[A-RP] The <Lionheart>

Website: lionheartguild.weebly.com
AA: www.argentarchives.org/node/207730
Recruitment status: Closed



The Lionheart is an officially chartered guild within the Alliance. It is a guild consisting of powerful, unique individuals, loyal to Azeroth and their faction who have united together to face the darkness that threatens the world. Often they can be found on the frontlines facing the most dangerous of foes. As such it is expected that only the brightest and strongest join their ranks or, most recently, have the potential to grow into heroes.

New blood is required with Azeroth on the brink of war again, and the leadership has decided that they will be training a new generation of heroes. The risks are great and they are many but under the guidance of the veterans they will be taught everything to survive and play a part in the upcoming wars that will define Azeroth once again.

Do you have what it takes to become a hero?



<Lionheart> returns from a much needed hiatus along with plenty of changes to the concept to make it much more fun for those part of the guild. From much more streamlined storytelling to a noticeboard with quests for varying amount of players, all compiled on our brand new site that serves to enhance the experience for our members and prove an interesting read for those who wish to inform themselves on our latest exploits!

In short we’re a multi-racial heroic/adventure guild comprised of powerful characters. While there is often an emphasis on ‘realism’ in Argent Dawn’s roleplay, we embrace the high-fantasy setting that Warcraft is and use everything available to us as we roleplay to combat the enemies of the Alliance.

We also have a very active Discord community and play various other games outside of World of Warcraft!

Joining us

In an attempt to create a unique experience for even those who are simply interested in joining the guild we have decided to make the recruitment a far more complex beast to handle. There are essentially three stages one must go through before they are allowed to join the guild itself, to ensure both the recruitment officer and the interested player know what to expect.

  • Stage one: Out of Character
    The interested player must contact one of the officers through a whisper (or via mail if none are to be found online). They can expect several questions regarding which character they wish to join, why the Lionheart and what they think they can bring to the table/expect from the guild in return. Once the officer believes your character to be a good fit they go to the second stage.
  • Stage two: An interview
    Before the potential member undertakes their quest they will be invited to the guild hall to speak with one of the officers. There a select few questions will asked to gauge whether they'd be a good fit or not. When the information's been noted down and seems sufficient they will be given a quest.
  • Stage three: A Daring Quest!
    As their interview is completed instructions will be given on where the 'recruit' must go to prove themselves. One of the guild members will always be present to observe their skill and to see if they have the potential to be a part of the guild. Once they complete the quest and the overseeing member approves of their actions they will be welcomed into the Lionheart!
Recruitment Contacts

    — Lotheridan
    — Kíngston
    — Carcaróth
Update #1

Good afternoon, everyone!

The guild has officially returned. No, there will not be a massive event planned to celebrate, but the first batch of quests has now officially been released! While not strictly every quest there is a prominent theme going for most of them which is dealing with the Legion Invasion's aftermath. This will likely be a main focus until the pre-patch with, of course, other quests to get some variety going.

Low priority can be found here:

High priority can be found here:

How does this work?

By looking over the quests there are contacts to be found. When it says "officers" simply poking one of us is sufficient to get something set up. If you want to DM it yourself, that is no problem as quests provide a basis to work from. If it has a specific name attached to it then contact that player who'll get a date and time sorted for the quest.

Then it's up to you to find others who are interested in joining you on a quest. After that? Simply enjoy being out in the world and make a name out there for yourself and the Lionheart. Have fun!

But there is MORE!

Are you a DM who's itching to get back into their game but don't want to necessarily join a guild for it? Or write an event just for a small group of people, but have no audience? We've got you covered.

We have set up a quest submission form for you to use and ditch all your cool, creative ideas in. Be sure to add in your name so one of the officers (most likely myself) can give you a poke if we've got a question/want to double check you're fine with the quest!


Hopefully you'll like this addition and I hope to speak to you, soon!


Update #2

Greetings everyone! With the "Benefactors" story chapter ended it is time for another update!

1. "Benefactors"

The story chapter ended one day earlier thanks to some excellent detective work by some of the guild! I have also written down what's transpired during the story chapter so that those interested will get to read what we've gone through! It was filled with lots of death and tragedy that has utterly broken a few of the members. Expect a story in the coming days following the aftermath, told from the perspective of the nefarious 'Council'.

It was not your standard type of campaign and storytelling as, especially once they found out about the dream, most of the actions (and consequences) were in the hands of the participants. It also meant there was no end fight as one would expect, instead the real fight comes in the aftermath - dealing with the trauma a lot are suffering through.


2. Quests

I have given some more thought regarding the priorities and what separates them. Based on feedback we'll also tackle the way how quests are given differently as well so that those who are new or simply not as confident are given an equal chance to find a group!

