About this titanforge removal, and screwing up the casual base

Mythic raiders do not care a second about lfr.

Titanforging is not just removed. It is exchanged for a more challenging system that will open different gameplay and strategies.
What’s wrong with that and why do you always have to be so boring?

but i did, long long before u even step foot in wow, dont assume things
The fact that i chose not to be active this expansion does not mean i did not raid or dont knowwhat mythic raiding is
Is that your last resort to defend your line?
(for off specs)

What? I have multiple CE-s, for pretty much ever raid I’ve raided since I started playing retail in WoD.
Only raids that I progressed but failed to get CE for some reason were Uldir and ToS.

Nothing selfish about wanting for the hardest raid content to drop the best gear.
That just makes sense.

Not in my experience, there’s toxic people everywhere, both hardcore and casual just like there’s good people everywhere.

Then let him quit, I’m not gonna try and make him stay, he can do whatever he wants.

I fail to see how WoD has anything to do with this, seeing as how people then quit for entirely different reasons and not because of one small change to the game.

Because this is an mmo, and it is an rpg.
And in rpg-s you progress by doing harder content and getting better gear.

Also you still have multiple ways of getting high gear, raids, m+ and pvp.
World content should never give comparable gear most world content is solo content and wow is an mmo that focuses on group content.

There is a combination of getting loot and getting challenged. Dont think people raid ONLY for the loot. Loots makes it funnier, but its hardly the only reason for raiding mythic.

Weak. Get your gear up to a reasonable level pugging and then apply. Dont expect to be carried.

Lol, what number did I speak of? and when did I moan about LFR and TF? You have no idea what you talking about.

I don’t know your story and why you get declined but don’t assume things. I personally always help people, i’ve done M+10 that lasted over 1 hour just helping out undergeared people from community get weekly 10.

Don’t assume everyone is elite or toxic.

I am just saying stop assuming the worst when you haven’t even tried things.


dude wth, Don’t you read where my message is replied to. I have no idea what your point is? so it’s really irrelevant. You raiding or not raiding I don’t care. I was replying to Graner.

Do you agree with him that raiders raid for loot? If so then I don’t agree with you. I raid for progression.

Applying to a Mythic raiding guild after only doing lfr is like applying to Blizzard for Lead dev spot while only finishing high school with average grades.
Of course you’re not gonna get accepted.

Guilds want to see how good of a player you really are and that’s where previous experience, logs and gear come into account.
They’re not just gonna take some random with 430 gear that barely knows how to play and that’s gonna need to get carried.
A lot of the times in mythic raids it’s better to have 19 ppl than have 20 while 1 person doesn’t know what to do and wipes the raid every time.

Random chance of getting better version of the item doesn’t mean the gear progression is better. There are games like Path of Exile if you like that kind of a gear progression.
Wow had a good gear progression until it was ruined by forging.
What makes a good progression in my opinion is that it has an end. With forging you can never have perfect gear.

I mean sure games are there for fun. what people find fun is subjective. Whats been suggested by some raiders is that the game be tailored for only one type of person/so only one type of person can progress which means you alienate the rest.

After you’ve done the quests and the story all you have left till next patch is essentially gear progression. There needs to be multiple ways to do this. Mythic raiders gear progression is faster than someone who say does solely m+. That is the difference. You do harder content you get your progression quicker so you get upto that power level sooner. Why does it matter if it takes you 2 months to reach that level and someone who only does m+ takes 6 months? Its just artificial ceilings to make a certain group feel special. You have you’re bragging rights through your achievements/myth specific mounts.

its quite specifically classed as an MMORPG game.

it doesnt. world content doesnt give 445 ilvl stuff. it gives 415 at max unless you get a stupid lucky TF

I wonder what the next big thing to whine about will be now that TF is going.

Quitting the game because you can’t get mythic ilvl gear from tagging the last hit on a world quest mob anymore? Are you 8 years old?

how do you know if they barely know how to play if you dont give players a chance?
new players are then just bottom feeders?
you ahve issues, boys… big issues

Like I said the fun comes from doing content with your friends. I personally don’t play WoW for gear progression. It is the challenge that keeps me playing.

Ilvl is just a number means nothing if you don’t put it to use. So you can have all the titanforge 455ilvl but you not pushing that mythic raid or high keys. What is the point?

A lot of mythic raiders do mythic raid not for the loot but it’s the challenge and the feeling of progressing each boss at a time. Like I said people who think otherwise don’t know anything, with this tier benthic 425 are bis. So most people only have 2 bosses that actually give you upgrades. Not to mention even Queen Ashzara no longer gives you better loot. You get your bis weapon from the 1st or 2nd bosses now. So why bother doing 8/8 raiding? if you just want loot.

