Abondon ship? classic failed? dead game in a month?

couldnt care less about some random crybaby tbh.


I would like to tell you to ignore him, as it’s clearly a lonely guy, but I feel that just by giving him a new notification to focus on we are saving another cat from beeing strangled.


He abandoned ship and now he’s drowning, begging someone to notice and care. And we do! :smiley:

Classic is great, but I realized I really enjoyed WOTLK the most. Yeah some WOTLK features made the game worse, but overall it was the best experience I´ve had. I don´t think Classic failed and I don´t think it is dead. But I don´t like how they killed ranking and I don´t like how the current knowledge made the PVE content a joke. I think I will stop right here and come back when TBC/WOTLK servers are released.


Classic is very far from dead. Go home, you’re drunk!

Anyone else thinking of Michael Jackson`s song they dont Care about us? Laughed a Little

Btw im loving classic :slight_smile:

It’s the private server min/max mentality that has caused Classic to evolve into what it is today.

Those who’ve spent 12+ years playing the same content on repeat on those servers have distilled the game down into the most efficient way of doing everything, to the point that deviating anything from the meta makes you completely nonviable.

Vanilla was about adventure, discovery and playing outside the lines, you could clear all content and progress well in PvP (even with “meme specs”) with a bit of determination.

Nowadays it seems anything that sims less than 99th percentile, whether a piece of gear, leveling strategy, talent spec or gold/honor farming method is so handicapped compared to the “zoomers” that it sucks the fun out for many of those hyped for “Classic WoW”.

It was to be expected of course, and the only ones to blame are ourselves.


Very dramatic, Uther.

No thanks.

I completly agree. Funny how pservers min/maxers who farmed this game for 10+ years on bugged servers, which invented half of the numbers, are now the first to complain about classic “bugs”, destroyed pvp cause of AV honor/hour, too easy raids and so on, aoe dungeon leveling in p1 and so on,and so on… and literally every single abuse and exploit of this game was invented by that very same people…


WoW in general (including retail) very close to the end of its life cycle. Activision milk it as much as possible and spend on it as less as possible.
However MMOs not really die, just get their sub numbers reduced to the hardcore, which in case of classic it’s about few ten thousands of players and that’s enough to keep the servers running, but nothing more.

If you care about hardcore PvP and don’t like the Alterac Valley, I guess you should try again in 6 months, when your race to rank 14 will succeed with a tenth of the effort people put in it today.

As someone who happily quests and does dungeons with guildmates on the way to 60, with the occasionnal WSG, I can see myself play to the end of 2020, easily. Classic may lose some players who run out of things to do; it certainly won’t die anytime soon.

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It’s never going to be a tenth. Maybe 90% of the current effort. There will always be nolifers willing to grind it out at any stage of the content progression.

True. Still, the grind should be more bearable once the first batch of premades has hit 14.

Someone treats WoW like a job, someone treats it like a game :sunny:

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but why would they interact in game which is basickly a virtual musem ?


you thought you did but you didnt by any chance ?

nah - in 3-4 years when everybody will be playing on legacy tbc/wolk servers and classic will be ghosttown it will be very easy .

you were warned its gonna be like this before launch of classic

you choose to belive lies that its gonna be different

its your own fault for wearing nostalgia googles.

People were botting back in the day, people have been botting on pservers. Adapt and overcome :slight_smile:

Elysium had corrupted russian devs based in occupied Crimea and they were working together with gold sellers,thats why nost devs pulled out from that project. Thats what I heard.
Nostalrius was superb server and devs.