A thread which should be unnecessary: OOCers

We used to say the same about PvEers when we still had PvP realms, guess what they did? Swap PvP realms to Normal.

So make RP realms Normal realms and ofc create a fantastic system so you can opt-in to meet some RPers. Call it RPMode.

Without sarcasm, they should not be there IF they act like that.


the thing is, people come to AD to make fun of people who rp, if this was a thing you would have non-rpers opting in to this RPMode just to keep doing what they think is oh so funny xd

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Well for those people I can recommend youtube channels like Frisky or PixelCatGamer or Spartan somethingsomething. Y’know, someone who actually wants to be treated as entertainment to gawk at.


Yeah, we’re not animals in a zoo to be gawked at…


LOTRO has RP rules enforced mostly for naming:
" Warnings.
A block from the official Roleplay-Supported worlds.
Account suspension.
Repeated or extremely offensive violations may result in a permanent account suspension." Is what will happen if you don’t comply.

They will do the same if you don’t actually roleplay and just mess around with RPers.

But LOTRO is heavily built with RP in mind.


You’re an animal you inhuman beast !

Says the death knight.

Then perhaps I can pose another question:
If people don’t RP they way -you- RP, does that automatically make their RP wrong or in this case OOCers?

I have met guilds who only RPed in guild chat because they were leveling. (Mind you they were all in their late 20s and had jobs.)
On the other side, I’ve met people who wouldn’t even take a kill quest because it would not be something their character would do.
I RPed with both.

I agree that OOCers that disturb RP are a bad thing. I think perhaps I have been fortunate enough not to have had a bad experience like the most of you’ve had. I’ve only encountered 2 streamers with a posse, but they kept all contact in character. The rest of the OOCers I ignore and they get bored and leave. (My RP -is- boring.)
There was only one OOCer that disrupted an event of mine. But ironically it was because we kept killing the mob he was suppose to kill before he could kill it. After he logged to his Alliance alt and explained why he was trolling us, we gave him the kill and he left.


if people rp, they are are rpers
if people don’t comply with rp realm rules, they are oocers

rp being “wrong” is subjective, i wouldn’t call someone who rped with very little knowledge of lore an oocer, i would call them a new rper


I can kinda see your point playing a bit of Devil’s advocate, but it’s alot more simple to understand than that.

If you RP, you’re an Rper, if you do not(at all), you’re an OOCer. Of course some people RP diffrently, but for example the “memesters” like Kakio who just “xD roleplays as a guy screaming about the next expansions” or other people who “roleplay as a naked guy screaming at you on a mammoth” is not RP.

Any person, even OOCer’s who don’t care about RP at all knows fully well what ultimatly is and isn’t. It’s never been much of a rocket sciense.


sounds like you’re arguing against a point nobody is making tbh


I am okay if people dont frequently or even don’t rp at all.
I agree its not ideal but there are people that enjoy ambient rp without directly participating and that’s not something i can fault them for personally as it is something that can be quite entertaining to watch and adds to the overall immersion you feel when playing the game, seeing towns populated and busy streets, people interacting etc.
You can hardly just ‘throw all ooc’ers out’ and I believe it’s in the interest of roleplay for people to watch it, get inspired by it so they may participate at a later date due to getting interested in it and wanting to be part of the many stories we all weave together.

I would however suggest IF there is cooperation from blizzards side to resettle players that have repeatedly obstructed rp on purpose and prevent them from doing so again by locking them out of rp servers if their only aim is to troll.
Being primarily OOC shouldnt be a problem so long as it doesnt stand in the way of genuine Roleplay.



I’m out. Have fun. Peace.

I’d much rather have those people contribute to that ambience/immersion, instead of just treating it like some art installation/zoo. If a person has absolutley zero wish to contribute/be part of the community, there is no reason for them to be here.

if I see any of you posters ever in a raid dungeon then I’m reporting you for not RPing


yes, there are people who mostly don’t make fun/grief, but many of those same people are the kind who think its okay to stand in cathedral square on their big fire hawk bc they’re ooc they’re not interrupting they’re not making fun of people or griefing, but what they’re doing is not offering the respect they should to rpers by being the oocer on their realm

the people who are on AD to witness rp and then join at a later date actually stay out of the way, they’re not the issue i’m describing in my original post

many oocers are very ignorant to rp and think they can just do whatever they want anywhere they want bc they’re technically not interracting. they should be more aware of the fact that they need to respect the rpers on this realm bc this realm is designed for the rpers, not for them, the oocers

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Not even if I want to watch in silence?

People aren’t zoo exhibits, sorry.


Wow this post was either so troll it looked real, or so dumb it’s unbelievable.

I understand the way you feel and I would ideally like it to be the same way but whilst there are people that do genuinely not have an interest in participating you also have the people that do but don’t for other reasons.
If its due to a lack of creativity they feel they might have or even often social anxiety that manifests itself when trying to roleplay and makes even writing a simple sentence extremely stressful for some regardless of how much they enjoy it.

I am not trying to excuse everyone obviously but in some cases its a bit more complicated as i know a lot of people, which included myself for a long period of time that struggle to join rp for other reasons like mentioned above.

Its a tough nut to crack as the line between having no interest in rp and just not acting on it isnt always a clear one.
Though thats a more specific case so please excuse me for going off-topic a little.