[A-RP] [Warlock] Eredun Lullaby - Scholarlicious!

30/10/2018 00:04Posted by Mayliffe

Do not bump posts

The act of posting simply to bump a thread is considered spamming. This also includes bumping very old threads for no reason (called 'necro bumping' or 'necroing').

It is a promotional thread for an RP guild which is technically role playing content on a role playing server. So it is not to simply bump, but to inform people that this exists and is available to them.

I mean really, should one make a new guild thread each time their thread gets shoved from the front pages?

On a different note, good luck with that lecture! :)
There was updated information, regarding an event they are holding. Or do you suggest a new thread should be made every time the next step in a chain event happens? They are hosting a lecture on divination soon, which is promoted in this thread.

Then they should added it here too. Not simply just put "bump" every week or so. Feels dumb and not giving any idea of devolpment of guild.

Furthermore, it is a promotional thread for an RP guild which is technically role playing content on a role playing server. So it is not to simply bump, but to inform people that this exists and is available to them.

See above.

30/10/2018 16:52Posted by Ghostpepper
I mean really, should one make a new guild thread each time their thread gets shoved from the front pages?

Multiple threads on the same topic will be deleted

When multiple threads cover the same topic we will typically leave one of them open, lock one with an explanation, and delete the rest. This is done to allow other topics to still have a place on the forums. Which thread is left open typically depends on the thread length and how constructive the first post and the thread in general are.
What do you mean see above? Are you suggesting that one should copy and paste information all the time? You should always read the first few posts of the forum topic to understand what it is about, not just the last comment. If the thread does not interest you, then do not bother with it.

The content is still active and the GM is adding information on the first few posts so that it is all collected in one place. Therefore, this is not bumped just for the sake of bumping, but it promotes ongoing content on the server which is updated.

You quoting rules does not in any way enforce them. There are active moderators on the forums, so I think we can leave these things to them. I am leaving this topic now as it is derailing the thread probably.
30/10/2018 16:57Posted by Syanidi
Then they should added it here too. Not simply just put "bump" every week or so. Feels dumb and not giving any idea of devolpment of guild.

Oh don't worry, I'll be posting proper patch notes next time~
We are still recruiting!

However, as I am interested in balancing out our demographics, we will be giving preference to male dwarves and male humans, while we will completely halt the recruitment of any elves.

As always, we accept Associates of any class as long as your character has a reason to join and fits in, plus Full Members that are OOC Warlocks. For more information, approach any of our guild members, regardless of rank, in game or via Discord! Many of us still dwell on the AD Discord and several other server communities.
The lack of live Gnome experiments put me off joining. Your refusal to donate to the triannual OKP (orphan kitten puppy) BBQ also left me questioning your warlockiness.

Right, I’ve had my eye on this guild for a long time, but I never got around to joining… And, even though my warlock is only… 50? (I think), I would love to know whether or not it’s still active. So, still recruiting? ^^

Hello there! The guild is very much still active and looking for new members. If you would like to give it a go, I suggest you whisper Mayliffe or Vaenith in game.

We’re planning a lecture on Illusion soon™!

I’m recently having technical issues when it comes to playing the game, but hopefully I’ll be able to get there by the lecture date!

Hello Argent Dawn! We are still very much around, and a new lecture is in the works. I just need to find out how (if?) I can edit older posts in these new bloody forums first

Very noice.

Looks like I’ll have to stop updating the thread with lectures, because I can’t find someway to edit it… Ah well :confused:

Love the RP, will be sure to join up properly soon. I might start writing a related short story, too…

Huddabump badabump!

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Rostane’s clawmark of approval

Alenux’s hoofstomp of sanction

A very fitting guild for people seeking a group to RP with, openly, as a Warlock, without being forced into cults or some kind of servitude. Traditional and scholarly. :>