[A-RP] [Warlock] Eredun Lullaby - Scholarlicious!

23/09/2017 12:04Posted by Doltri
Question: Do you only accept the actual class warlock to be a "real" member, or do you accept those who are warlocks ic or shadowmancers as well ?

I'm afraid we only accept the actual warlock class, sorry! We want to foster a sense of immersion.
23/09/2017 23:11Posted by Melyssa
23/09/2017 12:04Posted by Doltri
Question: Do you only accept the actual class warlock to be a "real" member, or do you accept those who are warlocks ic or shadowmancers as well ?

I'm afraid we only accept the actual warlock class, sorry! We want to foster a sense of immersion.

I see :)
These people are a good and friendly bunch! 10/10
25/09/2017 16:48Posted by Purity
These people are a good and friendly bunch! 10/10

I love the irony of your name ;)
We're still open for recruitment! Warlocks only, pleased, though if you have a non-warlock character associated with your warlock (eg a family member, bodyguard, servant, etc) it's plausible they might be conditionally allowed in the guild as well.
25/09/2017 17:00Posted by Lorvien
25/09/2017 16:48Posted by Purity
These people are a good and friendly bunch! 10/10

I love the irony of your name ;)

Hihi, thank you.
News updates

Khelissa is currently purchasing any and all -alive- rats from any citizen in the alliance who can find themselves in Stormwind. Beggars, drunks, maimed war-veterans looking to bolster their meagre pensions may contact Khelissa.

Observe Rats need to be secured in cages, and or chew-resistant sacks, rats controlled through magical flutes. If by chance your character owns a magical flute which can charm rats, she would also be interested in purchasing said item. Pregnant females will pay the double.

Your contribution goes a long way to further the goal of transforming the treacherous ways of the fel into a respected and well documented school of magic.
06/10/2017 16:14Posted by Khelissa
Pregnant females will pay the double.
Rats or like.. Human females.
06/10/2017 17:25Posted by Reaerían
06/10/2017 16:14Posted by Khelissa
Pregnant females will pay the double.
Rats or like.. Human females.


no just the rats, Khelissa rather learns which one is what gender before purchase so that she does not have to spend her valuable time lifting rattails.
Our first server event is up and planned! Details can be found here: https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/17616983695#1
In the lecture thread you mention that in the future you'd be interested in holding more lectures.

Have you considered contacting horde warlocks and asking them if they'd want to offer lectures on horde side so they don't feel as left out? Since a lot of the horde rp is none magical users. Clans, money hungry goblins and so on. It might be helpful to offer them aswell a version of it?
<Eredun Lullaby> is such a sick name, genuinely 10/10
The Light will heal your scars.
Then I will fix your car.
And I will fill your jar.
While singing this Eredun Lullaby...
Thanks a lot to those attending our public events so far! We aspire to continue bringing you academic content open to everyone regardless of race, class or guild. If you would like your guild or character to cooperate with ours for the purpose of hosting joint events, scholarly or otherwise, let us know by contacting me or Melyssa via in-game mail or whispers!
11/10/2017 15:20Posted by Shozhan
In the lecture thread you mention that in the future you'd be interested in holding more lectures.

Have you considered contacting horde warlocks and asking them if they'd want to offer lectures on horde side so they don't feel as left out? Since a lot of the horde rp is none magical users. Clans, money hungry goblins and so on. It might be helpful to offer them aswell a version of it?

Sorry for the late reply! We've kind of been ignoring the forums for the most part.

That is actually an intriguing idea we ought to consider. Granted, we elect to align ourselves with the Alliance, and some of us aren't exactly sympathetic to the Horde, but the idea has merit; especially since more or less all of us also dabble with the Black Harvest.

As with the previous post; if we're contacted by someone who wants to do something Horde-side, we will consider it!
11/10/2017 15:58Posted by Dark
<Eredun Lullaby> is such a sick name, genuinely 10/10

Grammy Award!
Information on our next public lecture will be released soon! Estimated time is around Friday next week!
Our apologies for the delays with the planned lecture, but IRL has been hitting all of us hard as of late! Rest assured, though, we have some interesting topics coming up!
Our next lecture has been scheduled for 24 November! Details can be found here: https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/17617201935#1
It came to my attention that certain parts of our guild information came across as haughty and presumptuous, and it was never our intention for this. As such, we made some minor edits to clarify things. Namely, the following was edited:
Every applicant will be considered individually, and we feel that your roleplaying style or character is not suiting for Eredun Lullaby or World of Warcraft roleplay in general, we will decline your application. We are very adamant about adhering to canon lore, so a good grasp of and respect to the game's lore is required.

• Some knowledge regarding the server roleplay and it's bigger and more meaningful guilds are is preferred. So is a profile on the Argent Archives.

Italics denote removed text. Bold denotes added text.

My apologies if we got the message wrong, as it was never our intention! Happy studying!