About this titanforge removal, and screwing up the casual base

bye. See you later. If titanforging is what kept you interested in this game, then you definitely won’t be missed.

that’s mostly mythic+'s fault at this point. I mean take mythic+ away, and tell me if it’s actually easy to gear up. The answer would be a big NO. They should limit the drops of mythic+ dungeons. You get one guaranteed weekly drop as well as a chance to get a drop each time you run a dungeon. And since keystones basically means a mythic dungeon reset, which normally should be a once every week thing, we have an excessive amount of gear presence in the game.

If blizzard wants to fix that issue, first they need to limit the item drops of mythic dungeons. But i don’t think they’ll ever do that, due to how popular mythic+ seems to be.

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Definitely agree except on the small minutia of how hard it should be to gear up. I think the game drops too many items even without infinitely farmable M+, but I recognise that M+ is a huge part of the issue here.

i heared the same time in WoD - when it was raid or die time

strangely blizzard stopped posting sub numbers after loosing 5 mln players in 6 months who openly refused to raid and play game in this form.

gee i wonder why they did that.

once again raiding is severly negatively impacting game.

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That’s more the fault of the personal loot system than titanforging.
It’s stupid that you can’t trade loot if it gets +5 ilvl randomly making it untreadable.

I dunno, maybe the sub losses in WoD were to a complete lack of content at endgame throughout the entire expansion?
That would be my guess.
Having TF certainly wouldn’t have fixed that, hell WF +6 ilvl was in WoD and that didn’t help anything.

one thing though, TF and WF is one huge reason, we have Raider io now, becuse you can not se who actualy has done a M+ or raid other wise unless you armory everyone of them, but whit no TF and WF it becomes more obivous on who has done a raid etc… offcourse we still will have the problem where you get declined to even a normal mythic becuse your Rio or ilvl is not in par whit the ilvl 200 leader who wants everyone to be 500+, but thats nothing we can do about.

I am no super hardcore my self, but the times, my guild has pugged for raids, we have gotten people that got high ilvl and do like 15k dps in 430 gear, it is like how is that even possible, well then again we had a paladin who was 4 in mythic epl, that had no clue what he was doing and didnt even beat our tanks on dps also.

but still whit no TF and WF it is better, as long as people aint to stopid and ask for to high gear for content that it aint needed in. but also at same time, it might actualy become easier for more casual players, becuse if they just do some content their gear wont be so much lower than someone who got stopidly lukcy. whit tf and wf.

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You take m+ away or gut it and a great amount of players will leave.

I dont get the whole ‘raids must be the ultimate’ mindset that players have and id go as far as to say m+ can be more demanding content at the high end of keys, you dont have a 20 person raid to cover your mess ups, you have a timer a never ending difficulty curve etc.

I understand that was the case in the past where raids were the be all and end all but from what i can gather very few people actually raided, so the content was made only for that 1% that did it. Sure take m+ away and force the ‘raid or die’ mentality so only the top 1% can actually achieve anything you’ll end up like wildstar. Gaming in general isnt what it was 5/10 years ago.

The only people that got pissy and whined about others getting TF a from say m+ (like my 450 belt) was because they want to feel special and talk down on people.

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Removal of TF wont affect casuals. in fact i dont think it would affect them at all. Corrupted items are for worse system to replace it though. I dont understand how item that rng goes to the power of 3 or 4 which is insane variaton for a single item. You could farm an item for literal years and still not get a BiS.
The removal wont affect casuals. Corrupted gear however will make life worse for casual. Simply due to the amount of times the rng can ding on a single item.

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and now they have no content again .

without TF once they are done with emisaries gear they are done with game till 9.0 as they have nothing to pursue unless they join extremly toxic enviroments of mythic + / raiding.

once again raiding is having direct negative impact on game.

So we have around 1-2 weeks before your account runs out of playtime. Can I take over your ingame gold and various rare items? I am discrete and will take good care of these items.

Let me know how we can proceed with the transaction.

first of all, mythic 10 is none of those. What you’re referring to is significantly higher keys.

Second, I’m not talking about reducing the gear level it drops. even though it’s kind of ridiculous that you get a better than heroic gear once every week from mythic 10’s but whatever.

Third, This is the main issue. People got used to getting a lot of high end gears from a content that should have only dropped gear once every week.