You don’t need high ilvl to do high keys. So it’s not really stopping anyone. Just weekly chest items should get you to high keys, but usually you will need meta classes. Which this is another issue it itself.

Corruption is no different for the casuals than Titanforging was. If anything a good Corruption provides MORE secondaries than a Titanforge EVER could.

Bad players doing easy content will also find dealing with corruption far easier. After all the slow wont matter if you aren’t dodging the non lethal mechanics, the damage field won’t oneshot you either, and you will likely not get up to the mob that chases you in corrupted items before you casually level your cloak and equip the new shiny essences all of which reduce your corruption.

This system as it stands only negatively impacts those competing at Mythic levels as the haves will be far ahead of the havenots in a system that you cannot influence if you get the right corruption(impact of a mythic piece having Crit damage or Extra Crit is far more than the current +10 max ilvl, which for rings is only 17 extra secondaries and with a 2hander 56 main stat and 11 secondaries. Right now in a fairly unoptimized set I’d get 67 extra Haste for an example, and that is worth way more since I could at best gain 7ish Haste from +10 ilvl and 4 from my second best secondary as well as 56 main stat, which gonna be like a third or fourth of the gain purely getting a secondary would be).

I hope they fix the latter, by making corruption somehow managable by at least letting us reroll corruptions on an item in hopes of getting a good one, but as it stands casuals have little to complain about. Their LFR pieces with Crit Damage or extra Secondaries will probably be better than pure Mythic pieces with no corruption though probably the chance of landing ideal corruptions is lower than getting a +15 ilvl right now(but not as rewarding anyways)

In the casuals have the least to complain about here.

I don’t know your story, but if you are within the right ilvl and have done your homework, reading up tactics, and prepared flask and pots. I don’t think people will decline you.

Even if there is real elite guild you applied to. But out of 10 of the guilds at least half will accept you. WoW is a lot less toxic then what people make it to be.

That’s because raiding, especially mythic, requires a lot more time than anything else, requires a lot more patience, a lot more time grinding islands, world quests, warfronts for ap, it also requires good gear.

What? You can literally spam m+ as much as you want, +10 is super easy and it gives 430 loot with a tf chance.
Killing bosses in mythic is much harder than anything in m+ that’s not higher than like a +20.
You have to sacrifice a lot of time to raid mythic, for an average mythic raiding team it takes months upon months of progression to clear the raid, and then for all that effort to be for nothing when you randomly do a heroic run and get a 440 piece with a socket that’s better than your 450 without one.

But it has a chance to give not comparable but better loot than a mythic raid, like I said, I’m fine with warforging, like +10 ilvls or whatever, but not if it can go by +50 ilvls and render everything else useless.

Because they can see your progression, they can see your ilvl, maybe someone from their guild knows you and notifies their officers.

But the most important thing that you need to have in retail wow are logs, if you don’t have logs, no matter how good of a player you are you’re probably not gonna get accepted.
Because logs tell everything, how much dps you did, your movements, your cd usage, did you dps w-hore or not, did you actually help your raid with your actions.
People sometimes get recruited solely by their logs because they’re the most important thing to have.

I do agree on the comparison of m+ vs mythic raiding. This tier specifically Ashvane Mythic has been called the guild breaker. cause a lot of guilds get stuck on her for months and still fail to take her down. With guilds even giving up.

But to the point of logs. Not every guild is that elite that requires certain percantile. I am sure there are tons of guilds that will just accept anyone. for just heroic raiding. and then maybe test your dps or review your performance during heroic raids.

Mythic raiding you need to pull dps / heals. And of course you need to have cleared heroic just depends how bad you are. I feel a casual that does his homework can do it. It isn’t that crazy hard.

Find a guild and progress heroic with, and then eventually mythic. If you are constant with your dps. and raid attendance you will definitely get a mythic raiding spot. You need to build relationships, this is a MMO.

I pretty much don’t raid. Full stop.
I do LFR usually to see the storyline content and sometimes a few more runs if there’s a transmog in there that I want (which hasn’t happened in a while - but that’s an entirely different matter).

I’m not an expert. Just using my brain and common sense.

And you never will. Btw, did Tsjod mention ‘mythic raiding’? No. He said ‘want to raid’ as in ‘any kind of raid’. If you, as a mythic raider, take ‘doing a raid’ as only mythic raiding, then that’s your fault and it would point to a lack of ability to see the greater picture on your part.

Ok yeah youare right in that sense people do Normal and LFR for the loot. Not for the progress.

I know for Heroic it’s mainly for the curve achievement. And Mythic is for the challenge.

But all I meant was if you not part of this so called large group then you shouldn’t assume they are the majority. Cause like Tsjod said and we seem to only know the some that does it for the progression.