I’ll reword this for you. Hi I’m miylee and never played vanilla wow, but I’m going to talk crap on forums and act big like King keyboard warrior cause I got bullied at school and have never seen a gym in my life. I premade because then it requires no skill and can just boost through vs random queue people that only want to have some fun in pvp, but still have targets. I don’t care about targets cause I want free honor and I’m a special millennial who deserves everything I want no matter how it effects anyone else because I’m selfish and only think about me me meeeee.
Ill explain you again. There is literally no requirements to get an invite to premades, all that matters is pvp spec, spec which can answer the comp’s needs and okayish raid gear, there is no rating requirements like 1800+ premade,2200+ premades as in the future xpacs, all you need to do is type in server discord/servers premades discord and play premade. But why the heck it should be necessary if i dont want to listen anyone on discord, omg, and just turn the damn music and kick some butts? Maybe i just want to chill and kick some butts and not do “please pug proc” or one fight then surrender or them surrender and start a New? Can 100% understand premade farming for arena rankers who want to farm offparts fast and effectively and run pve+que arenas when stopping bgs completely, but not like 9 of 10 wsg you que is premaded.
Well by the sound of your experience, turning on music, soloing and kicking butts isn’t working out. I don’t rank, I just join premades on weekends to have fun and help them out. I know its stressful playing alone with random people, I was in the same boat and that’s when I bucked up my ideas and found premades. I don’t join to rolfstomp pugs, I play because it’s actually fun working with others and you can still play music
It’s completely fine to play with friends together/farm bgs together as in future, like with the teammates you play 3v3 on regular basis. But to pretend you have a friendship with 15/15 people who are doing ranking, cmon Plus it’s definitely not a rarity when among you in classic is unskilled player around 1400 rated if to measure by wotlk retail times, but he needs a premade because he’s rank 13 and he wants to finish the ranking or he will nerd solo and ruin brackets . I don’t want to group up with players who are too bad, don’t get me wrong, but its disquisting to play with such ones if they happen, just if they are nerding 12-18 hours a day and don’t know even how to mouseover counterspell
Mini-premade with friends is another deal man
Full premade for those who want rush arenas and stop bg’ing fast in TBC/Wotlk/Cata is fine
9/10 full premades in wsg/arathi in classic is not fine, assume there is no queue for randoms with 3 healers 7 dps classes and if mostly queue pugs it’s like a soup with different kinds of meat and potatoes. If there was pug recruitment like wsg won’t start for pugging if there’s no 3 healers/7 dps(assuming a queue according to roles) it would be so-so already. But definitely not when there’s 2 paladin 1 priest 1 druid 4 warrior 2 mages r12-13 against you every 2nd time if you play pug
I actually don’t premade, and premading is more difficult then playing randoms. You have to co-ordinate with your teammates and you face other premades as often as you puggers do.
In other words:
“Hi, I’m Muttley and I’m talking out of my butt. My reading comprehension is non existant and I don’t understand what consequences to changing systems are”.
Plz do not say that premading (when the actual bg’s come into play are harder?) Dude that’s a total disrespect/bias of knowledge of this current situation you have right there!
If i could /ask for a premade and ppl say, yeah we got you bro? Jump onto our premade! It’s crazy! (on my server at least).
What i suggest is you actually it? Then also try out random bg’s. Then come back to this forum with your conclusions (non bias).
How can I do that when the seperate queue system hasn’t been implemented.
Read what I said again. I said playing solo against other people playing solo is easier than playing premade vs premade. I said solo queue in every game that has seperate queues is easier.
Then you are right on that. I agree, apologies, quite tired atm and ready to go to kip… But, all i ask is you actually do some research on this topic, try it out for once?
Then you can actually give us your conclusions, factual data on this matter at hand.
Edit* im just talking premades here. Try join one (not in your guild). Also just join random WSG/AB/AV queues. Collate some data on the subject and come back with your general conclusions.
I really would b interested to know what you think? Honestly dude.
Somewhat difficult for me to join premades actually. You know how this is your usual bed time and most people go to sleep even earlier, well this is prime time for me. I can’t play in a premade because I work 5 nights a week and I work during the usual prime time.
I can speak to you from memory though. Premade vs premade was harder than pug vs pug, but both were harder than premade vs pug.
The thing about pug vs premade is that if it’s just a casual premade who aren’t using consumables and playing efficiently, you can win. However, your teammates look at all the enemy and see them from the same server/guild and immediately give up.
People just giving up with no attempt at even trying to play is an even bigger problem than the current meta. Actually, it’s probably the biggest problem with the game right now.
Miylee wanted Vanilla too. But Miylee is old and cynical now and is opposed to anything that could have catastrophic consequences.
Miylee also acknowledges that the playerbase have moved on and that there’s no way to bring back the unexperienced “Vanilla” feeling. You need to accept that too.
Tbh i actually have respect for Miylee - even though we have different opinions. Thats just me as a human being. I can argue with someone but still have respect.
Im all for #nochanges too, but that ship has sailed imho. Now im all for small tweaks to classic.
Miylee you must know blizzard has been down this route before?
Surely the knowledge they have gained should put them at a big advantage in this classic environment atm? I do wonder if GDPR has lost all this data ? Blizzard made mistakes back in the day, they have the opportunity to make it right now given the fact they know and have huge amounts of data on this subject (and stored it properly, hopefully). Also to how it would play out if they ‘done this, or that’?