A thread which should be unnecessary: OOCers

OOCers are people just like us, first off. They don’t deserve “hate” or harassment or being yelled at and whatever else. Maybe they have friends here, I see no problem with that. But coming here on their own for OOC reasons is odd I do agree and surely they should pick a better realm.


Thing is the lines between RPers and OOCers are now being blurred by these semi-IC guilds that are popping up and people who used to RP OOCing. Like there are OOC guilds who decide they ‘run tavern X’ in Stormwind every now and then which is essentially bringing Goldshire to Stormwind; then there was that big wedding event where two OOC characters got married IC as people spammed toys and OOCed everywhere. People who Rp’d at one point are joining in with the OOCers who grief RP or they’ll harass people in discords to help out their OOC friends. It’s really all becoming a bit sinister how there seems to be this organised effort to destroy RP going on.


Fair enough! Thanks for letting me know, it sounds like OOC’ers are a much bigger problem than when I was RP’ing in the major hubs - incidents like that were isolated with months in between any occurring, whereas now it sounds like almost daily harassment.

I am going to mount a defence of the hypothetical “good” OOC’er here, though, because I know for a fact that they’re not hypothetical. The instances you’ve both highlighted seem to be specific to trolls and griefers, but not all OOC’ers are trolls. The problem is that the “good” OOC’er will never be recognised because he or she is completely invisible. They’re doing current world content, clearing raids or mythic dungeons, climbing ladders in PvP - and, likely enough, pumping up the auction house with mats and items that RP’ers most definitely make use of.

Throughout MoP, sporadically through WoD, and actively in Legion, I was both an RP’er and a member of a (primarily) OOC raiding guild that cleared Heroic content. It was started by a roleplayer who invited both RP’ers and old friends from a PVP WoTLK server to join him on AD because he didn’t want to re-roll or pay to transfer his main to another server. These players had zero interest in RP or the RP world in general, and their only point of contact with it would have been Stormwind’s Auction House. They did at one point offer heroic clears for Curve and Mount achievements, which I know several RP’ers availed themself of.

The point I’m making is that while these OOC’ers did indeed have zero interaction with, or impact and influence on actual RP - and therefore would never be recognised in a thread like this - they did have a positive impact on actual RP’ers. They did put up rare greens and blues for sale whose only value was as costumes for RP characters. They did put up mats that helped RP’ers level their professions and empower their toons. They did offer services for RP’ers who wanted mounts and gear but lacked the guilds or player skill to acquire them.

So it’s not a black-and-white issue, where because some OOC’ers are trolls, therefore all OOC’ers are the problem - there are many OOC’ers who are positively affecting and benefiting your RP and your characters in ways that are not immediately obvious. If you were able to take them off the server, their impact would be immediately recognised - because RP’ers are too busy RP’ing to engage with much of the content which provides the community with these items and materials.



tl;dr devils advocate for the sake of being contrarian


There is truly no “us” here Vaxir

That is exactly why many people who prefer as close to 0 OOCers as possible

The “good” / ideal OOCer is a net neutral to the server - they cause no harm but may as well not exist

The “bad” OOCer (which is a significant population) is an inconvenience at best and a massive source of disruption at worst

It’s really a numbers game - why would we want a group that at their pinnacle can only say “they’re not that bad and won’t directly disrupt this server”


This post is so great and genius and it’s a completely new and hot take on the issue I love you for posting this thank you so much it is the BEST post in the thread again thank you @Vaxir-ArgentDawn


You and I are nothing alike

It’d only be devil’s advocate if I was defending trolls or griefers. Sorry I exhausted your attention span by writing in paragraphs!


What about the AH?

In summary:



thanks i had to download that


I have chars on argentdawn because some of my friends are there, and i quite like the rp envoirment, something to watch while waiting for the dungeon que

Oh dear, im bout to get roasted harder than australia

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I don’t think many of us here are like you Vaxir…


It was worth it.

maybe learn to rp then…

Sounds based don’t mind if you RP in between of dungeon queues in Stormwind at all actually

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it was not

I speak in general of “us vs them / RPers vs OOCers” but yes I rather not be associated with some RPers in the long run for various reasons so I can take on board ‘us’ doesn’t mean some of you.

You are more than welcome to join the RP Grovi my friend

I am giving you my personal blessing …

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Noone cares about the abundance of items on the AH, it’s a null point because it doesn’t matter and I know of literally 0 people that would be affected by this.

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