About "Power Leveling"

When will you realise that people are just bored of leveling. You’re 10 months late to the party and now you want everyone to drop what they’re doing because you dislike boosting.
Fact for you, if boosting didn’t exist in this form, people would find another.
Leveling in Classic is boring and mind numbing after you have done it multiple times over the years. You need to accept that and work with the cards that were dealt to you.

Both side are being selfish on this. But the reality is : the game allow it.

If they weren’t able to get boosted they would :

  • Level a new character anyway because they really want to
  • Quit / only play on 1 character

I’m using boosting but if for some reason it was nerfed i would level my alt the normal way.
Leveling is part of the game i choose to play, if i can’t skip it, i’m doing it. Else i play on a game without leveling like dungeon crawler (PvE) or MOBA (PvP)

Trying to prevent others to skip the “hard work” is a bad reason to complain about boosted players. I’m sure most of us genuinely don’t mind if one or another has been lazy or hardcore during his leveling process.

What we care is about the spirit that brings the “old school” way to play an MMO: everyone equally grinding whatever needs to be farmed, without boost or any kind of exploit (not saying “power leveling” is actually exploit, but it’s certainly not a neutral way to reach max level). Sadly, boosting has recently became the new standard (in Classic at least) while it was rather marginal back in Vanilla (and also few months ago in Classic) and it’s actually changing everything. And it might be time to say “stop and let’s talk about it”.

Everyone has the right to play a game as they want. But when some behaviors prevents others to play a game has initially intented, we also of the right to discuss of the limits of that “freedom”.

Let’s say we live in the countryside and there is a wonderful field of flowers just front of our house. Suddenly we realise that our neigbhours have all decided that it was time to build a supermarket on that field, because they are too lazy to take their car and drive 10mins for shopping. Technically they are free to do it and it’s obvisously easier for everyone (even us) to have that supermarket. But is it a good idea though ? Should someone say “stop” before it’s too late or should we let them build that damn supermarket ?

Maybe yes, maybe no. In these situation all we can do it’s to figure out quickly what are those new boosting ways, open threads and tickets to notice everyone about it. We can’t prevent new ways of boosting, but we can act to stop the ones which already exist instead of making the situation worse.

You can’t make ppl play as you want, maybe they want you to play as them, but why would you do it?
On the locked servers part - I agree here, but OP wouldn’t change server anyways because he doesn’t want to. The only remaining hope for the OP is if he will manage to find friends/suitable guild on his server or if blizzard will reopen his server (if it’s locked ofc, but that’s just an assumption).

I hate power leveling too, and on Earthshaker server I found a leveling guild and I’m still there since lvl 5. We run a lot of dungeons together while leveling. Nevertheless, I haven’t experienced big troubles finding ppl for low lvl/mid lvl dungeon runs. The only problem is that tanks can be hard to find, but after I made some tank friends it was ez.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Your welcome, please listen to mine if you have a moment

And who decides what’s good and what’s not? You?

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Try to live with it, its a part of the game. in my opinion if some are stupid enough to power level their alts all way to 60 one after another they are as stupid as people that were only interrested of raiding and rushed the content or even the dwarf priest that just dinged 60 interrested only raidin joined straight in to a guild that does BWL in 60minutes and they boosted him a gear because all of their previous pve raider priests quitted the game

Not only me please, all of us, I’m just the guy who had the idea to open a thread with this question:

Because I think we need to talk about it instead of saying “it too late”, “life is hard”, “deal with it”, “just ignore it” and so on.

So let’s discuss about it and maybe we could figure out what should be done. Bring REAL ideas, not lessons about freedom and invitations to Retail (saying this only to prevent anyone to use those arguments once again).

Who are those “all of us”? The whole wow community? Don’t think so.

Just listen, I don’t like power leveling too, but it’s their choice and it will be unfair to not let people play as they want. If that would be an exploit, they would be banned.
I mean, multiboxing concerns me much more, than people’s choice to level as they personally want.
That’s their choice to level, they have this right, as we have the right to lvl via questing/normal dungeon runs. That’s it.

Boosting has always been a thing in one way or another. You cannot prevent it and should not. People choose how they want to play.

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Probably yeah, but boosting has always been a thing in one way or another. People will always find the path of least resistance.

Relax we aren’t taking any decision here, it’s just a discussion, no need to have the whole wow community’s approbation (no sure this will ever happen btw). “All of us” means anyone who feels concerned about the Power Leveling issue and willing to discuss about it in this topic (or in another one).

Is it unfair to prevent people to build a Supermarket on the flowers field front your house because it’s easier for them to buy things ?

