A thread which should be unnecessary: OOCers

bc u keep talking about the sunwell . ur banned .

OOCers: Lame.
PCU gamers: Epic

No #Ad just fact.

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it aint for VOID ELVES…

Blizzard treats role players - very loyal subscribers who will play through a content draught - like a dirty little secret.

A very good start to combating this sort of thing would be Blizzard publishing new player guides for RP on the WoW site. We need to be fully incorporated into the “community” and not treated like a niche.

Official recognition basically


After reading some postings in this topic, I do feel bit concerned about the situation. I can understand people who don’t want to RP on a RP-realm and just stay for the atmosphere, believe it or not.

  1. The main issue you have with the main servers is how bonkers everything is. There is no etiquette, no actual sense of transmogging and stupid player names everywhere you look to. Actually, I would even call it immersion-breaking and that’s why I’ll bring my oldest Horde-characters to AD as soon as there is an service sale again (hopefully the coming week).

  2. The entry-level for RPs is high, to say at least. I find it quite hard to find casual RP opportunities because most of the players are in guilds or parties. But maybe this is just me because I’m not in a “scene”.

  3. I think Total RP3 should be a mandatory add-on for RP-servers. This is kinda controversial but I personally would love to see more flavor brought into the game.

  4. A big and personal problem I have with communities (the Blizzard-ones inGame) is that they are just character-specific and not account-wide. I think I have to add at least +20 characters when I’m in the mood to play persona x or y.

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Actually getting some official support would be a dream come true. I am unsure how much of it was debated internally by the WoW team before but as far as i recall there hasn’t been an open discussion with the roleplay community about any possible improvements or their wishes.

As ambitious as the content the roleplay community creates already is, imagine it with the backing of a few dedicated GM’s that could help elevate bigger events by spawning certain effects, npc’s or the like or could temporarily take control of something within reason.
It would take some trial and error but id love to see a proper back and forth and through that building a better relationship between player and blizzard.

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You could throw a pebble in Stormwind and hit 40 RPers I’d describe as entry level.

The bar is very, very low.

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As I see it, whether you belong on an RP realm or not comes down to intentions. If you’re someone that has RPed for a very long time but has now swapped to mainly (or maybe only) doing content due to a lack of time like in Akamito’s case, I don’t think there’s any real need to reroll on a different server. You still used to be an RPer, and even if you don’t have the time right now, chances are you will one day get that itch again and just hop back IC. It’s not uncommon that people take breaks from RP when new patches hit, so I kind of view this in the same light.

If, however, you roll on this server with absolutely no interest in RP, no desire to even try to RP and probably won’t ever be convinced to try it, I genuinely don’t understand why you wouldn’t instead choose a server that’s better suited for what you’re interested in (likely PvE or PvP in this case). If you really want to play on AD because you know people that play here, at least make the effort to try. If you don’t like it the first time, that’s fine, but saying you’ll “never RP” and still come here is just weird imo.


I’d be willing to build mole machines for every OOCer to go drill and tunnel themselves to the nearest PvE server.

My character is an expert mole machine operator and I would be more than willing to transport them OUT O’ ME BLOODY RP EXPERIENCE YE TROGGS!

:door: <-----:truck: OOCers


We are such a dirty secret that the Shadowlands which will introduce character customization appears as idea of Blizz itself rather than roleplayers pushing for years to give us more customization.
That said, aside from lack of GMs which would be great to have walk around and purge Goldshire every-day, we aren’t neglected by Blizz.
They gave us t-mogs, chance to utilize non-playable races, few pretty clothings and armors, but still not enough. Guard and Grunts armors were ‘officaly’ introduced in WoD after all.
We are, as you said, dirty secret which probably spends more money and in-game on them than your average subscriber.

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while we get cosmetic armours and whatnot, we’re still rather neglected in the lack of enforcement surrounding rpers

i don’t think any of my tickets about someone griefing roleplay have done anything, the only time a griefer was dealt with was when someone from my community actually called in to blizz after 20-25 tickets sent in

and as you said, goldshire - it’s been allowed to run rampant for years despite the people very, very obviously breaking tos


We need roleplay-expirenced GMs, that we can all agree on. I think at least one or two for each faction as well as one for the Goldshire. But then I remember that those are costs which require money. And if Blizz would have problem with funding GM which could keep purity of our entertainment I’d honestly pay the GM.

Also, I wasn’t around the era of active GMing, can anyone tell me when GMs disappeared from active moderation of servers and banning people to GM isle? Were GMs even the case or are they just a myth we tell ourselves in hopes of brighter future?

in my time playing, from cata to bfa, i’ve honestly never seen gms doing anything in game w/o excessive prompt from players

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I think it was around cata, when all other sh-t happened to the game. (take that with a grain of salt but with a core of truth)

On topic, as all these threads, basically everyone who reads and responds to them agree. Personally I think it’s okay if a minority that’s really a minority don’t actively RP, they might be on the realm for friends/partner who RP and wants to play on the same realm. The problem is this situation where we have plenty of non RP guilds and probably almost half the popualtion that has no interest in RP.

Edit: rephrasing

if a big minority doesn’t rp that defeats the purpose of argent dawn being a rp realm

Maybe I expressed myself wrong, I meant a minority that is a few people compared to the majority, not a small minority that’s just a little fewer than the majority, but a big minority that is a lot smaller than the RPing majority

Ngl I don’t get the point of joining an RP server if you’re not going to RP. Also saying “for a better environment” isn’t an excuse, we’re not a zoo :clown_face:

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So, according to two sites I found on quick search. The current salary of Blizzard Game Master(If such function exists because it might be called Customer Service Representative as well) is estimated between 12$/h - 13$/h.

https:// www. indeed. com/cmp/Blizzard-Entertainment/salaries/Game-Master
https:// www. careerbliss. com/blizzard-entertainment/salaries/game-master/

That said, if we take into account that such GMs would work on second shift due to roleplayers activity.
If we wanted full every-day service and in rough and simplifed math, we’d need…
That would be 13$ * 8h = 104$/day * 31 days = 3,224 $/month
If we wanted 3 GMs it would have to be 9,672$. Now lets assume that we as roleplayers want to pay for the services of GMs. Given the numbes during Drums of War I’d estimate population of active roleplayers from 500 to 1000.
9,672$/500 people = 19,344 $/ 1 person.
Now we translate it to EU 19,344 $ = 17,4 €.
Now comparing it to 12,99€/month of wow sub.
To pay for Three GMs on second-shift full time with population of 500 rpers we’d have to pay 34% more than average montly sub.

Well, that was fun quick-research.

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7,5 Billion Dollar networth in 2018. However, clearly they can’t invest 300.000 Dollar a year to pay some more GM’s that would increase the happiness of their players. Those 300.000 Dollar are needed for their higher ups to afford their 200.000 Dollar house which they can’t live without. :slight_smile:

I am not sure what you mean.

GM island can’t be accessed without using glitches in the normal game. People were banned who were caught there. Around Cata since technology evolved and they now use tools, which are a better moderation tool.

Though did they appear in raids and such. There are even old videos were a GM appears in a raid to help people out.

This would require an entire team. Who would supervise those roleplay-experienced GM’s? Would require roleplay-experienced higher ups.

I am experienced in managing the moderation team on a roleplay based game and it’s not that easy. Since people also call out for GM’s on a drama basis. Aka to find a solution for stuff that happens in roleplay and is not found a solution by from both sides.