And as long as too many gears exist in this game, you can’t do anything about it. Without titanforge and socket RNG, people are done with gearing up, at least to acceptable levels in a matter of 3~4 weeks, if they spam mythic+ enough. Something that you can’t do with any other content. So blizzard’s kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. They can’t reduce the gear drops so they have to deal with titanforge, and they can’t remove titanforge or people will be done before even a month passes.

I’m almost certainly sure the fact that pvp vendors were removed from this game is directly caused by how much gear mythic+ is dropping. Even if blizzard doesn’t admit it. They kind of were forced to limit the high end gear and pvp vendors took the fall for it.

So i don’t know what blizzard can do, or what they will do, but i don’t see a future where even titanforge removal would make things better. As much as it’s a bad system, It kind of is like a rusted and nearly torn rope barely holding everything together.

I won’t quit over it (if they make something similar a major feature for the next expansion I might), but it’s just stupid what they’re doing.
They’re pissing off people who liked TF.
They’re pissing off people who didn’t like TF.
They’re pissing off people who didn’t mind either.

From the reactions to this horrible new system it seems like a vast majority does not like it (the reasons for that vary greatly).

I’m seeing TF haters and TF lovers unite in a common dislike for corruption - I suppose that’s the one good thing that this system is doing.

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So not being able to get a better gear without going into raiding/M+ wont affect casuals? Uh huh.

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I’m curious how many times people have to repeat this until someone starts to believe it. Rio has nothing to do with titanforge and it’s not the reason it was created. Titanforge has a minor impact on your gear, usually 3-5 ilvl and this goes for everyone so its removal won’t change anything in this regard.


In their eyes it won’t. They only think in ways like: you need X gear to do Y content. They don’t think in ways like: just having fun and hey, getting upgrades is FUN. Gone are upgrades. In fact, you’re going to get gear you’ll have to cleanse before it becomes usable and maybe it’s not an upgrade then anymore. Yay… :sob::sob::sob:

This is true. Elitists are going to ‘elite’ regardless. :crazy_face:

I do not think it will affect anything. I get normal raid ilvl gear from emissaries and that is enough, no need to suffer in any group content that gives gear. Done 0 LFR/NM raids in BFA and no mythics at all, not even m+0.

I do not care that titan forging is going I’ve always believed best gear from the highest tier.

I’m glad they are locking down the ilevel .

I do not touch any kind of group content as I really do not care about gear I like collecting things and story I will only ever rage when they lock story/professions behind a raid or mythic dungeon.(wrathion questline)

I do not chase the gear carrot at all and do whatever I usually like when I’m in game.
when I joined in MoP that’s kind of what I want to go back to valor points to get gear, reforging, socket making and selling the socket on the AH.

Corruption doesn’t appeal I’m just going to cleanse the gear as stated I don’t do anything above open world content a teeny bonus here means nothing.

Without TF now they can actually have some motivation to get better at the game and join a guild and maybe even raid.

Why is every guild environment toxic?
What did you have a bad experience in some random guild and now all guilds are toxic?
And if this happened multiple times maybe the problem isn’t in the guild?

Since this is an MMO, raiding should always bring in the best gear with exceptions being pvp and maybe high level m+.
If you don’t want to participate in group content then that’s your problem, and if you don’t want to do harder content, why do you need the gear anyway?

What benefit does TF give you if you’re not actually gonna use that gear for anything?
Is it to just have higher numbers so you can feel good about yourself?
Why do you need to be pushed by a system instead of actually getting better and doing it yourself which is imo. a much better feeling anyway, overcoming a challenge that makes you care about the game and about your character.

You can still get better gear from emissaries than normal raids and mythic 0 dungeons. so yes you can still get better gear from not touching raiding and dungeons.

The emissaries and world quest reward scale. like right now you can get 415 from emissary as max and 390/400 (not 100% sure here) from world quest as max. And this is just the base without any forging. Which I believe the scaling will remain the same coming 8.3 you should get normal raid / normal mythic dungeon equivalent from emissaries and world quest.

If you want high ilvl then of course you need to do higher content like heroic raiding / M+ dungeons then of course you need to put in effort those weren’t meant for super casuals. I say super casual cause right now with M+ normal casuals can do heroic raiding it’s just so easy with the 440 weekly rewards from M+10.

What in the heck does raiding have to do with any of this?

Exactly. Even raiders got **** all that expansion. There were like 3 raid tiers. They were pretty good, yeah, but most expansions have 5-6 raid dungeons.

WoD just had no content. Nothing to do with raiders.