A thread which should be unnecessary: OOCers

you’ll belong if u join us in rp

OK mate sounds good also let’s plan an even larger follow-up next week

Don’t do it. Come and sit with us Grovi my friend

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Legit question, why don’t you RP?

Why don’t OOCers use the instance lock point technique to become permanent RPers.

It’s such an easy thing in C4K RP communities like Argent Dawn that i’m baffled people haven’t caught up yet.

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These Chicks Don’t Even Know The Name Of My Class

how long does it take to type out a meme post moburon

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You don’t really have to, I think.

Transfer to low realm pop is free, unless they changed that.

Bring this up 1 more time and I will call the polees.

I actually used to do it a fair bit (been on AD since late WotLK I believe), but quit during Legion as I quite simply lost interest in RP. There are several reasons for that. One is that I started to spend more time doing other in-game activities; another that I got kind of frustrated with all the “okay if you wanna join us you’re a low-ranking foot soldier also wear this lame uniform I really like or gtfo” guilds around. I’m not saying any of that is necessarily a bad thing, mind you, at least not all the time. It’s more that my character and interests changed to a point where I didn’t feel like adapting to certain demands anymore (and just to be extra super clear, I’m not saying I was going around screeching “COME ON LET ME RP WITH MY ASHRBRINGER WTF” or anything like that).

Anyway, much like Akamito, I still like to create immersive backstories for all my characters - I even had some neat TRP profiles for some of my characters just because I liked imagining their place in the world and putting creative effort into them. But I simply don’t have any interest in actually RPing these days, unfortunately.


Perhaps Alliance low-fantasy guilds are just not for you and you should try out RPing with some other groups, then? While the low-fantasy bunch is numerous, they’re not all the community has to offer.


fortunately there are a lot more different types of guilds than military rp/order rp, you might come across something you like if you take the time to browse the selection of guilds that are around nowadays

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Sounds like a guild like Lionheart would be more for you. Worth a shot perhaps?

i was a lot like you in legion, i only rped with friends bc i didn’t like any of the guilds that i’d found

then i was reccomended the pcu and ive had amazing rp ever since


Yea, was just saying it’s the kind of guild I came across the most at a time when I was already losing interest in RP, and contributed to me eventually straight up quitting. But I know there’s plenty of fun peeps with fun ideas if I ever get back.

Honestly, if I ever get back into RP, I’m probably going Horde.


I know folk who have well-thought-out characters with filled-in TRPs, and behave themselves, but don’t participate in RP directly out of shyness/social anxiety/lack of time - are we also giving them the boot? What’s the stance on that?


Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with taking a break if you feel like you need it.

You have RPed here before, and it sounds like you might again. That already puts you way ahead of most of the OOCers being complained about in this thread.

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i would unironically reccomend the guilds within the pcu, there are always events, a lot of cross guild rp and we’re currently organising a huge cross guild storyline between horde loyalists and sylvanas loyalists

guilds such as:
the rotgarde
the grim gest
the hand of conquest
the highblood myrmidons
the painted shields
the ronin
the bilgewater battalion
the red ventures


I’m very concious + appreciative of my position and ability to sh*tpost and meme both sides

Grim Gest sound really lit from what I know about them, probably what I will aim for if I ever go Horde RP

Also now that I think about it, I do have a desire to try RPing a velf. They deserve better than the helf RPers.


if u rp a velf well u will be my best friend

I already RP a velf and I’m not your best friend. :frowning: