About AV again (civilized discussion)

I think you are not right (I might be wrong too). At the beginning the game meta was always changing and evolving. And there was no constant A or H domination. You can’t do static defense or static rush and hope to win always. Without only def there is no slaying Van or Drek. If that resulted in a game meta where horde always wins pug vs pug then game or map changes would be necessary. At the moment, however, we can’t know if that is clearly the case because team compositions are heavily tilted on alliance side (pugs are real bad in absence of rankers).

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He is talking avout the backdoor in alliance base, which just put alliance and horde on the same.lvl imo. Without backdoor horde would have a big disadvantage.


Yeah, so it’s one of the “glitches” I’d like to see patched.

I was curious if there was another kind of disadvantage. The bridge is pretty awesome for stopping Horde imo!

Post your personal grudges on reddint and keep this constructive. Thanks.

What you are doing is not constructive. Just complains with no solution possible.

There is NO FIX for this situation. NONE !!!

Remove premades ? No more fast games, queue even longer for horde.
Make AV harder ? Queue even longer for horde.

In fact in Vanilla in beginning there wasn’t any cross real AV. You got exalted after MONTHS !!! Not in 10 days as some do now. You could not farm honor in Vanilla at the rate you are doing now !

Despite all that, you want to MAXIMISE honor (drag the games vs pugs up to 30-50 mins) but expect instant queue after and you play for the faction that is overpopulated with pvp players. Are you dumb ?! How do you expect a fix for this ? I’d say Blizzard isn’t doing anything atm because they don’t want to screw even more a good portion of the player base. That is, I have to suffer a miserable gaming experience because of people like you who went with the herd.

Where is the complain in the OP? There is a statement that it is not fun for the majority. There is no complaint whatsoever.

I don’t care if Qs are longer as long as the games are enjoyable. I rather play once every hour a good enjoyable (not 8 min) game, be that win or lose than a quick b/s Pve game every 10 minutes. One if joy the other is frustration.

I have queued on both Horde and Ally on EU, I can confirm this is the way it is.
It is suprising to me how hard Alliance puggers get beat by Horde puggers. Zero chance for them from beginning to end, and when most people are afk or semi-afk nobody really blames them.

This is because anybody with any understanding of how the game and the honor system works on Alliance are running premades.
I think Blizzard should; 1. Fix solo pulling the final bosses, 2. Add Arathi Basin asap.
The main reason premading is just 100 times more efficent than pugging is because you can pull the boss without the warmasters, if you couldn’t the pug Horde would actually have a decent chance at something other than a 5 minute loss.

Also Arathi Basin should be in the game, there has never been a true 1.0 and incrementing vanilla server and there likely will never be. Blizzard has in Classic added upgraded stats on items from patch 1.12 but they do not include items that were added in these latter patches. This is nonsensical because these updated items are for all intents and purposes the same as adding new items. Since these items were designed such that nobody would ever use them.

People generally want to play patch 1.12 because it removed so much in the games design that was just blatantly bad and imbalanced, and many people it would seem think the current state of Battlegrounds is bad and imbalanced.

When realms had yet to be launched, there should have a been a faction-bound lock that prevented more characters to be created once the ratio exceeded by 3-5% (with huge non-vanilla realms that percentage is already significant). But there wasn’t.

Now that the damage is made, the only possibility that does not involve deleting horde characters is to offer GOOD incentives for both new players and the ‘legit’ blind-sighted horde who “didn’t expect” the ratio to be this bad and are actually willing to transfer. Shamans raise a issue though cause they can not be alliance.

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Map disadvantages:

  • SH graveyard is a dead end and can be blocked by farming while IB GY is open to north
  • SH bunker is almost as close to IB GY as to SH, while the closest horde tower is twice as far from SH, so horde has better reinforcement attacking SH bunker
  • IB is an in-out choke point while SH is an out only, so alliance can be blocked reaching south but horde cannot be blocked to go north
  • from IB GY a small horde team can defend towers against and alliance attack while alliance need to split into 3 teams to defend SH bunker, SH GY and IW bunker together so either all alliance defends (and eventually lose) or give open route to horde and try to zerg IB as one team (which is very easy to counter).

So usually the process is:

Version A:

  • alliance rush south
  • horde blocks mid, defends galv and IB
  • alliance wipes
  • then horde farms SH GY blocking the complete alliance team while they are taking bunkers
  • after that horde zergs DB
  • then alliance have few minutes to kill some LTs for honor until horde waits to cap aid station

Version B:

  • alliance defends Balinda
  • horde zergs SH bunker, IW bunker and SH GY and eventually blocks alliance at SH GY
  • everything else is the same as Version A

As you can see there’s no real chance for alliance to win a defense game even if every other circumstances are the same.

At the moment alliance pug needs to have the same number of players (1-5% of the games), have less afk than horde (never) and they need horde to do a mistake (pull too early and wipe at DB for example) to have a slight chance to win.

Again, the problem to premades is simple. And is not to hide the number. Hiding the number solves just a part of the problems with AV.

The real fix is to not open new AV until the previous one has at least 36 players in it. That is, open the gates if they are 5vs40 but unless that game gets full no other is to be started. That will prevent the imbalance between horde and alliance players and premades can’t get 30-35 peoples in same AV.

Done. Alliance was winning games in vanilla. All this talk about pulling, chokes, defending is just BS. The solution is to have same quality and number of players.

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Etre: I’d like that.

I completely agree.
However for some unknown reason Blizzard could never ever fix the unbalanced BG issue.
Even on retail right now it is usual to start AB with 5 v 15 and when others join horde already took all the flags.

I guess until a million people are not signing a petition and get the issue major media attention and Activision CEO would not be humiliated publicly because of running the worst competitive online game in the whole industry, well until then nothing is gonna happen.

I only see one option

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Imagine horde queues skyrocketing though. They don’t want any intelligent fix, cause that would inevitably lead to backfire.

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and noone will log off EVER so thats retarded idea nr1

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That will eventually happen regardless of blizz do anything or not.

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The problem is Blizzard only cares about subsciber numbers (money). Right now a lot of people are complaining, but still playing the game (i am a prime example myself). Also it seems to me they never had the intention to make something better out of classic. It was always seen as a source of additional revenues with low risks/costs. For shareholders and managers this sounds super awesome.

the only arguments that matter

argument 1 : #nochanges

argument 2 : #nochanges

argument 3 : #nochanges

you wanted vanilla you have vanilla

enjoy :joy:

unless you wanted to open your statement with : i thought i did but i didnt :joy:

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Except the fix doesn’t involve changes.
Second, this is not vanilla but a mismash of things that Blizz cherry picked from different time frames of vanilla.
Third, retail is just garbage. I’m already comited to another game and community. This is a just a tour because I liked the game back then.

Here is your answer:

According to your words 80% of alliance player are perfectly happy with removing afkers from their party and winning.

Horde understandably is not fine loosing and wants to return afkers/no communication into alliance parties. And alliance does not want afkers/no communitcation and so is fine with the current status. It is as simple as that.

Current problem is that communication and afkers are tied together, it is one or the other so no way both factions to be happy.

BTW If you play alliance what would you choose: afkers or communication? And what would you say to some horde trying to explain to you that the choice you made is bad for you?

So you want to keep the advantage of being the majority faction without suffering the only drawback of it and you ask us to discuss this retarded suggestion in a civilized manner? Premades are not a problem, its a result of another problem (faction imbalance) you seem to be enjoying. So no, if you don’t like getting stomped by premades don’t enter av, nothing will change.