About "Power Leveling"

Ok first I don’t know how you guys call the the players who are constantly asking high level to rush the dungeons for them, but we, the french community, we call it “power leveling” (PL).

On my server, Sulfuron, it’s a real plague.

And it’s getting worse since our servers have been locked during the lockdown :confused:

I know back in Vanilla it was already the case, but I don’t remember it was real problem like what we are experiencing right now.

Some players seem to have lost interest for the low level content. I don’t know if it’s a majority or not, but I can say for sure this is becoming really hard (I mean harder than 3 months ago) to group up and enjoy to play normally, especially Blackfathom Deeps, Shadowfang Keep, Gnomeregan, etc.

I can totally understand that some people aren’t willing to do the same content over and over, sometimes I skip zones and quests as well, but the actual situation is becoming absurd and also sad in my opinion.

What do you think we should do about it ?

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Block people who spam WTS/LF Boosts and keep looking for like minded people who want to run dungeons regularly. They play the game as they want, nothing else you can do about that.


Players will always choose the path of least resistance. I don’t like it much myself as I would much rather see people out in the world and actually being able to find a group for dungeons however if there was no boosting then the players who use this method probably wouldn’t level another toon in the first place so you would see minimal change. The game is at the point in it’s life cycle now that a lot of players have a main and an alt at max level and wouldn’t bother “leveling” another unless they had to put in minimal effort.

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I don’t like it either, but I had no problem at all when I was lvling another char recently on Earthshaker server.

You can’t make others play as YOU want


If I start blocking people selling/looking for boosted runs I might block half of my server and looking for the people willing to run dungeons regularly is exactly what I barely can do, actually it’s the whole problem…

Indeed, but some players can barely play the game as want they because we are allowing others to boost themselves and empty low level content. I may be wrong but…even if the game isn’t very well balanced for some reasons, I don’t think it has been designed to have most of his zones/dungeons deserted like this.

That’s not what I’m saying. I don’t really mind if players are boosting themselves in a way or another. But if it has an impact on the way I experience the game I will obviously start to figure out ways to fix it. This is why I’ve started this thread. I’m not saying “let’s block power leveling right now and ban all of them for exploit”, I’m just saying “can we discuss about what should be done about it ?”. Because I would like to play Classic as I want very much, like anyone else, and I don’t think I’m asking too much when I want to simply find players, group up with them and run a dungeon.

No, this is what you’re asking, to make others play as you want. If you can’t find players to lvl with you I don’t know what can be said, change the server maybe? I had no problems with that at all on my server.

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I’m not trying to “make others play as I want” , I’m trying to figure out what should be done to have them and I (or people willing to play low level content normaly like me) happy ? That’s the whole point. Until now, I just can’t play as I want because I can barely find people to do low level dungeons…do you understand ? Maybe I’m not that good at explaning things in english, sorry about that. But stop saying “I can find people on my server”, I’m happy for you, on mine it’s difficult and for serveral reasons I have no wish to move from my server.

So there are no people who want to run low lvl content as you want with you, but you’re not ok with changing the server.
The best solution is to cry on forums!

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looks like this is already going nowhere, whatever, bye

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Yep, because people came up with several solutions to your “problem” as you asked, but you just ignore all of it lmao

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There’s a very simple way to make people run low levels with you.

Pay them gold :slight_smile:

The biggest issue is that unlike Vanilla there isnt an influx of new players constantly. Most people leveling are doing their 3rd, 4th or 5th alt and are fed up with lowbie dungeons.

I agree with you, but they’re technically not doing anything wrong (until/if Blizzard responds to mob path abusing in dungeons and all) and nothing can/should be done about it. People simply don’t want to bother leveling over and over again and we can’t force them to. Many of them have done it so many times boosts are literally the only way they’ll get 60 alts. And to be honest, I don’t blame them, leveling is fun for the first few times, but after that it becomes boring.

" what should be done to have them and I (or people willing to play low level content normaly like me) happy?"

change the game, such as making it easier/less grindy/faster to level up.

Oh wait, that’s retail, and that’s not what the players wanted…

… or was it?

The level up process in Classic is terrible, it is normal that people want to skip it.

Ok I’ll give it few more try.

The solutions you are refering are basically “ignore power levelers, play the game as you want, there is nothing you can do about it unless you find another server”.

Then when something pisses players off they just have to ignore it ? Sounds like a great solutions for everything.

Our locked servers has been dying recently ? Just ignore it.
Bots destroying ingame economy ? Just ignore it.
Endless queue time ? Just ignore it.

I can’t ignore the fact that I can barely run low level content because of power levelers. I can’t ignore the fact asking for people to run low level content normally turned out to be a “weird thing”. It’s actually making me sad. No one said Classic leveling was supposed to be quick and a whole new experience everytime.

If some don’t have time or aren’t patient enough to run the same content over and over (because they have decided to reroll their 10th character…), aren’t they playing the wrong game ? Should they have stop the game before getting bored of this ? I mean…working hard in Classic it’s part of the deal, no ?

I’m not a #nochanger whatsoever but…didn’t we all sign for a Vanilla experience ? If the new players mindset is actually changing the game dramatically well…let’s find effective solutions to keep the game has is supposed to be. Power Leveling everywhere ? How about we forbid players to run dungeons with HL players ? Strange nobody actually think about this so far.

Yes some will complain about this, “…my freedom blabla…” and will probably quit the game…until they will come back later because they will realise that leveling normally with others isn’t a big deal. Because it really isn’t.

“There is nothing you can do about it”. Opening a thread is a start.

“Find a new server”. Nope, because PL is also a thing on others french servers. And I feel confortable playing amongst french speaking players (and not a small community lost in a foreign server).

“You can’t make others play as YOU want”. They can’t force players to give up on playing the game normally and switch to another server to do so as well. Because what they are doing is actually changing the game balance, do you agree ?

Are we already doing a “go to Retail” thing ? Hope not because no need for Blizz to make the game more Retail-flavoured, players are already doing it themselves. Power leveling (or “easy mode” if you prefer) has become an ingame industry, it’s hard to escape it. And because of this the zones are quite empty, some players can barely quest and spend most of their leveling time as loners (on a MMO…). I’m simply asking to make Classic…more Classic.

I think this is a major source of strife on here.

A) Players who want the game systems to be like Vanilla.

B) Players who want the game systems and how people play to be like Vanilla.

C) Players who want the game systems, how people play and how the community is be like Vanilla.

I’m in camp A because I think changing the gameplay systems to influence people to play and behave like Vanilla would require changes much greater than what can be done, because you have to take awayv15 years of skills, knowledge and social influences.

Gamers have changed a lot, this includes a focus on efficiency.

Wow Classic is a dying game, not a growing one.

I’m betting that most of us now have more money than time, unlike Vanilla when we had more time than money.

These and many other factors ensure that position A is the only sensible one to hold, since we can’t make the community nubs again and ensure that we have a constant influx of new players (not alts) that keep leveling alive.

It’s more than half on the content and it provide the best feeling of progression unlike retail for example.

I’m not here to debate about boosting but what you say is your own opinion.

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Deny access to instances from characters who outlevel them by 5 or more. No more boost selling, gold farming or power leveling. Problem solved, you’re welcome.

Should have been in the game from the very beginning, btw.


Definitely. In fact, I love levelling up! But I also empathise with those who want to skip it, especially when it’s their umpteenth alt.

Many complain about boosting and argue that it kills the spirit of the game, but they are usually being selfish: they don’t want anybody boosting because if everybody gets boosted they have nobody to do dungeons with or because they don’t want others skipping all the hard work they have to put in to reach level 60.