If you believe that an RP realm with more OOCers is a good thing, I can recommend a few with a higher OOC ratio for you for when you do resub (unless, of course, you actually agree that an RP server is healthier the higher the % of its playerbase that roleplays)
The equivalent of quoting yourself and saying “This. So much this. You are so right”
It is more like you’re ignoring the reality that they do to post your entry-level [leans back in chair] dude… who cares … its me … funny pumpkin man … yea im just so chill atm … just let em do what they want
People used to say that about ERP on this very forum back in MoP. It’s the very same rhetoric with a new lick of “dude im so above it all lol” paint
Come off it, man. If you roleplay even once a year you would know that there is a large chunk of OOC players that basically exist to disrupt - to the point that guilds are formed around that premise
Beats commenting on a game you don’t like + don’t play to remind people of your forum brand so if/when you do resub people will vaguely remember you
Yes, a problem exists but this way is I’ll-formulated.
The issue lies with harassment/trolling. Town crying serves as a beacon for attention so it’s not a surprise it attracts all kinds of attention. Most of the issues it had were with RPers anyway, so I think once more we’re bloating the OOC issue.
how about you get informed upon the situation and read the other thirty threads that were discussed about the same thing
Fortunately I don’t need people to think for myself. But I can tell from the level of the first posts, aswell as yours here, that a further level of depth would be a waste to use.
how about you realise im actually subbed to this game and know what goes on far more than some dragon rper who hasn’t been subbed for the last 2 months
Sorry, I don’t quite understand what you mean by this. Could you rephrase?
Yeah, again, those are out to disrupt. Most aren’t, and most don’t. If someone flying by, minding their own business, disrupts your role-play, then in my opinion that’s on you.
Glad to see you care enough about the community to be unsubbed, stay that way. Next up show you care even more by not posting on the forums with your inlogical information and inability to argue without repeating the same sentence for the next 100 posts.