A thread which should be unnecessary: OOCers

That is infact not true.

They’re not, but I could never really know where you live unless you told me.
And why would I really do that over RP “rights”?
That doesn’t make sense.
I don’t even own a car, Im not going anywhere.

No but you can get on a :airplane:


You are aware that making them even as a “joke” is a sure way to lose your posting priviliges permamently?

And again, see a Doctor. It’s not healthy behaviour. Now I shall be off to enjoy my birthday, keep up the good fight fellow Rpers!


This is just [G]old. Aight mane, take care, be safe out there.

Happy birthday in that case and have a good one.

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lol he deleted his death threat posts

Big oocer man very tough brave


Happy birthday, Víxí! :slight_smile:

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i’d be willing to show some lenience for people who want to observe how rp works and then choose to rp once they get the hang of things, but it’s hard to know who they are unless you outright ask them

but people who are here to watch and only watch are definitely more suited to different realms

Oh, yoo! Happy birthday!!

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Given what the thread is heading towards, as well as reading the relpies of those on the forum one question or rather scenario goes on my mind.

What would OOCers do if there were no roleplayers anymore? We know that the WoW roleplay activity is somewhat proportional to the general population of WoW. While I am not around as long as the others I had a chance to learn about history of Moonguard and Defias downfall as well as migration of roleplayers from there to Argent Dawn.

Death might come one day, but can you imagine it would happen to Argent Dawn? Can you imagine the reactions of OOCers who liked to have this ‘zoo’ enviorement suddenly disappear as if some species died out due to poaching and constant influx of OOCers who just wanted to see the ‘zoo’ because they want greate immersion?

Roleplayers who sub only for roleplay are one of the most, if not the most stable subscribers in WoW as they don’t have to rely on Blizzard creating content from them aside from lore. Roleplayers aren’t only consumers like PvPers or PvErs who can only expect that Blizzard will fix issue A or issue B. We are the creators and the consumers. For as long as we have population we can forever fuel the machine of WoW Roleplay.

Have you not seen the constant repetiton of the same cycles of dramas, campaigns, events and issues? Forever renewed and fueled by the influx of new roleplayers? We are the most resilient part of playerbase and the day Argent Dawn falls! Is the day the WoW will become hollow shell!

On the side note, if OOCers like they ‘roleplayer zoos’ shouldn’t they at least contribute to the upkeep of these ‘entertainment zoos’? Even from standpoint of malice it doesn’t make sense.

Rise up, roleplayers!

Breaking this into two posts.

It’s been a long time since I’ve done in any RP in a zone that wasn’t dead, but what’s the daily/ hourly impact on people’s RP by OOC’ers? I can’t remember it making that much of a difference in Stormwind. Once every three months or so you’d get some clown on a Traveler’s Tundra mammoth camping on top of you, but aside from that, you’d get some afk’ers on a flying mount hovering above Cath. Square, and a bunch of people outside the bank and the auction house in the Trade District. Most OOC toons I saw were RP’ers clustering on rooftops. Has the problem got worse?

I’m only asking because I never found OOC’ers any harder to ignore than NPCs like Topper McNab and Old Emma, or the world of Cataclysm in general. All roleplay in Blizzard’s overworld requires the suspension of disbelief and the super-imposition of the “lore world” onto the game’s representation - don’t people just edit out the OOC’ers from their imagination? As said, it’s been a good six months or so since I last showed my face in a populated hub, but I used to do a lot of RP in Stormwind and never found it a huge issue. I’m not defending trollers or griefers either, or saying it’s okay for them to actively try to annoy or hassle RP’ers, I just can’t imagine the passive spectators ever being a problem.

I’m happy to believe people that it is an issue - but what’s the nature and extent of the problem? Does it reflect my experiences, or am I being naive/ have been sheltered from the worst of the damage?


Happy level up! Ding ding!

The other issue here is that people are only measuring the negative impact of OOC’ers on the server, and they’re basing that negative impact partially on abstract principle (even if you’re doing no harm, you shouldn’t be here if you don’t want to RP because this is an RP server) and on a minority of problematic players (trolls represent the entire OOC community).

I’d be interested to see how many of the greens and blues in peoples’ RP wardrobes were farmed and put up for auction by OOC’ers, or how many and much of peoples’ professions were levelled through resources gathered by OOC’ers, or how many flasks/ feasts were created by OOC’ers for those RP’ers that enjoy mythic+ or raiding. Ultimately, RP is not something we can actually divorce from “OOC” activities and mechanics - our ability to tell stories, to create, develop, and represent our characters, is in some way shape or form influenced by OOC considerations like gear and professions. If you did enact a blanket ban of OOC’ers, what happens to the server’s economy? What happens to your RP wardrobes and your IC mount collection, or your ability to juggle RP with PvE or PvP content?


“I only watch quietly.” He cries, while mocking the people he’s watching. No wonder the zoo comment struck a nerve.

ever since town crier rp started in stormwind and people have gathered in large numbers in one place, there’s been an influx of the kind of oocers who spout nonsense in /s and stand in the middle of rpers making innapropriate comments

there is only ever an influx when oocers notice a large group of rpers in one place, which is a shame bc making rp for people and having a lot of people flock to it is very enjoyable


I never even made a character on Argent Dawn, though.
Forums doesn’t and never will count as RP, so yeah, you can stop right there.
You just assumed I ever griefed or trolled RPers, which I haven’t.
But good one.

A joke is meant to be funny.


OOCers actively grief roleplay, something myself and many have been the victims of. Mount blocking, using bugs with items to dismount players, gank and kill players that are roleplaying if they happen to be flagged.

OOCers dont contribute to RP, simply. If you do not partake and/or contribute you should not be on the server, this statement is irrefutable as there are countless other realm for players who only PvE or PvP and do content that is not roleplay.

Argent Dawn is a roleplay realm, for roleplayers.