Flagged for talking the truth as it is nice community of closszikk
No, you can’t. Stop being an idiot.
The playerbase has changed drastically and the playerbase was what made Vanilla. If that isn’t obvious to you yet, you have a serious problem.
Its not only 1 side that makes the game vanilla .Me being an idiot i dont know.But you, reply to every post and trying to convice people the same thing all over is something special.I was playing vanilla before J allen brack was copy paste the dungeons in tbc and consider to be great.Sorry for ruin your president.But vanilla wasnt only the playerbase no matter how many times you say it i will be here to counter it.
You already have the same game, you don’t have the same player mindset.
You really are.
Saying “no u” isn’t a counter.
You seem intelligent the way you attack people with saying that they are idiots from internet.Bravo
Not everybody, just a handful of you.
I seen how you speak with many people Miylee.Dont worry
4 isn’t many.
It’s because the honor system wasn’t designed for cross realm, in vanilla you had 1-2 main premades on a realm, keeping in mind population of realms was lower back then you would rarely encounter a premade if you solo qued. By the time cross realm was introduced at the end of Vanilla, the majority of people had already farmed their ranks and the weapons were more or less obsolete.
Blizzard should have foreseen this happening, but they continue to blunder when it comes to PVP, phase 2, alterac valley, alterac valley still, BG’s. Gonna be a lot of wintrading in TBC too just you wait boys.
Fake pvp system, wow classic 2020 is a fake game.
‘‘Blizzard should have foreseen this happening’’ agree 100%
It’s hard to join a premade when the requirements are Rank 10+
Then join a casual premade and not a hardcore one.
If there are a vast majority of players who only pug you should face pugs more times then you face premades. If you fight against premades 90% of the time you are a small minority and you need to change how you play, not everyone else. Or just play AV.
Classic is just a 100% pve game with no pvp content need to wait tbc to have it fair at least. No fun in losing to backpeddling clickers queueing arathis in 5-6 healers(r12-13 geared) full premades who queue 14 hours/day. Premading was never that massive as it is now
World of Premadecraft.
This^ (10chars)
Eeeeeh so Classic in an MMORPG where we join and form groups for elite quests, dungeons, raids and pvp.
So yes, you are correct. It’s a game designed for groups that reward group play.
Depending what rank you was, normal games wer’e harder then ranked, as you could get high rankers in the normal games
Because people want to rank and earn rep/honor. I think it’s back peddling complaining about premades. Like someone stated above. If you are meeting premades 90% of the time, that makes you the minority. Get asking in trade chat