomed to City RP

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