A thread which should be unnecessary: OOCers

Right now there’s a prime example of this ‘semi-ic’ logic as a thread goes up where someone uses this semi-ic faction speak to rally people for a night of pvping. And it is this semi-IC thing where people manage to dip under Blizzards censors by pretending they’re RPing and that this is their ‘immersion’ when in fact they’re simply griefing.

Ultimately the only way this can be solved is that Blizzard would need to assign gamemasters to actually moderate the RP servers, GMs who are clued in on what is RP and what is not and can simply say ‘no you’re not RPing stop griefing’ because this whole robo-GM system is just too easy to pick apart and mess with.


I will check it out man

yeah but you’re not an RPer

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Yeah and you are on the OOCers team

Honestly the requirements to be a ‘RPer’ - as defined by community perception - really aren’t that steep in my opinion.

I saw it be asked in another thread, but yes, you can just RP 5% of your playtime and still be welcome here. Maybe you play 20hrs a week, during which you raid 3hours x 3 nights, do M+ six more hours, and push arenas for four hours a week. That leaves one hour for RP, or 5%. And yes, if you do RP one hour a week, legit, honest RP, maybe by attending a tavern night - no griefing, no trolling - then I think you do belong here.

The issue is that OOCers don’t even end up doing that. They are just here because their friends are here, or because they want to ‘watch the RP’, or because they want to grief, or because they hope for easy warmode kills.

To anyone reading this who is on the fence: If you legit want to RP, in good faith and with good intentions, then you are not the one being targeted by any of the complaints in here.


Not 100% sure who asked


No one’s denying their humanity here, but it is a bit rich to have 44 other options for realms and to then keep insisting oneself on the very few realms that are for a different playstyle entirely. Realistically, even, AD is it for any sort of RP community with substantial numbers. Once this is gone our options are a handful of severely compromised RP realms, but hey at least OOCers will have that 45th option, I guess?

Obviously they are people, but seems to me they are quite selfish people.


okay thats great and all but being on a rp realm requires rping

You rerolled undead? Sweet, it’s also my fave WoW race. How about I make you the leader of this guild called the “Grim Gest” on this new char? Think you’d do a good job


no it doesnt im thinking u should actually rp on that druid

Yeah I kind of fall into that “invisible” category; I don’t get as much time to play as I used to so I enjoy doing the content that I can and playing the game for what it is.

That said; I absolutely will go about my business in a way that doesn’t disrupt - I even use a pack mule mount (and walk) on the way from the bank to the auction house (and so on) to fit in a little better while in the capital, gotta transport them wares somehow!

I’m not adverse to RPing either though, I quite enjoy the little interactions with people both in game and on the forums!


this is true, u should definitely join in Grovi.

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“Excuse me, sir, since you do not appear to be a paying customer at this establishment, and in fact are making the other customers uncomfortable by gawking at them, would you please leave without making a scene?”


Who tf asked though


Sure for my first event how does a battle of close to 50 people in Northrend sound, it could be about Sylvanas Loyalists and other evils engaging with a gnomish and night elven army


i disintegrate spontaneously upon reading this sentence

“Miss Goldcastle, I don’t feel so good…”

have fun on another realm

Sounds like a really cool event, how can i join it?

On your Forsaken mate


Interesting discussion for me. Going to avoid my usual :poop: posting here because it’s important and should be taken seriously.

Some months ago I effectively closed the door on my time as a role player, a hobby I had engaged in for around 15 years on and off and regret none of my time with. The primary reasons for stepping back were a lack of time, fatherhood and husbanhood taking away my ability to spend long, focused sessions. But aside from that, when I did have the time I found I wasn’t enjoying it as much as I used to.

But I’m still here on Argent Dawn and opt for role play severs on MMO’s I play. Reason for that might be because that’s where all of my characters are, but way more than that I highly value the RP community and the world building and background it adds to games.

Am I going to interact with the Rotgarde IC? Not likely. Do I value knowing that they are there and reading what they are up to? I sure do, because it adds atmosphere to the game that is lacking.

I still build a back story for each of the characters that I roll out of habit, and possibly a bit of passion, but I don’t have any real intention to explore any of it in IC interactions. They add flavour to the avatar that I am playing.

Does that still make me a role player in some sense? I’ll leave that to the jury here in this thread, but if not then that’s all fine by me.

I absolutely agree that RP servers should be reserved for RP players, having a community made up entirely of RPers is the dream, but I hope that a case can be made for people like myself that maybe don’t engage.