A thread which should be unnecessary: OOCers

you know its bad when RPers have to resort to making calculations in the hopes of dealing with the OOC plague

I’m coming up with 32.33… repeating ofcourse.

Jokes aside though, I think most people here agree that ooc’ers who aren’t even the least bit interested in rp may find greener pastures elsewhere. The ones who used to rp like Akamito/Moburon are fine though in my book. So it’s indeed a bit preaching to the choir.

Do you really think OOC players don’t enjoy customisation? Come on

Extra mogs / customisation options aren’t some gift from Blizzard made for the RP community, it’s just stuff like 95% of people want regardless of realm


Sad truth spoken. If only they listened.

I refer to the time where GMs suppousedly walked the servers in-game and moderated actively by banning glitchers mentioned by you. Also, thanks for an answer!

I don’t know answer for that. I just placed and pushed idea forward. I don’t have expirence but given your words, you do. Does in your opinion it means that the personal GM moderation isn’t good idea? Or that it needs to be polished properly to work?

Then RP realms are truly forsaken by our overlords. But it was hyperbole from my side.


They kept /hidden (literally invisible) for most the time ingame. It was a very inefficient but direct way how to moderate players. In my personal opinion it may be inefficient but it’s community bound and players feel better instead of a soulless ticket.

I would say it needs an entire dedicated branch. We personally had experienced roleplayers that knew what stuff was allowed and which wasn’t. And I doubt Activision would want it. Personal GM moderation is the best feeling in the end for people who call on them.

If OOC people knew they would get properly punished for distrupting events, then it would not matter. Or people who publically ERP. With emotes written in /s and caught.

Though I am still waiting for the punishment of that one public erp I witnessed once. Should arrive any moment now. Only 8 months ago. :slight_smile:

Just the entire absence of meaningful punishment is the issue. If someone got banned for 2 weeks for public ERP emote then many would not risk it if it was an IP (or machine) ban. Means you can’t access WoW on the banned PC. Same for disrupting events. Disrupting roleplay was in our game a permanent ban.

Blizzard can’t even hand out silence punishments. I mean come on.

Don’t forget the elixier of tongues!


Weren’t you a contributor to “Warcraft Sues” for some time?

On topic, I used to be very much a live-and-let-live person on this topic, having gradually moved away from RP and been part of umpteen different PvE communities/ guilds over the years. These days though I’m actually more against it than I thought I’d be. A lot of the people I considered “OOCers” are on a weird borderline - they might never actually wander around Stormwind chatting to people, but they have RP addons installed, they transmog themselves, their characters have names and stories, and sometimes they’ll even RP within a raid. I don’t think these people are detrimental to the realm - they might not be putting into the community directly or “at large”, but they’re doing things in their own way and that’s ok. These are the kind of people that could be persuaded into dipping their feet into the pond, even, and that’s something everyone should be encouraging.

People coming here with 0 intention to ever RP, to “watch” or “be part of a better community” (without actually being part of that community, as someone mentioned earlier) should be looking elsewhere. There are so many other realms out there that cater for their playstyle it’s frankly ridiculous they would even look here.

To any non-RPers that are reading this and thinking this is a hostile thread - sure, it is a little, but the people here are just trying to defend their way of playing. Don’t let this discourage you from visiting if you want to see whether RP is for you. The way people behave on the forums is remarkably different from the way they behave within their in-game community - this is just their passion coming out.

I remember some actively RPing, never mind moderating, around Vanilla and TBC (a couple came to an event in Ewlynn playing as patrolling Stormwind Guards, it was great). I don’t think they’ve done the former since then, and I think early Cata was when you stopped seeing them actually apear in-game.


I wish it would be that easy but no, I had no success with that approach lately. Everyone wants to do their “own thing” as far as I can see and usually they are grouped together which makes it really hard.

I think the best solution for me would to find a suitable group and do occasionally rps with my characters. I love to play many different ones, therefore I don’t want to stick to a single character.

Glad to see you finally come around

It was never about people taking a break from RP / people who RP rarely / guilds that have some RPers but focus more on PvE / even people who plan to RP but haven’t started yet

The problem has always been the “” heh … so what … im just here for the atmosphere … puts on OOC meme TRP with references to their favourite anime and lands on a roof in the cathedral district and begins OOCing … heh … you cant make me RP … im much too cool for that “” gamers who grow on this realm like a moss that thinks it’s extremely funny

It is good that people are finally talking - instead of the fence-sitter “bro its not for us to say anything … Blizzard should do something” shtick that never leads anywhere. Of course Blizzard should enforce the RP realm rules to a much greater degree but they won’t until they see players calling for it / leading the way and players should have an interest in keeping AD a good place for roleplayers - because if it joins the other RP realms in the OOC-only graveyard where will we go? MOONGUARD ?


yeah griefers, lollers, ERPers are people too sadly but that wont mean I will respect them regardless whether they have friends or not, stop trying to morally justify everything

oh… no… they have friends, oh gods, I am so sorry, please continue clogging up the server with people that have no intention to RP cause they have friends here


“They have friends here” is not even an argument in the first place. Considering you can do content together cross realm.

I still think people are a bit too aggressive on the topic, but that’s just personal preference. I’d rather gently persuade people to either try to RP or look elsewhere than come off as ‘xenophobic’ (for want of a better word). But can appreciate some people, especially those who RP far more than I do now and have invested a lot in AD, are more passionate in their defence.


If the response to both methods is the same (ie. lol I do what I want + I love anime), I think it is better to speak very plainly instead of trying to pour syrup on it

I haven’t seen being really nice and jolly and welcoming every make people reconsider OOCing on an RP realm - if I saw that loads + it worked you’d see me become incredibly friendly instantly


It’s only ever really come up in-game rather than on the forums for me - mostly back in the Watch days when people would ask wtf was going on, then say how cool it looked, then have a long conversation about what RP was (I used to sell it as like reading a book or watching a movie, but actually getting to take part in it all). I prefer to start with the syrup, but I’m painfully optimistic at times.

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A Place Further Than The Universe is rlly good, comes highly recommended my fellow anime-fan

Right, but those are the sort of players who are curious about RP and are receptive to it in the first place - the sort of people we actually might want on the server.

The people we’re on about simply have no regard at all for what the server represents in the first place, or are moochers, leeching off the community we create. Either way, it’s a pretty gross, self-centered kind of personality that doesn’t really deserve friendliness tbqh


It is, when you raid mythic. It’s not cross-realm and when you do serious mythic (famed slayer levels of serious mythic), the titles for that are guild-bound too. Other than that…cross-realm all the way.

imagine choosing to mythic raid on argent dawn so u can get realm firsts easier


Yeah, absolutely. But that person may never have outwardly expressed that before witnessing RP in action. I’m not saying “be nice to lol anime”, but rather just bear in mind that not every OOCer is like that - because a lot of these kinds of threads do come across as instantly hostile when they don’t need to be.

Actually, the current realm-first guild on AD has a plenty of RPers in their ranks, so I’d assume it’s more this that made them roll the realm, than the achievements.

an OOCer can avoid the hostility by leaving argent dawn and going to a more suitable server so I actually think that the tactic works pretty well