A thread which should be unnecessary: OOCers

Don’t get on that :airplane:

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I’ll make you all feel the chill of the grave…
The sky will turn red with the blood of You.
(This is a reference to Darion Mograine and the Lich King himself… people here probably don’t even know that…) «« Edit.

anyway this is why i dont like oocers


LOL! You fools! It was all an elaborate JOKE!

Truly, I didn’t mean it. You know when I started threatening violence towards you, somebody that I don’t know? IT WAS ALL A RUSE! Haha! Oh man, you should’ve seen your faces! Me? Going to beat you all up? Wow, that was priceless and extremely funny! I crack myself up sometimes…

Yeah that was weird mate


But we’re in the forums, there is no RP to be done here anyway.
Im not bugging you in game.

Tempest keep was merely a setback…

What’re the off-realmers even doing in our thread? Was this linked in the general discussion or something?

U are writing a lot of IC messages for an OOCer, strong orc.

but ur still an oocer and ur displaying the WORST qualities from the oocers, so im still saying this is why i dont like people like u

and no im not telling u where i live so u can threaten to kill me

No RP to be done here anyway? Have you seen the cool RP threads such as the stormwind rumour mill??

i live in scotland come kill me now now NOW


I don’t want to be ‘that guy’ but for the sake of the original intend of the thread, lets be civil and have a normal discussion shall we?
That includes being the better person and knowing when to stop rather than continuing the train of seemingly endless back and forth bickering.

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Are you admitting to being an active predatory nonce in this thread? Because that’s enough for a police visit.


Ok I actually didn’t see this was the Argent Dawn forum lol
I just go to new posts, click on 'em, read topic and start writting.
Sometimes, that is.
I don’t really pay attention to sub-forums.

then perhaps u should skedaddle my friend

I’m so scared!

But serious question, since I spent my reports on other OOC trolls in another thread, could some people flag his posts for real life threats or something thanks? :heart:

I’m not scared at all, but people like that should not be posting whatsoever.

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well, now that we’ve seen the worst of the worst example from oocers, let’s continue sharing our opinions

i would not be surprised if some have already changed


Weak and lame.

Says a person who think death threats IRL is “lol so funny lmao”.

Honestly, see a doctor.

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