[A-RP] <Stormwind Covert Accord> Rebooting and Recruiting

And that’s your perception, which is fine. But why all this hate on a recruitment forum? I just don’t see any maturity in this.

Probably because of all the low stuff you’ve been pulling, as very clearly portrayed in this thread.

Also, are you saying that being able to witness things without directly interacting with someone that’s part of those things is just perception? Because I’m pretty sure that it’s very much a normal thing.

Y’know, I saw a guy jump from orbit to the ground once. Doesn’t mean I ever met him.


I still don’t see what the deal is to spread hate over rumours and old fixed issues. To me, it seems childish.

They clearly aren’t.

Also, I feel inclined to repeat a question from far, far earlier in this clusterthread.

this thread is literally better than any soap opera on tv at the moment.


Why are you so ignorant towards everyone posting in your recruitment thread? What’s this act going to give you, exactly? Do you honestly think any neutral party is going to look at your posts and think “oh yeah, this guy seems like a solid roleplayer, I’d love to be in his guild! He sure knows how to manage it!”

just think for at least two seconds before you make a post, maybe


They were, but then apparently rekindled for some reason.

And basic awareness? Awareness of what? Rumours? That’s very mature.

They clearly weren’t, else people wouldn’t be digging up older posts explicitly saying it wasn’t solved.

It said what in the quote my manski

I mean, to be honest dudes, if you’re so convinced the guild is going to go down the plughole and Lysandré is a terrible RPer and/or guild master, just stand back and watch as it happens.

The legit criticisms have already been made earlier in the thread, and that’s fair enough. But she’s not actually hurting anyone by trying to lead this guild - just let her get on with it. If she fails she fails.

People have, and they ask me for my side of the story instead of just reading one side of the coin. The difference is, that I go about it on a public forum post.

They were in private. I can’t delete or remove forum posts. I have nothing to hide. But instead of discussing on a public forum post, I suggest people contact me in private to get both sides of the coin.

I can agree to this. If you think I will fail, the let me instead of being so hateful.

I don’t really have any investment in your guild, whether or not it succeeds or fails, and your responses in this thread haven’t exactly been fantastic - especially in light of what has been some legitimate if hostile feedback, which I hope you take on board. But, on the other hand, players like Jeyce are like a dog with a bone when they have a grudge. And players like him collect a lot of grudges.

Good luck with it. The more successful RP guilds, the better.


I don’t hate you, Lysandre but I don’t really have much love for you either.

I wanted some sort of response from you, so far you’ve been incredibly inadequate in trying to patch this thing up, you fail to own up to your own bs and you try to denigrate me by saying my troubles with you are rumours and unfounded.

At this rate, I might start hating you.


And let’s leave it at that. Part ways and not keep raising awareness for coming members on a recruitment forum post, there’s nothing constructive about that.

Your side of the story though isn’t reliable in the slightest; especially when you claim that these issues are solved when in reality they are not. Truthfully, your complete disregard and inability to take responsibility for your actions is disgusting to the point that even horse manure smells better.

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Keep going, Jaggerhawk. You’re only ridiculizing yourself.

Yet here you are, still responding to everything. It’s gonna have to come from both sides Lysandre, not just the side you dislike.

On a character you recognise, yes. I ran into you far more than just once.

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Don’t you have guildies to kill?

Next week, actually! Lots of fun guaranteed in our events. :slight_smile:


Hey guys, look - if you’re going to start fighting, make another thread for it, yeah? This one’s already occupied.