What is unfair, in my opinion, is to not let the game works has it was initally intended because we are letting new behaviors breaking it’s balance and prevent others players to enjoy Classic normally. If players are tired of the leveling process they have the right to:

  • play their main character exclusively (raids, farming, pvp, etc)
  • find people (guildmates, etc) to make leveling fun and enjoyful
  • take a break
  • play another game ?

Maybe you don’t really mind because things might be better on your server, and I kind of envy you, but on mine it’s becoming a meme. We make jokes about but many are genuinely tired of it. When we finally have a full group we are like “yes, finally some people willing to play Classic !”. And it’s becoming more and more frustrating when we are called “selfish boomers breaking others fun” (I’m actually a millennial and I simply want to enjoy a game for what it is).

ps: yeah me too I’m concerned about multiboxing but…let’s have only one unpopular opinion in this thread please :stuck_out_tongue:

People also didn’t have tons of add-ons back then and almost 0 info about the game.
You can’t deny the progress and reality. You have to build the time machine if you want people play as you want them to. Otherwise, it will be unfair and selfish.

Plenty of people were leveling “as intended” 10 months ago. You’re late to the party. People who take boosts already leveled “the normal way” many times over the years and don’t care about doing it for the 10th, 20th or 50th time. That’s the harsh reality and it can’t be changed.

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The best way is to make threads like this and tell everyone “you’re not playing game as intended, I know what’s better for you!!!” :sweat_smile:

Agreed, I never had a single addon few years ago, the game was mysterious, my character was total crap because I didn’t have any info and I was playing only one weekend/month on my parent’s computer. Good thing it has changed !

But new addons and new mindset doesn’t mean we can’t find ways to prevent boosting. If we don’t allow low level players to group up with high level ones to run dungeons, we are actually finding a way to prevent this behavior (not saying we should forbid it, but it looks like the best way to stop it).

We don’t ban anyone, we don’t forbid players to reroll, we don’t steal their gold, we don’t prevent them to play with others…actually we aren’t seizing anything they have. We just give back to everyone the possibilty to group up with others and run low level content normally. And if we are more effective to do so with some addons or whatever it’s fine, I don’t mind, as long as the games works as intented and the zones aren’t empy.

So it’s still all about your preferences and your selfish choices.
If people want to do boosting with the help of high lvl, they have the right to do it.
They won’t group up with you, if they hate normal leveling so much.
It feels like you’re trying to FORCE ppl play with you even if they don’t want to, creepy… Find a guild, mate.

P.S. I don’t get it how you won’t see that what you’re suggesting is selfish. It’s ok for you to have tons of addons in WoW classic, tho you didn’t had any of it back then and now you’re happy, but boosting makes your blood boil so everyone should stop it, because you and some people don’t like it. You don’t get to choose for other players what they should do with their game time that THEY bought for themselves.

You don’t “give”, the only thing you’re suggesting is to limit the possibilities for other players as well as their choices which is totally wrong

Are we back to this again ? Do you really read what I’m typing or you just want to think i’m kind of selfish ?

I’m talking about keeping the possibility to play at Classic for what it is with others players…and you call me selfish ?

People are boosting themselves for their own benefit (or selling boost) with no regards for the consequences of their behaviors…and you call me selfish ?

My proposition is simple: equal grind for everyone, the whole game content filled by players and the only thing you have to buy is…your monthly subscription.

Anyway I think I’m done for now, because I might only repeating myself over and over, you got the idea, let’s see if anyone else can bring something new to this debate.

It’s wednesday evening, I need to find a group to do Shadowfang Keep now and it might takes hours, better start asap…

A typical world of warcraft forum’s answer.

No one is stopping anyone to reroll a mage and grind like others mages, no boost, no exploit, no whatever, just a basic Classic possibility.

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You’re talking about the possibilities which makes happy only you and whoever agrees with you, it’s probably not even the majority of players.

Yes, you’re selfish. Because you’re happy when you can have the benefits for yourself despite you couldn’t get those benefits back then, but your butt getting hurt when others do it and you start crying about “good ol’ times” and playing the computer game which don’t even makes you happy, but sad. I think you’re lost.
BTW if you want equal grind for everyone don’t also forget to delete mages from the classic as well.

If the majority of players elect to get boosted, that is the choice the community made.

If the majority of players elect to premade that is the choice the community made.

If the majority of players elect to get world buffs, that’s the choice the community made.

If “we” decide, and you’re not able to play your way because the majority elects to play another way then you are the person who needs to tolerate it, adjust to it or find a new server or game to play.