[A] Warrior and priest looking for 2-day raiding guild

We are a couple that raided together from vanilla throughout Pandaria. We’ve always played a tank (for most of the time) and healer role. It’s been a couple of years since we raided but we still consider ourselves to be quite experienced and know what it takes to be prepared for raidnights.

We’ve tried to find some of our old friends from WoW to play with, but haven’t had much luck so now we want to see if there’s a guild out there that could be a good fit.

We’re looking for a guild that will take us on as tank and healer. With us becoming of age we realize that our hardcore days are behind us. However we would like to commit to a 2-day raiding schedule. Preferably with one of those days being weekend.

When it comes to leveling we will be doing this in a medium pace. We hope to be able to do a fair bit of the leveling in dungeons and doing so with our guildies would be great!

We have yet to decide on realm so we’re open for anything.

Is there a guild for us out there?

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Hello, Aurilla!

You sound like a nice couple, consider joining us!

We are Night Watch, guild for late night raiding on EU-Alliance-PVP realm.

We also used to play Vanilla and more, but times have changed - We have kids now and cant play until they are asleep so we are focused on late night gaming/raiding … :slight_smile:

More information:
Expected playtime 22-02, but precise time will be voted by members.
Realm is not chosen yet, we want to avoid queues and streamers.
We are a fresh guild so you would be very welcome to help us make it a nice place to play!

Join our Discord and have a chat with us!

add me on discord Pilen#7420 and we can have a chat :wink:

we are sun/tue though

ill just link you our forum post. :smiley:

An overly pleasant evening to you, couple.

If you are abnormally weird in your natures, I have a proposal consisting of 2 day weekend raiding. No set time yet, but definitely not as obscene as 22-02 (think 19-23). Even our guild name is still in the void of would be creation (but it’s probably going to be extremely edgy).
Alliance, Zandalar Tribe (that tells a lot about most of us, can’t appreciate windfury… who would actually wanna play with such people).
We’ve been home to couples of all ages and sizes before.

Contact Ewmy#2364 on Discord for more information… if you dare. It’s not for the faint of heart.

Hey you two!

The Scarlet Inquisition is recruiting and looking for progress oriented people in a fun and non-conformist atmosphere, I’ll link the forum post below and you can also add me on discord or Bnet.

Hello fine sire, i think we can fit you in as a dps with tank os? and maybe a tank spot opens up at a later point!

Days are:
Wed + Thur: 20.00-23.00 Realm time, and if needs be adding Sunday for progress, not sure its gonna be required for molten core and onyxia tho :smiley:

We will roll on Shazzrah Alliance!

We´re a bunch of friends whom all played since vanilla,
Clearing Everything:
Molten Core: Cleared.
Onyxia´s Lair: Cleared.
Black Wing Lair: Cleared.
Ahn’Qiraj Temple: Cleared.
Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj: Cleared.
Zul Gurub: Cleared.
Naxx: Cleared.

I´ve lead a guild in later wow succesfully aswell to Ranks in Legion:
Emerald Nightmare: 7/7 Mythic World 564.

Trial of Valor: 3/3 Mythic World 216.

Nighthold: 10/10 Mythic World 298.

Tomb of Sargeras: 9/9 Mythic:
Fallen Avatar: World 26
Maiden of Vigilance: World 16
Mistress Sassz’ine: World 20
The Desolate Host: World 18
Sisters of the Moon: World 22
Harjatan: World 46
Demonic Inquisition: World 36
Goroth: World 85

Antorus, the Burning Throne: 11/11 Mythic World 143.

I´ve added you both on bnet and on discord :slight_smile:

in case u wanna come easier in touch, please join our discord and ask for me or sinned :slight_smile:


I think you might be interested in joining our guild :slight_smile:
< Blood Moon >

Server: Firemaw PvP
OUR DISCORD: discord.gg/tSFss2F

Who are we?:
A young guild, formed earlier this year, consisting of people who LOVE Classic WoW and all content it has to offer. World or Server First Raid clears are not our intentions. We’re not that hardcore, but we’re not casual either.

Instead we intend to level at a medium pace . That means we want to level efficiently but we’re not afraid of falling behind or losing progression in order to enjoy various activities together as a guild, such as wpvp raids, guild-only dungeon runs, ingame meetups just to mess around, etc.

Creating a cheerful & tight-knit community of likeminded people who share the same passion is our highest priority!

Raid Times: CET / Servertime - 19:30 :clock730:, Friday and Saturday for 40-man Progression Raids
We will have additional raids during the week for Onyxia, 20-mans, farm raids etc. These are not considered mandatory but we want to run a large roster so that everyone can get in on the raiding fun eventually.
Loot System: Loot Council consisting of 3 Officers & the Class Leaders

The majority of the guild is estimated to reach 60 and be raid ready within ~2 months after launch

PvP :
While PvP is not our main focus, we hope to do LOTS of World PvP nonetheless. We want to have a strong PvP presence on our server. Horde players should fear for their buffs (and their lives!!!) whenever they see our guild tag!

What we can offer:

  • active and well designed discord server
  • organized guild bank
  • spreadsheets for professions, rosters, etc.
  • helpful & experienced class leaders

Our Goals, Hopes & Dreams :

  • big & friendly community
  • become a known and popular guild on our server
  • PH4T L00TZ
  • enjoying Classic together

Recruiting all Classes and Roles, including Main Tanks, preferably players that already have a little experience with classic (or are willing to learn).

Socials are very welcome to join us as well, as we want a big community of players who keep the discord/guild chat alive, rather than just a silent raid roster. :smiley:

Classic has a lot of content and we’re hoping to see it all eventually!

For further questions feel free to reach out to me on discord, Howaito#3139

looking forward to hearing from you :grinning:

Hey Aurilla,
is a guild forming around the more mature players with only a casual to semi-hardcore raiding ethic. We will mostly be focused on the PvE aspects of the game, though we are rolling on a PvP server.
We would be glad to have you along and will leave a link to our recruitment post here for you to have a look at:

If you are interested then please use the contact information within the post.
We hope to hear from you soon

Hi there Aurilla!

We still have room in for both of you. You can find more information by following the link to our recruitment post. Would love to have a chat :slight_smile: <Aspire> (H) EU-Razorgore - Weekend Focused Raiding

We are a family right here, very chill!

Wow, nice to see so many interrested guilds :smiley:

We are looking through the guild infos now and contacting the ones we think best fit our playtime! Big thanks to all who took time to reply :+1:

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