A thread which should be unnecessary: OOCers

No, it’s serious, and you know what? It isn’t difficult to comprehend either. A point isn’t dumb because it challenges your own.

I know a lot of people that don’t like the notion of being watched during every second they roleplay; they do it because they enjoy it, not to put on a show. If you take interest in roleplay, then involve yourself and roleplay. Similarly, if you don’t roleplay (and have no intention to), you should probably switch server.


I second Koiffens point, just so you are sure it is serious.

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Well this hostility just does make me want to grief.
Nicely done, you say things in a way that’s not the best and you get your results.
Stopped feeling any sympathy for people who get griefed and trolls tbh.

The feeling is mutual

Do you want to point out the hostility for me? Speaking plainly does not equal hostility.

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well, it’s not hostile. it’s an opinion. i’m open to your opinion. but i’m also open to debate against your opinion. i don’t think anyone here has acted hostile besides you, my friend

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No, I just think it’s really annoying to have people staring at me and/or looking over my shoulder awkwardly when I’m occupied by any hobby. A better solution that I’ve seen from people who look like OOC’ers at a glance is to simply walk up and join in casually.

Actually had really great travel RP with a paladin like this once, who neither myself nor anyone in the party recognised. He didn’t even use TRP, yet he still became a fun part of our conversation as we rode up to Menethil Harbour.


Koiffen is absolutely right. RP is for our own entertainment, and for that of other RPers who actually want to interact through roleplay. It’s not something to just gawk at, pls and ty.

Then I’m sure you’re a very mature and intellectual person.


If people being annoyed at people griefing them makes you want to grief, then you have some severe issues and should see a doctor. Because that is neither normal or healthy.


No, you’re not. But this is a realm for RP, not for watching it. Just walk up and interact casually, or stay at a distance and watch casually. But do it IC. Who knows, maybe you’ll strike up a conversation and do some interesting RP yourself.


So… join? Nobody is preventing you from doing so, and I think everybody in this thread would be happy to see you partake. You’re imagining hostility where there isn’t any.


Here you go king

if you bystand but later decide to rp, that is fine. if you bystand to just gawk at people and not provide your own roleplay in return, then you’re not rping and another realm would serve you better

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1x monkaW from me

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You don’t have the capability to grief, sorry mate.


Uh, after this remark I’m not so sure anymore…

well that’s a bit unhinged isnt it

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Yeah, I think you geniuenly need some help, because that sounds like a person who shouldn’t be out in public without supervision.

You’re not cool.

Jesus how many are you lmao
Every minute the number of people doubles to quote me

yeah bc people dont appreciate when u start weirdposting abt what you’d like to do to people irl lol