About AV again (civilized discussion)

Let same faction fight same faction - i.e. horde v horde. In the same go, also make the layout mirrored, and randomize the starting position (eg alliance starts from current horde entrance with alliance keep in the horde end and vice versa).
But… #nochanges - and we’re playing in a museum. I think the entire discussion is moot. :wink:

Ye nice post.
It is not posible to fix things now and make it fair for most of ppls.
There is no solution for u rankers guys.
AV will be like this or worse until AB is out.
Prety much same thing will happen with AB too.
Tho there is one more cache with AB…
It is actually time limited and prob will last 2-3 mins and i think it will make it even worse. Esspecially cuz it have not so good rep rewards and many alliance will not play it all. (Aq/naxx gear at that time, and much more content to do)
PvP is sad on classic. Am not even starting on spell batching…

I played on Alliance and Horde and the Alliance puggers are definately not losing because of map imbalances. They are losing because they are the people who cannot get into or do not know or do not care about AV premading while Horde rank 10+ are queing with everyone else. Alliance on the opposite team are either fullly composed of Sergeants or fully composed of rank 8+ ie a premade.

More significant than all of the things you mentioned is that Horde towers are terrible compared to Alliance bunkers, you can capture a Horde tower alone without killing a single NPC as almost any class, and the terran of a tower is disadvantageous for the people occupying it since you do not have line of sight to the people trying to get to the top. But I have never seen Alliance puggers even try to defend a bunker.
People also talk about the horde backdoor, which nobody even uses since it’s just as easy to just run past all of the bunkers into the base and cap.


We were talking about map disadvantages in case of balanced game, ie. same amount of players with close to same gear and skills.

Of course currently alliance pug lose because they already give up on trying to win.
Some of them because they lost so many times that they see trying pointless the others because they don’t want to win, since that means low honor / hours for them.
Uneven teams at start and AV map disadvantage just enforces their perspective that it’s not even worth trying because the game is rigged anyway.

About towers: yes, towers are easier to attack and harder to defend, but you know you need to reach those towers first and alliance has huge disadvantage to do that.
About not defending bunkers: alliance don’t defend them because they have to chose between defending or attacking while horde can do both.
Also SH bunker is so easy for horde to attack they have almost the same reinforcement route as alliance (only slightly longer), so most of the times alliance simply give up on SH B because they cant defend it with IW and SH GY together and attack horde towers.

It is really easy to post-fix faction imbalance for sure, why horde outnumbers alliance so badly - no one wants to pvp against wotf and hardiness.

So just take away wotf, hardiness and warstomp from horde and give it to alliance instead, most horde players will instantly reroll, problem solved

Why would most horde players instantly reroll?
Only the min-max players would reroll, but even then… a very few.

After like one week of pvp against wotf, hardiness and warstomp most likely 30-40% of horde pvpers will reroll alliance for sure.

Just what needed to fix population balance.

I’m sure they would xD.


I know this subject has been on fire recently so sorry for making another post about this but i feel this gives a good scope on how big the issue is.

Let me address the issue first.
The current AV version(nerf’d version) gives way to much honor for NPC kills and extra objectives this makes bots/scripts very effective atm to compete in the honor brackets which also destroys moral to pvp at all because a normal person with a job can’t gain the amount of honor a bot can generate.

To solve this problem there is a few things that can be done.
But i think the best way to go at it is to restore Av to the 1.4 version( which also makes bots less of a threat to the brackets in general, because let’s be real here people will remain to bot even after the fact but they will be less of a problem for the rankers)
Or boost WSG so it’s the most efficient honor per hour!
Because banning bots is nice and all but by the time the bans go out the damage is already done and the brackets are already ruined.

WSG and eventually AB should be the best BG’s to gain honor from.
Because let’s be honest the current state of pvp is a rush fest to the other factions base and kill the boss asap for the best honor gain per hour.
Which is not something i signed up for once i heard Classic was coming out.

Sorry for my bad English i hope i made my point come across.

Greetings- Anema

Apparently you are the troll here since you made another post on the same subject with no original ideas or input where there are already thousands of posts about it.

So, all the long wall of text that you have written has absolutely nothing new from the earlier topics on the same issue. You just wanted to QQ but chose to do it in a “civilized” way.

The issue that you are trying to portray and find bandaid solutions (aka premades in AV) is nothing but a symptom of the real, actual problem. I don’t know if all hordes on classic have that low intelligence overall but let me give you some gnome insight, repeating what has been said hundreds of thousands of times on other topics that you just copied:

AV premades is a consequence of faction imbalance.
As long as this tremendous faction imbalance exists(for pvp its on EU level) - there is no real solution.
As long as this horrendous faction imbalance exists - the game will suck at every single aspect.

Horde suffers from faction imbalance in pvp by having long queues and facing premades.
Alliance suffers from faction imbalance on most servers by being camped/zerged/ganked in world pvp, not being able to get any herbs/mining nodes, not being able to kill any world bosses, having a horrible stagnant economy and a bad auction house.

And here is the best part: when phase 5 hits, most servers won’t be able to open AQ gates because there will be no alliance that can properly farm in silithus.

If faction imbalance isn’t solved, the game will keep being a terrible experience for everyone.
So my constructive advice to you: quit the game, so the game will be better balanced and we will have less hypocrite whiners on forums too. Double win situation.

Nobody including horde would play AV if Alliance can’t premade. So you would just kill the BG completely.

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