Kul'tiran style guilds?

What type of kul’tiran guilds are roaming around on this server? Any tide sage guilds or just military onces?

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You have the Kul Tiran Marine for all your military needs.

The Oaken Grove is a Thornspeaker guild

There are probably other kul tiran esque guilds on the sailing theme but none come to mind right now.

I do not think there is a Tidesage only guild atm. I had thought about looking into setting up such a concept for Kul Tiran priests, mages, monks and shaman, but it seems quite niche and I’m not the most confident GM so yeah.

I think the military and druids have clear representation in guilds above, it’d be awesome for the other kul tiran staple: the tidesages to have their own guild too. It’d be carving out a niche however as they seem to be a supporting body that largely works with the other parts of kul tiran society, so fostering close relations with other guilds would be a must.


Oaken grove for Thornspeaker

Kul Tiran marine for military/marine

Knights of Kul Tiras for military

Tideforged Corsairs for sailor

Havenguard for Order of embers themed

Forgive me if i missed any
Overall, these are nice

Good luck :heartbeat:


Oh we got a shoutout? Nice!

Also I would like to point out that while we are stationed in Drustvar we are open to any and all concepts, if you are expecting a pure Kul’tiran experience than I point to those already mentioned :slight_smile: However we are killing Coven and Drust so if that tickles you fancy…

Forgive me for being lazy but I wrote this a while ago, you may find it useful!

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Hm so there’s no tidespeaker guilds…

I haven’t seen any, but perhaps you can make a Tidesage guild or at least community for those that want to join

Community will be better as people that are in guilds can join it regardless :slight_smile:

Thanks to everyone for the mention of us! <3

As for Tidesage guilds, there’s no dedicated guilds at this time, though most guilds (namely my own and the Knights of Kul Tiras) do accomodate Tidesages in their guilds.

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