About "Power Leveling"

Very much this!

I admit it can be a bit hard to adapt to these things not just in this game but in most multiplayer games. But you always have multiple choices:

  • Play your way and struggle a bit. I can guarantee you you will have a good experience questing and occasionally finding groups the regular way and will reach level 60.
  • Play the way everyone plays and have it easier. You might not enjoy it at first, but if you can afford it you will see the benefits of it and will have easier time catching up at level 60 content. Of course if it is your only character then you probably can’t afford it though.
  • Quit and find another thing to do. There are other games, possibly better games out there, really, it’s not that big of a deal.

I think people just can’t get over the fact that classic will never be the same as it was back in 2006. The main reason is that the game was new for everyone. You can’t make players to pretend that they have zero knowledge of the game.

I still level my alts via questing and standard dungeon runs, no problem with finding other players for it.

You can’t force participation. Go look for players who want to run with you, not force others out of their enjoyment.

You tried WoW Classic and realised it wasn’t for you.

At least you gave it a shot. Have fun in BFA.


It seems you have not read my other posts on this thread.

And in any case there’s a world of difference between Classic and BfA–I would never play the latter because I don’t consider that game to be WoW anymore.

Yep, sorry. I read them, but felt a childish need to poke you with a stick all the same.

If you’re going to write something as provocative as ‘Classic leveling is terrible’, then you’re going to have to defend that statement.

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The fact that boosting exists and is so widespread means my argument is not really that provocative :) For many people, especially those who have levelled up before, the game starts at level 60, and the road to 60 is slow, tedious, and unoriginal.

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Why do people keep making this a problem? If somebody wants to get boosted in dungeons it should be none of ur bussiness. Do ur own thing! Personally I like to level the “old fashioned way” but each to their own.


Isnt it quite ironic that people skip “repetative” low lvl content so they can rush to max level and play BWL 38 times? ^^ Or how about that rush to BS in AB again?
Because “that counts” right?

People are rushing towards a red light, no wonder people get bored. In life as in WoW.


Even if the road was easy, people would still choose the fastest way possible, which is boosting. I know some people will raise pitchforks here for mentioning the dreaded BFA, but even on retail with the super easy and fast leveling on the last levels, people were boosting freehold with demon hunters to be quickly done with it.

That’s the trend these past years, rush rush rush, fast eating the content and be bored. Repeat the cycle.


It’s just an efficiency thing, which has become the name of the game.

There’s plenty to do at level 60 to keep you occupied and interested for months, possibly years depending on your pace.

Just quoting this from this thread

This is all still about you forcing to play others with you, even if they don’t want to.
If some people hate leveling so much and they use boosting, they would be mad if some changes would happen AND even if they go lvl with you they will HATE it. But you get what you want, right? Not selfish at all, yep.

Imagine if someone would force you to lvl via boosting only. You would just love it, am I right?

It’s almost like the entire game is at 60 because everything before it is pointless and mind-numbingly boring.

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Imagine to spend years hoping for the return of our favorite old-school MMO and then think that half (or even more ?) of his content is finally boring/repetitive, so a majority (?) of us decide to skip most it until the only solution might soon be “boost” for the others who can’t find people to quest/run dungeons normally anymore. I already hate it.

Getting boosted is not skipping content it is content on its own way. people play different styles as a old school player should be fine with it

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Power leveling is fine, not my preferred way of leveling, but on unbalanced servers sometimes it is the best way to go about things. If you are not a neckbeard who plays the game over 5-6 hours a day every single day, you likely would prefer to make progress when you do have time to play.

That’s when it’s a good idea to get boosted a few times, quest a bit until you reach the next good dungeon boosting range and do it again. Sure it means there are less people to do dungeons with, but many wouldn’t have likely been in that pool of people to begin with for most part.

People who get boosted, either are bored with questing, are in a rush, tired of getting ganked, have limited time or simply prefer it as a leveling method in general. They should be free to go about their leveling as they please, unless it is against TOS.

I don’t have the kind of gold, that I could afford to go about most of my leveling with boosting, but currently I’d prefer it at least on a PVP server. On PVE server I’d likely go through every single quest and corner of the map.

Thanks you to bringing this issue to the forum. It is an interesting topic.


Professional Boosters detroy the spirit / heart of classic. Boosting takes away classic immersion: you don’t even talk with your party members. You just afk waiting for the booster to clear the istance then you come back from afk trade him gold and go afk again.

Boosting strongly promotes GOLD SELLING as well. Many NEW players asks for a boost. Where do these gold come from? The answer is pretty obvious.

If you allow players to boost others 1-60, It is better to create an option in the shop to buy level 60 boost. Even a NON-cross-realm LFG is far better than boosting: at least you have to coordinate and talk to the party to clear the istance.


  1. If there is a level 60 in the party, the XP gained is reduced by 75%.
  2. XP gained in raids (e.g. Zul Gurub) is reduced by 75%.
  3. If the condition at point 1 is false, but there is a 55-59 player in the party and the level gap between players is more than 5, the XP gained is reduced by 20%.
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Indeed and it’s a dangerous paths some already started to discuss:

  • FR to ENG traduction: “implement a cross-realms LFG tool, like the one we already have for PVP.”
  • FR to ENG traduction: “and then rather than paying mages to boost us we could directly buy tokens and save some time !”

Scary. And I’m not quoting the various threads simply complaining about the boost issue.

Then yeah, I’m a bit concerned about where boosting could lead us soon or later. If we keep saying “they do what they want” and /ignore the boost issue this could probably lead to something worse. :pensive:

ps: I don’t know why the links to the two french threads don’t seem to work, but for those interrested they are entitled "MONTER UN GROUPE AUJOURD’HUI and “A QUAND LES SÉSAMES 60?”.