About Premades!

Its a good job this is your opinion. Many thanks for boosting the post. I sincerely hope that blizz/activision see things in a different light when they realise just how many people are unhappy with the current situation.

By the way, it wasn`t an argument, it was genuine bewilderment

Maybe the people who are unhappy with Classic shouldn’t be playing Classic?

It isn’t a game for everybody, it wasn’t marketted towards everybody. If you want to play a version of WoW that tries to cater to everybody, go to retail.

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The truth hurts…

That’s why you are so angry and post personal attacks.

Oh man im sooo hurt it burns it burns Did it hurts your eyes Miylee???
Off to eat my curry…been fun guys

Yes it will help my cause when Blizzard read this thread. You see, you post personal attacks and talk about feelings and arbitrary opinions while people like me post well formulated arguments in line with the Classic spirit and announcement statements at Blizzcon and various interviews with officials.

Yarr…what ever mate. I made my point and I stand by it. I find your arguments, amusing at best. Premades currently are a cancer. Like it or not Blizz/activision will also come to the same conclusion.
Curry calls BB/HF

What exactly is your point? Can you make one nice post just talking about your point without any personal attacks or silly things. Just make your argument again, clean. And let me respond. Lets try that. A civil discussion. It’s OK do disagree.

YOu play bad genre an game for that kind of thing.

Or you guys who want to play some perversion of our beloved vanilla should just sod off? We’re going to argue to make the game more like it was because unlike you, we actually want to play vanilla. Deal with it.

Solo queues won’t make battlegrounds solo, no matter how hard you try to pretend it will. The current honor meta is unauthentic and maintaining it is not important at all, which completely kills your entire argument against solo queues. In fact, the honor meta should go back to solo play and small group play, that’s how it was for the majority of the time vanilla was played on the majority of the servers.

We thought we did, and we absolutely do. You’re just gonna have to accept that whatever you’re defending isn’t what we ever wanted or asked for.

You’re wrong. The majority of players don’t play the majority of games. It’s a pretty simple and well known concept. Just read the wikipedia page on the Pareto Principle.

Everyone should also keep in mind that you have never even played vanilla so you don’t even know what this game was all about. Just as with Miylee you should just sod off and accept that the people who really want to play vanilla will keep asking to fix this unauthentic recreation.

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That’s hands down the weirdest comment I have ever seen on this forum…

People are claiming that in 90% or 95% of all battlegrounds they play they face premades. That means that 90% of all players in battlegrounds today play in a premade. Perhaps more people would play pugs if there were less premades, but that doesn’t change the indisputable fact that if you face 90% premades then 90% of the players are playing in premades.

How people choose to play in 2006 doesn’t matter at all for Classic as it’s a recreation of the GAME, not how people choose to play the game.

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No. You’re wrong. You can have 500 pugs playing 1 game each (giving you 50 WSG games) and 100 premaders (so 10 premades) playing 20 games each (giving you 200 WSG games. The 500 pugs outnumber the 100 premaders but 80% of the games were premades. So much for your indisputable fact.

No. You’re wrong. You can have 500 premades playing 1 game each (giving you 50 WSG games) and 100 pugs (so 10 pugs) playing 20 games each (giving you 200 WSG games. The 500 premades outnumber the 100 pugs but 80% of the games were premades. So much for your indisputable fact.

See, I can also make up numbers. It’s easy. (I just took your made up numbers and switch them around, it’s not really facts at all you see).

You are legit stupid. I provided a direct counterexample for your claim. Switching the numbers around doesn’t invalidate my counterexample.

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Why would I do that when I’ve asked for, waited for and fought for an authentic Blizzard classic experience for longer than most people have known these forums existed?

I knew what I wanted, I knew what I was asking for, I knew how modern people would play the old game. I had all of that information available to me beforehand, as did you. There’s no reason and no excuse for you to not know things would be like this when you signed up.

You can’t make the game like it was by changing the game. That’s outright idiotic and it’s a failed calculation.

You can’t change a part of the game and just hope that players head in the direction that you want them to. They’re not going to do that, that experiment has already been tested.

Private servers seperated queues. The result was that the premade queue was only useable by the top end players, and the solo queue was infested by bots and AFKers. Is that the Vanilla experience you want?

Furthermore, your campaign is utterly self-righteous. Will seperate battleground queues also stop a large fraction of the playerbase from clearing raids? How about raids downed in a day? Will seperate queues stop people from only gathering herbs that are useful for raid potions?

No, it wont do any of that. All it’ll do is screw casual premades over.

“Unauthentic” my right butt cheek. People back in the day premaded too. Less people did it, because less people were experienced with the game. Less people were end game focussed and less people even knew what they were doing.

Nothing you’ve said kills my argument, nor does any of it even have a leg to stand on. You want to bring back an impossible experience. Each person’s experience of Vanilla was different to somebody else’s, there’s no possible way AT ALL for everybody to relive their experience, some contradict others.

Some people remember pre-BWL Vanilla, some people remember pre-BG Vanilla, others only remember pre-TBC Vanilla. They were all different.

You thought you did and it turns out you don’t. If you want changes to Classic, you never wanted Classic in the first place.

Cold hard reality.

You should probably just go back to posting single sentences to snippets of posts. And while you’re at it; you might want to go to retail, too.

Speaking of retail. Wanna know how retail ended up like it did? Because of people complaining about things not being fair or accessible. Because of people wanting to be seperated from other players.

Which is exactly where “seperate BG queues” leads us.

So I am stupid when I used your argument and made up numbers based on nothing just like you did? Well ok then… I agree.

But I see your point. More puggers can play less battlegrounds so it’s probably not 95% premades. Ok.

Doesn’t change a thing.

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god you’re so dumb in all your arguments…

At Least I have one…

All premade posts are literally Bodiesan and Miylee telling some solo queuer why he should be camped at gy until game ends.


No, the posts are me and Bodisan talking about why changes are bad and why people should adapt instead of expecting daddy Blizzard to hold their hands.