A thread which should be unnecessary: OOCers

Oh my god it’s Jason Bourne…


just roll with it king its starting to get good

Don’t type too fast big man, you might tire yourself. You won’t be able to stand up from all that aggressive typing. How about you visit a m +3 dungeon for a start before powerfully stepping in AD?

But You Would Have Liked It If The Likes Were Still Hidden Ha Ha


It’s okay I will come around in the next thread. You have fun whacking that weirdo since I don’t think he’s gonna stop


The OOC-hammer is uni-whack.

I think… OOCers are…

… Bad.

I’m a survivor of several RP realms collapsing in on themselves from RP populations dying off, which growth of OOCers was a factor of. I don’t want that to happen to AD, because then RPers won’t have anywhere to go that isn’t infested with OOCers. Sod off.


Are you ok? Do you need an adult to talk to?

i’ve heard of that, yeah, it’s a huge shame

luckily i don’t think argent dawn is at risk of that right now but it is a possible future which makes me sad

Hi guys :innocent:

hello whats ur opinion on oocers

oocers bad
you’re contractually obliged to upvote this if you agree


What kind of RP does Fruit Basket do. Are you fruit vendors like Granny Smith?

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As an OOCer, upon reading some of the enlightening opinions here, I have come to a realization that it is indeed best to move realms. Honestly? I’m ashamed it took this much before I understood that leaving AD was the moral thing to do. I will now merrily proceed to pay for server transfers for my ~15 characters on AD.
Again, thank you so much! :sob:

All the best, Argent Dawn, and farewell! :wave:

Yours truly,

Moburon :goat:


Alright, cool, see ya.



Don’t let the door hit you.

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Where the cataclysm split ya!
… Wait, wrong toon. Crap.

Have you considered Silvermoon or Ravencrest?

Aren’t you lucky that your account has no valuable achievements what so ever so you don’t even need to transfer them and instead you can just reroll easily without any loss at all cool


Thanks for posting this mate it was really funny I’ll get back to you with a laugh as soon as I can