the thing is those alliance premading are not glitching or exploiting in anyway. They are doing what was designed in the game, and clearly intended by blizzard with bg numbers.
The glitches I mean are:
-Horde backdoor on Alliance bace
-Alliance pull with warmasters+drek
And the other countless ones people complain about on the forum.
I know that the premade thing is not a glitch, I’m not against it personally.
Personally I think it makes games worse for alliance pugs and I feel bad for them, but I’m not having that problem as I am Horde and I don’t want to get involved into it.
I’m not calling it exploiting or glitching.
I’m also not really sure this is what they intended 15 years ago.
I just think it’s a really really silly way of playing this BG.
No ppint to remove av, it is the industrialisation of honor grinding that needs to be removed from av. Then it is more enjoyable for everyone. Possibly even less efficient than wsg, or atleast similar, so we finally got rankers in wsg.
Btw, how are wsg games right now without premades and serious rankers? Should be quite good, right?
I would think that those were in place for the old AV, not implemented in classic. For 1.12+ not only they are unnecessary, they are detrimental.
I used to believe faction specific server Qs were the answer (you know you would suffer and I would benefit from it on dramafang), but I no longer believe so as per arguments laid out above.
before battlegroups, were very few avs open at any given time, max 5 on very high pop server prime time. bg numbers just let people queue into the av they had quit before going to work, or with their friends in it
We did not have the problems you describe in Vanilla until 1.12.
Simply switch to 1.6 version of AV, all issues sorted and still conforming to #nochanges.
Not suddenly, but eventually.
The only motivation at the moment to pug with alliance is to get exalted. As soon as the majority of the playerbase done that nobody will sign up to AV if there’s zero chance to win, and AV map favors horde big time on a defense game and that can be unavoidable with alliance pug and 90% of games will be lost for alliance.
So rankers won’t signing up AV either and eventually horde won’t have anybody to play against.
Hardly anyone ranked in 1.12 because there was no point anymore, also even 1.6 av will be rushed and over in a few mins with a decent premade, dont be dilusional. That beeing said, i want 1.6 av as well
Exactly my point, and this is why it could be removed, helping the majority (be it alliance or horde), with the least side effects. I’m not saying this is the only thing to remedy, tho, as I also wrote in the OP.
A closely lost match is I think more enjoyable than only easy wins and quick loses.
Impying 1.6 AV can not be rushed.
Haha oh wow.
You either be farmed by premades via kills or via rush, version does not matter.
This wouldn’t be a bad thing.
This would mean AV would be played for fun again.
It would be fun only for horde so AV wouldn’t be played at all.
GL rushing 1.6 AV. You won’t even get past the towers because they shoot you off your mount. You can defend 5 vs 20 in 1.6 due to the strength of the NPC’s. It’s no comparison really.
That is just not true.
Premade = group with leader and coordination.
PuG = you have to establish dominance as leader and make them listen in 2 minutes (or not).
There is no such thing as successful defense as PuG vs a decently organised Premade. Horde PuG will never win most games vs. A decent premade. But that is not an issue, its natural. It’s just that (A) premades make the game unfun for everyone that is not them.
For me what makes AV enjoyable as a 40m PuG is 1) a proper chance to win 2) spontaneous organisation and teamwork that either is surprisingly efficient or unsurprisingly inefficient. Would be fun to fight fair games vs. Equal opponents.
There’s a easy solution to it, remove AV premading so all the alliance can join a game without any silly restriction and make the game a tad enjoyable rather than a grand prix 8 minute length gaming race because it ain’t a race, it’s a 40 vs 40 battle in which both sides have to destroy towers in order to complete objectives, capture graveyards to gain dominance in the battlefield and fix the aggro radius of the warmasters or marshals to the point that they cannot leave the room, forcing the opposite team to either fight against them or die in the attempt without any form of exploitation of glitch pulled by some mages. Again Alterac Valley is designed for a long average match of 20 to 30 minutes, or more tops, not a 8 minute short-game, if people want to play quick games, go to warsong gulch and soon arathi basin. Again I’m going to insist, remove premades so everybody can equally join without any nonsense restriction dictated by some premade elite fan pro wannabe team because that’s not how it should be. And what ever biased alliance underdog says about my opinion don’t even bother telling me to either “git gud, reroll alliance” cause that ain’t happenin, or telling me to go back to retail which I already play both game so again don’t bother with your pitiful nonsense, be real. Otherwise I invite you instead to stop telling other people what to do because World of Warcraft is designed for a community to enjoy a game in which everybody is happy to pay, not for people telling others what to do, if you’re that kind of people, get a grip and get a life, get sorted.
Kind regards with love.
Queues could be even longer if Blizzard did the right thing and WOULD NOT OPEN A NEW INSTANCE OF ALTERAC VALEY UNTIL THE PREVIOUS ONE IS FULL 95%.
That will screw big premades and fix the problem of 5 to 20 vs 40 and will make queues for horde even longer (as deserved). But no … For some reason Blizzard does nothing.
We were talking about a hypothetical situation if AV premades would be removed from the game.
In a pug vs pug defense game alliance has a huge disadvantage because of the AV map, so rankers will not even try to grind honor in AV and pug will quit after exalted.
I’ve seen this situation in private servers where it was simply impossible to finish any AV quests because there was not even one AV started in the whole day except AV weekends.
I used to play alliance in Vanilla to Wotlk with some breaks, then quit. Now my friends chose horde and I wanted to try something new, so rolled horde. I transfered to a different server which was in balance at that time, shifted to A favor later. How do I deserve it?
I am sure many fellow players have similar reasons. There are lots on H side who do not deserve it and on A side who do not deserve to be in either premade or pug.
Post your personal grudges on reddint and keep this constructive. Thanks.
What’s the disadvantage Alliance has defending?