That wouldn’t solve the Russian situation though.
They’ve mostly been forgotten thus far since the larger EU-English/Spanish/French/German-alliance side is the major player doing premades right now.
But to only treat the problem for the large pool, no matter how it’d be done, would still leave the Russians fully able to do it.
They may be a joke right now, but once gear starts increasing with further raid tiers (ESPECIALLY with naxx gear), then they’re gonna do what was so common in retail.
To set gear requirements to an unbelievable degree, and do the same trickery to premade in AV like the large alliance pool is doing now.
You need to think of the big picture. A solution is not to bring them back to the large pool either, it’d just be an improvement. A solution would be for proper region locks to be put into place again, for total isolation. So we’d get rid of this massive matchmaking pool once and for all, because nothing good will come of it in the long run. Nothing good has come of it now either.
How does that solve anything?
Horde will have a bad time on most PvP servers, being in queue.
Alliance will have a bad time on most PvE servers, being in queue.
I don’t know much about RP/RPPvP servers, as I didn’t play on them.
The problem I think is that there are far less PvE servers than PvP servers.
If you check, or just log on any pve/pvp server and do a manual /who (with level brackets) of who’s online for each faction, you can see that most PvE servers are ALLIANCE favored, and most PvP servers are HORDE favored.
That said, there are far less PvE servers than PvP servers, so it’s natural that horde (that runs mostly on pvp servers) will have more queue in BGs.
But putting a faction queue doesn’t solve anything, it just makes people quit (not going to reroll on another server to dodge queue. There’s transfer, but then most hordes would be forced to transfer on a PvE server).
And we don’t want a dead game that soon, right?
I think that if they opened more PvE servers at the start (or now, if there’s a miracolous influx of players from anywhere), there would be a bigger Alliance population overall, and this could solve in part the AV Horde queue problem.
Horde will ALWAYS have queues, it’s the most popular faction, and there can’t be a global 50/50 Horde/Alliance ratio.
But if we had a better PvE/PvP server ratio, I think this could have been a solution to all this.
Horde quitiing will solve the problem, that’s the point.
Quit or reroll. Noone will miss few undead mages or ork warrios, there are plenty.
Or do not cry when alliance has instant ques and able to “pemade” unpremadable because of you and you only.
There is neither a way nore a point to “fix“ faction balance. There is no way to faction balance wow without punishing alot of players, period.
That out of the way, just remove the bg number when your que pops and alliance premades are gone or atleast drastically limited all of a sudden.
The rest is up to the players, to find their new meta.
Blizzard should influence player flow and the meta as little as possible and let players make their own way.
Just something in general. An mmo like wow with two faction will ALWAYS have an imbalance on sone servers no matter what you do. Ppl will always go to the “better“ faction.
My suggestions are asking for 50% faction spread via faction que implementation, yeah, totally BIASED.
Horde outnumber alliance on every pvp server wich leads to free world bosses kill.
Literally missing the loot cause too many hordes to fight. Why do you not cry about it ? Yeha, because u don’t give a crap about - it favors you, you get da loot, who cares about alliance being gated, ye ?
No it doesn’t.
People will quit eventually during Classic’s lifespan for other reasons. And this applies both to Alliance and Horde.
Why make them quit sooner?
As Runshiftrun said, there will always be faction imbalance. Players make that balance, not Blizzard.
Blizzard just gave us a choice. And choices are good in games.
Rolling Horde or Alliance will have both their pros and cons, and this includes queues, on a PvP perspective.
But why FORCE players to choose a faction they don’t want to play for X reasons?
As I said, I think the solution is/was to open more PvE servers at launch (or even now, if there’s interest in the playerbase).
Other than that, the fixes I see are just patching the glitches on both Horde and Alliance side in AV, and eventually removing the battleground number (but that wouldn’t be “vanilla-like”).
That’s true.
And about the balance:
I’ve agreed with you before, but i don’t think such a thing could be implemented anymore.
These restrictions would have worked before people were settled.
Implementing it now will cause a huge drop in players.
Players make that “balance” because BLIZZARD is not able to create proper racials. They made once faction full of op meme racials so people crawled to that faction and made sever population issues.
I tell you the secret - PVE realm is full of alliance not only because alliance is about pve (it is). Many people intentionally rolled pve servers just to not be ganked by hordes - fact of them being as dominant faction was pretty predictable.