The Scarlet Circle [5/10M] are looking for a few more dps to round off our team this tier and beyond.
We are a casual raiding guild on Chamber of Aspects Alliance who have been around on this realm since it opened in 2009 and before that on a different realm. We raid progress 2 nights on Thursday and Monday from 21:15 to 23:30 server time.
We progress through Mythic and aim to kill as much as we can while still having fun getting 6/10M in Nathria and 10/12M in Ny’alotha most recently.
We have a casual raid night on Wednesdays for socials and alts, or achievement runs. We have a fairly active M+ scene in the guild and sometimes have +15 nights and guild Torghast runs.
For a chat or more information, add me on scar#2634 for bnet or scar#0097 on discord
WTB a DK and a ranged dps or two
Still recruiting some range and the elusive dk or maybe even an enhancement shaman ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
The optional “casual” raid is doing 10/10 normal atm and then moving onto heroic to get a head start of the progress night. Few more dps for the progress team and we’ll just start doing normal skip and start heroic on a wednesday and have the thurs/mon for finishing hc and pushing mythic ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
Now 8/10hc after our raid on thursday ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
Now rank 1 alliance guild on Chamber of Aspects. Looking to recruit a few more members to fill out the raid team and push Mythic
9/10hc now, turns out KT is a total joke of a fight
kinda dissapointing tbh
But we are still looking for 1-2 more dps to fill out the roster for mythic raiding, preferably a dk and a boomkin, however we’re flexible and open to other classes/specs ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
Disc Shifty#5137
Now 9/10hc and 1/10 mythic. Still looking for 1-2 more dps to complete our roster.
Would love a dps DK or a second warlock
Looking for a healer to join us for mythic raiding.
Still looking for a healer to join the team, this would be a main spot as one of our dps is currently having to heal as cover and he’d rather not xD
Looking for one or two more dps to finish the team off. Ideally an enhancement shaman, warlock or balance druid. Exceptional players of all specs will be considered.
Also 2/10M after killing the eye last night ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
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Still looking for one or two of those elusive dps roles to finish the roster.
Don’t need a healer but looking for a dps or two (enhance or another lock maybe?)
Any enhancement shamans about? Our arms warrior is in desperate need of a friend
Still looking for another dps to join the team ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
Just giving this a friendly nudge ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](