Low priority remains much the same as it is. These are one time events that aren't world threatening yet there are many in abundance to choose from. High priority, on the other hand, will be expanded upon so that they are events that can take several days or are spread out over a couple of quests. Essentially they are smaller storylines for the guild members to participate in.

We will also hold meetings every ~2 weeks to speak about what quests are still open and might be a good idea to tackle. It will serve as a meeting point for everyone to get in a group so they, too, can participate in a quest (or several!). Hopefully this shall get the more quiet members more involved and fully enjoy what we have to offer!

New quests are scheduled to be put on the website in light of these changes some time tonight or tomorrow, depending on how busy it gets for me.

3. Recruitment

I have unfortunate news for those who have been vocal about wishing to join us. The story chapter was a good way for us to gauge numbers as well as activity outside of the events. We averaged at around 24 people per event, which is absolutely insane and way more than I personally thought we'd get. Considering the queue of people who wish to join the Lionheart makes it all the more heartbreaking to make this call.

Until BfA we will not be opening our recruitment. We wish to focus on we have and we will review whether we can take in more people or not after we've been through the initial rush of the new expansion. It's probably not what some of you had hoped but we're scratching the ceiling of what we can manage currently.


Update #3

With the Drums of War campaign over the Lionheart returns to their guild hall. It does not mean their participation in the faction war is over, however, as this was merely the beginning! Many were injured, the faith of some shaken as the horrors of war revealed themselves, and one lost his life during the campaign itself - Velthraan (also known as 'Flash' by some).

We had a lot of fun in both parts, made many friends (Mandala'dor, Hand of Cenarius) and enemies (The Sanguine Eye, Bladewing, etc...) alike! Their stories will undoubtedly continue as we head into the Battle for Azeroth expansion. I personally cannot wait!



Recruitment opens up again 1 week after BfA launches (21st of August). This allows us to experience a week of the new expansion before we kick back into action with a new recruitment drive. There have been many, many people asking to join us and unfortunately we cannot house them all in the OOC guild...

Which is why the officer team has decided to try something new that works with the concept of an actual guild.

The Lionheart Community

What is this?

The communities introduced for this expansion presents us with an opportunity to include a lot more people than this guild can manage. As the Lionheart is an IC guild that effectively makes it a community for those whose interests align. Joining the community means that you join the guild, and will be seen as an equal in that regard. This means you can hang around the guild hall, participate in quests and so forth!

The difference between the OOC community and the OOC guild

As you all know we do have larger stories that will be told over the next year or so. Those who are part of the OOC guild are eligible to participate in these. The ranks of Veteran, Champion and Lieutenant are also restricted to the guild. Some of the requirements (activity, mostly) will be less strict for the community.

The switch from community to guild

The community serves as a great way to trial people as well. If one is active and dedicated it is very likely they will be welcomed into the OOC guild should there be room!

Potential issues

This idea will be able to include people who have been waiting for ages to join us, and establish a community for like-minded people, both IC and OOC, which sounds great on paper! But in reality this also means the officer team will have a lot more to deal with. More people, more quests, and so forth already make a busy schedule worse.

An idea to deal with this relies on cooperation of everyone involved. Make your own quests, try your hand on DMing for a small group, be respectful and kind to your fellow player. All of the above will really help us make this one of the best places to be at.

Other notes

This is all very new so expect changes to happen as we try to make the community idea work as best as possible. Also in order to not flood our Discord server we have decided (for now) that once you are in the community you will be given an invite to the Discord after being with us for a week.
pls daddy
I died and they said I could become anything I wanted
26/04/2018 22:55Posted by Saleisha

Sale coming in hot with the trolling. I approve.
F, I missed first post.

We're back and ready to defend the Alliance best interests when we aren't getting corrupted, captured or maimed.

Edit: Also my 200th post. Woop.
26/04/2018 22:56Posted by Threndual
I died and they said I could become anything I wanted

So I made a Void Elf, much to the dismay of certain someones
I liked us more when we were dead.
New name, new death list.
26/04/2018 22:59Posted by Alêxia
New name, new death list.

I guarantee I will have at least six alts on the death list before BFA's launch.
1 Like
26/04/2018 23:11Posted by Montero
I will have at least six alts on the death list before BFA's launch.

ffs liondogs
God damn, another alliance rising to our competition!

Good to see you guys back and ready...we shall meet on the fields of battle soon, very soon!
The moment I saw that the AA page was under re-construction I knew it was to be put back to life.
And I won't lie, been waiting for the post to appear on the forums.
Jumping straight in with the hope of becoming one of you!
Go away
26/04/2018 22:52Posted by Lotheridan
The guild officially returns from its hiatus on the 5th of May
